
This deck revolves around using the massive wilderness reclamation untapped lands mana to explode your opponent with counterspell backup. Below are the reasons why the card exist in the deck.

The core: Wilderness reclamation = core Expansion//explosion = wincon Growth spiral = dig tools, save you 2 life from shocklands, ramp like never before Search for azcanta = dig tools, not exactly core but very nice to have Chemister insight = masive dig tools

The supplements: Shock = kill small threats or aim at planeswalkers Spell pierce = good againts other counters or spectacles Negate = Better chance againts control Electrodominance = big burn spell that can drop wilderness at instant speed Beacon bolt = big threats Ionize = izzet colour focused counter spell that also helps lowering opponent life Fiery canonade = good againts creature based aggro Merfolk trickster = adanto vanguard and ghitu lavaruner dissabler, instant speed creature, tapping threats

Sideboard: Negate = againts control Uncomfortable chill = creature based aggro Spell pierce = againts control Entrancing melody = steal flying jellyfish Niv mizzet parun = gg againts control and mono blue Gift of paradise = soothe your burn and mana fixing if necessary Root snare = creature based aggro

Please forgive me for any typos :p, suggestion is much needed as this is my first time building deck.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years
Splash colors G

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

31 - 3 Rares

13 - 2 Uncommons

11 - 10 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.97
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