Temur Ramp into...Land Destruction?

Standard Chestnut27


Araganor says... #1

Blue seems unnecessary here, I would just make this R/G for better consistency.

November 15, 2015 5:42 p.m.

Araganor says... #2

Sorry for double-post. I would cut the Knuckleblades and the Sarkhan Unbroken for Thunderbreak Regent.

November 15, 2015 5:45 p.m.

Chestnut27 says... #3

You do make an excellent point, as I'm not really getting the value out of blue that I could be. However, this is still just a rough draft, so things are still likely going to change. I'm considering putting Radiant Flames in; do you think that would make the blue splash worth it? Also, while I like Thunderbreak Regent a lot, he doesn't help me ramp into any bigger threats or give my other guys abilities other than activating ferocious. Granted, neither does Knuckleblade, so I suppose I should consider that as well. Thanks for the suggestion, Araganor!

November 15, 2015 8:43 p.m.

monkeynutts85 says... #4

I would go so far to say remove the Dragonlord Atarka and the Knuckleblades and reduce the Whisperwoods to 2.

Add more land and spells that let you search for lands as CMC 7 for a few things will be a stretch with 23 lands.

If you have fetches you could get to blue a lot easier if you wanted to.4x Wooded Foothills and 4x Windswept Heaths, which will give you access to Prairie Stream, Canopy Vistas and Cinder Glades

I would then put in Woodland Wanderer's as you can get a 6/6 for 4cmc on the board, also it's trample and vigilance, which can put pressure on your opponents life total, whilst still being able to block if need be......Lastly Wanderers are not double colour either so there isn't a struggle to get two greens available, which may allow you to do something else in your turn.

I agree Thunderbreak Regent is a good shout and stops Mantis Rider aggro etc, but if you stragically destroy lands then they shouldn't be getting any tri-coloured creatures out.

November 26, 2015 8:05 a.m.

DoapSope says... #5

DO Destructor Dragon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG IT WOULB A BEAST WITH SARKHAN AND RAMP!

December 8, 2015 6:21 p.m.

TMBRLZ says... #6

A six mana 4/4 with a death trigger?


December 9, 2015 5:34 p.m.

TheHelvault says... #7

Another common misconception is that there isn't much of a budget option for standard right now, and you've shown that up. Great job!

December 9, 2015 5:43 p.m.

Chestnut27 says... #8

Thanks everyone for the advice! DoapSope, Desructor Dragon would be a really cool addition to the deck, but it sadly just doesn't have quite enough power, when I could be casting Atarka for just one more mana. Thanks for the suggestion!

December 13, 2015 4:29 p.m.

Vizer6 says... #9

As one of the poor, poor victims of this deck, I can attest to the sheer, utter, ** that this deck whips out first hand. You might think it easy to win.


Once your lands start going bye bye, there is no hope. Actually, you might as well concede as soon as you know this is the deck you are facing down (read: going to get S-H-R-E-C-K-E-D with, then doubt your worth as a player). There is no winning. This is thee end time deck.

Our collective futures are bleak.

December 16, 2015 8:49 p.m.

TMBRLZ says... #10

I think I read one of this guy's books before.

December 17, 2015 9:54 a.m.

Ryyan says... #11

In which spots do the fetch lands replace what other lands?

December 21, 2015 2:02 a.m.

reptarjesus says... #12

I need to make this deck. It's cheap, it's creative, it's gimmicky, and it pisses people off. I like it.

December 22, 2015 3:20 a.m.

Chestnut27 says... #13

Ryyan: I just made a couple versions that include the fetch lands. If you have that kind of cash, I'd probably also throw in a single Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, as he'd work well with the ramp. Additionally, blue is a bad color for red and green, so I made two separate versions of this deck: one that keeps all the cards intact but completely changes the lands, and one that switches to a pure R/G base. It's up to you which one looks better. In the red/green version I just filled the holes with more burn that this deck needs, but it'd be open to other threats as well.

R/G Ramp into...Land Destruction? (With Fetches!)

