Temur Stomp Down (2nd in Tournament)

Standard FaustHarbinger


haysmafia1 says... #1

I gave this +1.

You can dump the ascendancy, it has lost its lustre and is robbing spots from some removal/counters. Also, either trim some of the mana dorks (I would -2 Elvish Mystic's) or lands.

I was in love with sagu mauler at first, but it too has not lived up to expectations and I have removed him completely.

Please check out my similar deck and provide feedback:

Temur Monsters **HELP Needed** Playtest

Standard haysmafia1


December 5, 2014 7:49 p.m.

BLAM says... #2

+1 for Caleb

December 10, 2014 3 p.m.

Krishnaaaa says... #3

Id drop the Chandra, Temur Ascendancy and Sagu Maulers. They are good cards but in here I'm finding them way too slow. Id chuck in some Temur Charm and Lightning Strike, they are really handy when your opponents got something you don't want or if you want to counter something, right now your relying 3 burn spells at sorcery speed so id recommend these cards. Apart from those this is a cool deck! +1 from me :)

December 12, 2014 4:02 p.m.

FaustHarbinger says... #4

@Krishnaaaa Yeah the Ascendancies were int he first build of this and they never really worked out the most of the time. and most likely gonna swap sagu mauler for the Temur charm. I will say chandra helps almost every game i have played her. 0 for card advantage is always great otherwise the fact that their creature that gets pinged cant block is great when you have fatties that this deck just excels at.

December 12, 2014 4:18 p.m.

Krishnaaaa says... #5

I haven't played chandra in my Temur before, il give her a go, she worked amazingly well in my R/G Monsters deck. Also good choice on the charms, they are underrated and amazing against pretty much all decks.

December 13, 2014 5:29 p.m.

Comfordor says... #6

Temur Ascendancy is a great card! It gives you immediate board presence, and a great card draw engine. Allows you to keep putting immediate threats on the battlefield! I use it in my Temur deck, it allows me to increase my board presence and "out monster" my opponent. It's the key to a majority of my victories.

But in order to get its full potential you need majority of your creatures to trigger it. Only less than half your creatures trigger it atm =[ If you increase your monsters then it will be worth it.

No! My Monsters are Staying! -> Check it out if you like.

I would suggest to add Clever Impersonator + Stubborn Denial, Impersonator is an amazing card to have in temur decks

I would suggest to remove Prophet of Kruphix, lower your land count. I found with the prophet that it was very weak and didn't do much on the battlefield, It also empties your hand onto the battlefield. Leaving you too decking which is never a great situation to be in.

I personally don't like Elvish Mystic. If it's in my opening hand then it's great, but any other time I don't wanna see it. I removed it because every time I top decked during late game I found it to be a waste of a turn.

I would also swap Circle of Flame with Scouring Sands. Circle doesn't do anything except stall the game and build your opponents defence.

Well I hope my ramblings helped! These cards have helped me in my deck!

December 26, 2014 8:56 a.m.

FaustHarbinger says... #7

@Comfordor thanks for commenting mate. I had two temur ascendancies in the original build but sadly I never really had a good time to use them. and sadly every time I sideboard its the first thing I take out. in games that I had drew it most of the time it was more benificial to play courser on that turn rather than the Ascendancy. I love Clever Impersonator sadly it is mythic and with what it does and its commander value theres not alot of people that want to trade it around my area. but If I can get a couple I will add them. I will consider adding the Stubborn Denial into the sideboard at least. the card has been in my radar since it came out so I have constantly been looking for uses. but most of the time it just didnt make the cut.

December 27, 2014 12:55 a.m.

I don't really see the point of the craters claws, Temur ascendancy I think is amazing, and you need a playset of temur charm.

January 28, 2015 7:45 p.m.

FaustHarbinger says... #9

@spacecoyote1313 They work amazing for removal or sneak through with early damage and crater claw for 8. Happens a ton of times, in the original build I ran temur acendancies but more often than not id rather play a courser than it. and the mana intensiveness of temur charm is too much for a playset.

January 28, 2015 8:14 p.m.

seems like a rather aggro build as well, why not Rattleclaw Mystic over caryatid

January 28, 2015 10:40 p.m.

@spacecoyote1313 - The caryatid works well against agro and some control builds. I thought about Rattles off the bat when I made the deck but too many times it worked out better to use caryatids.

January 28, 2015 11:26 p.m.

haysmafia1 says... #12

Very nice, I gave a +1. I am building something very similar, although a little bit more budget (i.e. no playset of caryatids for me).

Check it out and please comment:

Temur Monsters (Budget & pre-Fate Reforged) Playtest

Standard haysmafia1


January 29, 2015 12:21 p.m.

Why not 1 more Frontier Bivouac instead of Rugged Highlands?

February 14, 2015 12:43 p.m.

And why Xenagos, the Reveler? In my experience he isn't great at all, his ulti is amazing yeah but it needs to survive for 4 turns. But the first ability is meh because often you don't have many creatures out and when you do, you are already winning and 1 or 2 green/red extra mana doesn't matter unless you want a Sylvan Caryatid or Heir of the Wilds on the turn you play Xenagos, the Reveler. And it's extremely weak vs Crux of Fate or End Hostilities. The second ability is okay for pushing some more damage or defending, but it doesn't +1 his loyalty. I prefer playing on turn 4 Ashcloud Phoenix or Shaman of the Great Hunt instead of Xenagos, the Reveler. Please let me know! I am curious on what you think. :) Other than that, great deck! I see why you get consistent wins. :)

February 14, 2015 3:44 p.m.

@theinvincible333- not a bad suggestion with the Frontier Bivouac. Originally I ran two of the Rugged Highlands but I dropped one for my 4th Wooded Foothills.

and with Xenagos, the Reveler I can see where your coming from. I usually have experience with him dropping on turn three and 2/3 times when I have played him its to 0 him to get a 2/2. the Satyr works well as a blocker or to add aggression. not to mention if the board is clogged up, its nice to +1 him to add extra mana for a nice Crater's Claws to finish the game.

I see your other suggestions as valid as well unfortunately I have seen Temur decks to go into 2 different categories either Aggro or Midrange. Cards like Heir of the Wilds, Ashcloud Phoenix, and Boon Satyr are all staples for the aggro deck. I have a guy in my meta that plays the Temur Aggro deck and I have yet to loose to him. I'm testing with Shaman of the Great Hunt right now and so far he's working quite well.

thanks for the interest!

February 14, 2015 4:06 p.m.

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