Ten 5/5's Attacking. You do the Mnath
SCORE: 120 | 71 COMMENTS | 11549 VIEWS | IN 39 FOLDERS
Haha thanks! A shame Banishing Light can't target your own cards, but Starfield of Nyx + Zendikar's Roil + Suspension Field allows for some good synergy with other enchantments, which fills up the deck slots.
July 26, 2015 3:51 p.m.
magnetcrocodile says... #3
Starfield of Nyx + Zendikar's Roil + Suspension Field + The Great Aurora is just my kind of combo, overcomplicated and hilarious if it go off . +1 for the deck
Other options may include Zendikar Incarnate for another wincon. And I think 4 Banishing Light is a must since you can recur it with Starfield
July 26, 2015 7:54 p.m.
weisemanjohn says... #4
The biggest shame would be to see this combo go off and your opponent cast a Languish on their turn... Perhaps adding something to give haste may help this out? Hammer of Purphoros
July 27, 2015 12:09 p.m.
Not enough room for more copies of Zendikar Incarnate or Hammer of Purphoros. Both great suggestions though, keep'em coming.
July 27, 2015 12:18 p.m.
2nd playtest combod turn 8. First cycle of combo I end up with 15ish lands and another Great Aurora so I cast it again. Go to 19ish lands and get Another Aurora cast it again. Now I have 2 cards left in deck, a transformed Nissa because I hid that this time along with the normal Omnath for the combo, 21 5/5s, 21 lands out, and 1 more Aurora in my hand.
This deck is nuts. Sideboard needs Surrak Dragonclaw that's for sure.
October 23, 2015 11:35 p.m.
Holy crap, I haven't even gotten those type of results in my tests of the deck. I don't actually own this deck in paper, so I didn't add a sideboard. I actually like Surrak as at least a one of in the main. I'll remove the one Wanderer.
October 23, 2015 11:53 p.m.
would processors be capable of targeting the exiled omnath putting him in your grave and ruining your cake?
October 23, 2015 11:56 p.m.
Uh, probably yeah haha. I prefer my cake unruined, but as processors aren't the most prevalent cards right now, I'm not super worried. That's an interaction I didn't even consider though, good call!
October 23, 2015 11:59 p.m.
cutthroat_x says... #13
Well, it's an interesting combo. The problem I have with this, the great aurora is simply too slow.
Omnath and kiora are underrated. I love like as interaction with shaman of forgotten ways, I would recommend running 30lands with your deck concept with sword of the animist and animist awakening. This may get you to combo turn 6 or 7.
Please feel free to check out my "the elements have fangs" deck. It's based on turn 5 omnath, consistently
October 24, 2015 10:36 a.m.
"You do the Mnath". I saw it on a feature post, clicked and upvoted before I even looked at the deck. I love it haha
October 24, 2015 6:54 p.m.
for some reason it wouldnt post the number. the 1. is supposed to be 50
October 24, 2015 8:07 p.m.
Lol Duckling it was just one of those light bulb moments when you think of the dumbest crap ever. I was just like "am I legitimately making this the title of my deck..."
Thanks for the upvotes and mnath help!
October 24, 2015 9:21 p.m.
@cutthroat_x: I agree. The Great Aurora is too slow, but if I wanted to just do elemental tribal ramp, I would have. What would you suggested removing for the ramp cards you suggested?
October 24, 2015 9:25 p.m.
Sword of the Animus is to slow for any deck in any format imo.
Turns 1-3 there are better things to do:
3x Embodiment of Spring
3x Silkwrap
4x Suspension Field
Early Aggro is not a problem unless it's coming from a deck with Dromoka's Command. Using the sword just opens yourself up for a wasted early turn and puts a target on a mana dork the opponent otherwise might not care about, but that you desperately need.
I do think that Zendikar Incarnate as a 3 of is to much. I would either cut 1 for the second Kiora, Master of the Depths and one more for a Woodland Wanderer, or just trade 3 for triple Woodland Wanderer.
The reason why is because lets say you curve into Surrak Dragonclaw perfectly after casting a Zendikar Incarnate T4. You still just have a 5/4 Trampler that only trades with both Tasigur, the Golden Fang and Siege Rhino.
While I can understand that Zendikar Incarnate is nuts if you get the combo because he'll be a 10/5 or stronger the fact is Woodland Wanderer is just a very solid T4 play for this deck and if you have the combo you've got enough tokens that it doesn't matter.
October 24, 2015 9:48 p.m.
cutthroat_x says... #20
Wabbbit, drop your white spells, and the great aurora.
This is if you want to abandon the combo you got right now, or search for ways to cheat him in. Narset, Enlightened Master might be an idea and using See the Unwritten. To help with consistency. That gives a turn 5 omnath.
Whisperer of the Wilds may be an option as well, should get ferocious often.
Add 1 kiora, Add 2 see the unwritten, Add 4 whisperer of the wilds, Add 4 shaman of the forgotten ways, Add 2 sword of the animist, Add 1 surrak dragonclaw, Add 1 ulamog.
Remove 1 dispel, Remove 1 the great aurora, Remove 3 zendikar incarnate, Remove2 embodiment of spring, Remove 3 silkwrap, Remove 1 omnath, Remove 2 rattleclaw, Remove 2 radiant flames - this is a sideboard card
This is what I believe you should try with keeping your focus there
October 24, 2015 10:02 p.m.
No, the whole purpose of this deck is the combo, and that is it. If I wanted to play Temur ramp, I would. I may look into adding more ramp to HELP with the combo, but the combo IS the focus of the deck
October 24, 2015 10:10 p.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #22
Animist's Awakening would really fit in well with this idea. Combine that with Omnath, Locus of Rage and you've got yourself one colossal-sized army immediately.
October 25, 2015 3:40 a.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #23
Yeah I would definately scrap The Great Aurora for Animist's Awakening.
October 25, 2015 3:44 a.m.
This is unrelated to the combo, but I think it makes your deck better in games where it doesn't combo off. Whisperwood Elemental. I think its a much better play then Zendikar Incarnate, is still an elemental, and can provide a stream of blockers while you durdle around trying to set up the combo. :D
October 25, 2015 4:21 a.m.
TypicalTimmy says... #25
ev003 Maybe it's just me, but I'm actually not a fan of manifesting. Sure it brings out expensive creatures at a lower cost, but generally don't you still have to pay it's CMC to turn it over? So while yes, it does thin your hand, it also puts your stronger creatures at the mercy of things like Lightning Bolt. Picture this: Zendikar Incarnate, as a creature, can withstand a single Lightning Bolt. But manifested, as a 2/2, that'd kill him. Idk I just don't think the risk is worth the "reward" of having a field fleshed out more. Sure you have defense, but again a +2 is much lower than a +4. And when you want to play, in our example Zendikar Incarnate, you still gotta pay the 4 CMC anyway. Idk I just don't like this mechanic.
Personally, if we're going to change out Elementals, I'd rather see Avenger of Zendikar in there. This is obviously a heavy mana deck, and a ton of lands. Getting a +0/+1 Plant Token per land is amazing for defense, and each land thereafter adds +1/+1 to all of them? Yeah he's a heavy hitter with like 7 CMC, but with so many tap-for-mana elves, I think he'd be a good substitute.
Not saying you're wrong, just different strokes is all. Maybe Manifest is a great mechanic and I just don't see it is all. :/
-Fulcrum says... #1
Now I know for sure the Janky Player has returned. I love this deck.
July 26, 2015 3:26 p.m.