Standard Chestnut27


Temur Ramp into Land Destruction! (W/ FETCHES)

Standard Chestnut27


Hopefully these look okay! It might be necessary to go up to 24 lands with all the fetches, but I doubt it. Let me know what you think!

reptarjesus: Thanks for the praise! It always makes me happy to know that somewhere, someone is getting more pissed off because of this deck. Glad you liked it!

December 23, 2015 1:18 a.m.

Vizer6 says... #14

Being ANOTHER victim of this deck, I can testify to its effectiveness. Quite often it starts hitting lands on turn 3, which is a problem for my deck seeing how most cards in it cost 3 to cast. Problem is, it doesn't always hit its land destruction fast enough. I've been able to beat this deck a couple of times due to a little inconsistency with the destruction. The main problem with this deck is that it can't hold its own if it misses those triggers.

December 23, 2015 4:12 p.m.

Vizer6 says... #15

Oh I'm not Vizer, he logged in on my computer, sorry!

December 23, 2015 4:13 p.m.

lidlett says... #16

Really digging this deck. Though the only issue I worry about is aggro with atarka wins being so quick it makes me nervous to play it.

December 24, 2015 2:39 p.m.

Chestnut27 says... #17

lidlett: Atarka Red is a pretty big problem for this deck. I tried to make the sideboard good for the match up, as all of their creatures die to Fiery Impulse, Brutal Expulsion, and Roast, and the recently added Radiant Flames. Dispel also stops their Titan's Strength, Become Immense, and Temur Battle Rage. However, sometimes that isn't enough, and it's easy to get overrun. If you have any suggestions, let me know! If you have a lot of Atarka red in your meta, it might be a bit tougher, but you could probably alter the deck slightly to make the match up a bit easier.

December 24, 2015 7:09 p.m.

lidlett says... #18

The only advice I can think of is to add tectonic edge when it comes out in the new expiation.

December 25, 2015 11:56 a.m.

I've been working on this deck as well, but from a totally different angle. I got the idea from Against the Odds, and tried to build on it. I ended up with a kind-of-ramp deck focusing on card advantage, surge, and funny little cards that nobody notices. I only have one or two big win conditions, but there are some amazing quirky cards that pump out advantage. Jace's Sanctum: a normal dud card that goes over the top with land destruction. Howl of the Horde: an oddity that, with Jace's Sanctum, let's you - wait for it - turn 6, destroy SEVEN LANDS. The newest metagame being an Eldrazi Ramp deck with almost zero creatures that cost less than 7 and combo pieces that only work at 7 lands, it's blown out of the water. Running a prototype with nearly no ramp, half the land destruction, and bad draw-mechanic cards, I could almost beat a top-tier standard deck on a good hand.

January 30, 2016 11:58 p.m.
January 31, 2016 12:02 a.m.

Chestnut27 says... #21

Jace's Sanctum sounds amazing to reduce the cost, but for four mana, it seems like too much. I would rather be casting land destruction by then, as shutting them down early game is key. I would totally play Goblin Electromancer if he was legal in this format, though. Howl of the Horde is a very interesting idea as well, as copying land destruction is amazing. I hope it went well for you! I also got this idea from Against the Odds, but I felt the blue splash for Sarkhan and Dispel was worth it. I also wasn't fond of his 4 Outpost Siege or Radiant Flames mainboard, and I like this version a lot better, even without fetches.

January 31, 2016 6:14 p.m.

First, I must say I am happy to get a response! Indeed, Goblin Electromancer would be outstanding. I have considered Sarkhan myself for ramp, fixing, and card draw, but am on quite a budget at the moment. However, I have actually had more time to test it out and refine it. I, too, worry about the potent 3-drops and am currently only running two of Jace's Sanctum. Have you considered Whisperer of the Wilds in place of Rattleclaw Mystic? Using it (Sometimes paired with Frost Walker) I have the option to destroy a land turn 3, or destroy 3 on turn 4 and scry twice. If you would like the decklist to compare, I'll gladly work on getting it posted.

February 2, 2016 1:28 a.m.

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