This deck played very well at this FNM.
Round 1: Temur Walkers. 2-0
Complete shutout. I was too fast and the guy was kind of inexperienced with the current standard. I won both games within 10 minutes.
Round 2: G/B Ramp. 2-1
Game 1: Loss. He got hornet queen out on turn 4 and I do terribly against that in the main.
Game 2: Win. He mulled down to 4 and I had a decent curve.
Game 3: Win. A game where we both were starving for mana but my burn spells left him with no mana dorks so I was able to get Ascendency out and just smash him over and over with my card draws.
Round 3: Abzan Midrange. 2-1
Game 1: Win. He used 2 Read the Bones off the bat and left himself wide open for the Temur beat down. He had one removal spell for a Knuckleblade, but it was no use.
Game 2: Loss. I mulled to 6 while on the draw. He had a great curve and 2 Siege Rhinos that I didn't draw answers for. My board got fairly large, but he still got the win.
Game 3: Win. It was a game of push and pull for the first 5 turns, but eventually the Temur Ascendancy made my board state too much for him to deal with. He got low on health and tried to play an Elspeth, but Stubborn Denial countered it for the win.
Round 4: G/R Ramp. Loss
Game 1: Loss. He got way too big way too fast. That's just how it went.
Game 2: Win. It was back and forth with answers for each other's threats, but he made a misplay and made it to where I had the exact amount of damage on the board to kill him.
Game 3: Loss. Back and forth once again, but he ended up getting two Reverent Hunters that were big and I went defensive and lost.
Great Night of Magic, and I learned how to play agains ramp strategies much better.