Temur Midrange: Bestial Wrath(Retired)
Achaikos58 says... #2
Not a stupid suggestion, but I currently have Sylvan Caryatid filling this role until Theros block rolls off and then will put him back in that slot. Defender with hexproof makes for a little beefier protection early game.
February 23, 2015 3:22 p.m.
I agree that Temur Ascendancy combo has lost its element of surprise at this point. Combo decks tend to have a short lifespan based on how quickly the meta catches on to their plan. With that said, I'm not entirely sure the card is worth running as a three-of on its own. I think it has some use turning all your big guys into can trips if your opponent has removal,
And speaking of removal, I would recommend running 2-3 Crater's Claws mainboard, probably over Kiora. She just feels like she wants to play more of a control strategy, we saw her last weekend in Sultai control. Claws are never a dead draw in my opinion - you can burn anything, including your opponent's face if they're creatureless. I'd also recommend some Lightning Strike and/or Wild Slash for sideboard if not mainboard - they answer a LOT in standard at instant speed. Mentor, Grand Master, Rabble, fleecemane, the list goes on and on.
Reality Shift is another standard-worthy spot removal card. Sure it gives them a manifest, but 2-mana exile in BLUE, it deals with everything and usually gives them nothing in exchange, or worse than nothing if you hit one of their key spells. I'd bring it in against any opponent running Courser of Kruphix - you wait for them to turn over their favorite Walker, then exile the Courser (or biggest threat on the field), manifest Elspeth into a 2/2.
Other than that, really not in a bad state mainboard right now, needs some Wooded Foothills because yeah...fetchland. Also has good interaction with Courser, being able to shuffle away a dead draw from the top of your library. The sideboard needs refining, I don't think the Mistcutter Hydras are that great since blue-black/sultai control decks are going to try their hardest to keep your mana acceleration off the field so you can't make him huge. I'd run a third Surrak Dragonclaw in Sideboard for control match-ups, sure he's legendary, but against counter-heavy decks, you want a copy in hand.
Oh, and you might reconsider Sagu Mauler as a sideboard for control - cheats in under disdainful stroke with morph, eats Siege Rhino face-up, and you have Stubborn Denial for their board-wipes. Btw, run a fourth denial in sideboard if not main, it's so hard to play around and it answers everything - spot removal, wipes, combat tricks, and especially opponent's card advantage / combo pieces. The last thing you want to do is let a control deck resolve Dig Through Time.
February 23, 2015 9:44 p.m.
joriiiii12345 says... #4
I reallly like your decklist! +1! I'm just wondering: Do you really think the scrylands are worth it? don't you mind losing the tempo you would have with painlands?
Also, I would really appreciate it if you take a look at my temur budget deck, My Temur Owned!
February 24, 2015 3:48 p.m.
DukeSteele says... #5
This deck is beautiful, makes me want to play Temur again :-)
Whats the stratey vs these new Boros kids spamming their Monastery Mentor and burn spells?
February 26, 2015 7:24 p.m.
Achaikos58 says... #6
Ryx Made a couple of changes you suggested and this this will run a little cleaner. Sideboard got a pretty good overhaul.
February 27, 2015 11:08 p.m.
Shmizzerdrix says... #7
Temur is my favorite wedge, but I haven't had much luck running it because I didn't buy into Theros block (yet). Love this deck, it gets my "I started playing this game during the Legions block" inner Timmy going.
Also, I really like this deck. The Temur Sabertooth with Temur Ascendancy is a great combo, and as a relatively budget-bound player I appreciate not relying hard on infinite combos. +1 for sure.
February 28, 2015 1:36 p.m.
i always liked fleetfeather cockatrice in these decks as a side against stormbreath in the mirror or against RDW.
March 1, 2015 2:06 p.m.
Derelor now that you mention it like that Fleet feather is awesome!
March 4, 2015 9:57 a.m.
realmwalker says... #10
Shaman of the Great Hunt? bigger creatures. more card draw. nuff said
March 9, 2015 7:36 p.m.
So I've been playing a slightly tweaked version of this build with great success at several of the local game stores in my area. Maybe you can take a look at it and tell me what you think? http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/temur-midrange-bestial-wrath-drunktank-style/
Hjaltrohir says... #1
This is probably a stupid suggestion, but wouldn't Rattleclaw Mystic be really sweet in here?
February 23, 2015 1:49 p.m.