Teneb Combo Reanimator

Commander / EDH* MasterXehanort


MasterXehanort says... #1

i made this deck to spam the field with fatties that i cheat into play, the only thing that i cant seem to play around is all the yard hate that i come across. any and all tips are welcome.

March 5, 2015 6:14 p.m.

Fungreatmario says... #2

This is my Teneb EDH Build

Tenebing on a Budget (Help Wanted) Playtest

Commander / EDH Fungreatmario


Feel free to look it over and provide some helpful insight for my deck. As for you, I would recommend any Dredge card and Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord.

April 26, 2015 4:01 a.m.

MasterXehanort says... #3

ill consider it Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord was actually my commander before i added white to the deck and i originally had dredge in the deck but found my self losing my yard to all the grave hate my table plays. especially now that that one person i know actually made an Anafenza, the Foremost deck so i can never combo out again.:(

April 26, 2015 4:20 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #4

Since your running Birthing Pod, have you ever thought about running Deathrite Shaman and Dryad Arbor to start it off as a part of the chain?. Also the classic Mikaeus, the Unhallowed + Triskelion combo would work wonders.

For your thoughts on Riftsweeper, I would say if you are going for a fast combo route, take it out. Otherwise keep it, I have never really used it to recur back any of my exiled creatures, most of the time I would go for an alternate win condition. Try take a look at my Tenebu deck if ya wanna get some ideas.

April 27, 2015 12:23 a.m.

MasterXehanort says... #5

ok i will take a look at it

April 27, 2015 5:47 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #6

It seems to run pretty smooth from the playtesting I did. However I did drew into some dead cards during a couple of games. How has Angel of Serenity, Vampire Nighthawk, and Whip of Erebos working for you?

Vampire Nighthawk seems to me as fodder for your Birthing Pod but if your using it as a fodder or deterrent you should run one that has more value when it comes into play i.e. Wood Elves. Whip also is pretty weird to have in the deck as you can't recur the creatures indefinitely as once your creatures leaves play it becomes exiled.

May 22, 2015 12:31 a.m.

MasterXehanort says... #7

i don't have have a whole lot of lifegain outside of whip other than Vault of the Archangel that's why it's in the deck

May 23, 2015 12:51 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #8

Is life an issue to you in your meta? The reason being, if your running a fast combo deck life should not be an issue as you will probably win before they can kill you. You can probably swap those cards out for more utility and removal if that's an issue.

May 23, 2015 6:06 a.m.

MasterXehanort says... #9

As for removal I was thinking about putting Return to Dust, Path to Exile into to the deck just to name a few more pinpoint removal cards. I also wanted to put in Crux of Fate so this way when teneb is out i can make sure he connects.

May 24, 2015 12:32 a.m.

im also thinking about putting in Grand Abolisher but i cant figure out what to take out for it

May 24, 2015 5:01 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #11

Well if anything Grand Abolisher can replace Elvish Piper, Hornet Queen, Phyrexian Delver or Vampire Nighthawk. If your also looking for protection on your combos during your turn, Dragonlord Dromoka is an amazing utility card which you can chain into with Birthing Pod.

Return to Dust is great if you can get a hold of it, which is very viable since it got reprinted in Modern Masters 2015, you can most likely replace End Hostilities with it. Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile is a stable that should be run in almost every deck that splashes with white.

I used to run Crux of Fate but with some of the other people in my meta running dragons and Scion of the Ur-Dragon decks, its not viable for me to run it so it's more of a meta call should you choose to run it. (Its a great card though!)

May 24, 2015 10:05 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #12

Whoops, I did not mean Return to Dust. I thought it said All Is Dust in your comment. Return to Dust is pretty good if your going against decks that abuse Darksteel Forge+Nevinyrral's Disk or the Mycosynth Lattice one.

May 24, 2015 10:08 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #13

If you are going to add in Iona, Shield of Emeria I would recommend taking out Archetype of Endurance. The reason being is that you don't necessarily care of having your creatures protected from removal spells, most of the time you will have a sac outlet to protect your creatures from getting exiled and having creatures in the grave is always a good thing. Your opponents losing hexproof is not really that stellar as you also run boardwipes which defeats that purpose, and if you are dealing with creatures like Zur/Sigarda, Arcane Lighthouse is amazing.

June 2, 2015 5:07 p.m.

Im thinking about adding Lightning Greaves to the deck so that i can give my creatures haste but I don't know what to take out

June 3, 2015 10:37 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #15

How often do you use Quicksilver Amulet? Since you already run Elvish Piper it is a bit redundant, and not as easily accessible. Since you can chain up to the Piper I would take that out for Lightning Greaves. Other haste enablers in Tenebu colors that I can think of is the green one drop Concordant Crossroads and the land Hall of the Bandit Lord. If you are looking for an slightly more expensive cmc one Akroma's Memorial is another one and gives it plenty of additional effects. If you are going for the slight control route Vedalken Orrery and Winding Canyons can help flash thing in before your turn.

June 4, 2015 7:48 a.m.

keattz says... #16

If you're trying to combo out, Viscera Seer is one of the best sac outlets. I'd run Blood Artist over Altar of the Brood. I'd never run Merciless Eviction in a deck trying to abuse its graveyard. Why no Survival of the Fittest?

August 17, 2015 3:15 p.m.

Merciless Eviction is my only form of global exile of problem cards. Blood Artist is honestly a card i never thought about, and the reason why I dont play survival of the fittest is because it's out of my price range. and lastly i can get my hand on another Viscera Seer but i don't know what to take out.

August 18, 2015 1:02 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #18

I'd say you could remove Scavenging Ooze or Altar of the Brood from your deck, as it is your weakest link in your deck in my perspective. Altar more so, as Scavenging Ooze does have its' use against mirror decks.

August 18, 2015 6:39 a.m.

as soon as i get my hands on another Viscera Seer ill take Altar of the Brood

August 18, 2015 6:32 p.m.

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