Tenebu's Gravedigging Tendencies | Primer

Commander / EDH hkhssweiss

SCORE: 210 | 215 COMMENTS | 26677 VIEWS | IN 46 FOLDERS

FLATSO99 says... #1


Sorry for getting back to you so slow.

Nice job here, this looks like a fantastic list. I like your primer it is simple and easy to understand:)

January 9, 2019 3:37 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #2


Sorry for the late reply, was at my LGS the whole day :P

Academy Rector is there for the Animate Dead, Dance of the Dead, or Necromancy as another type of line for protection with Grand Abolisher when pulled with Protean Hulk.

If not used for that line, it's used to grab Pattern of Rebirth and go straight into Protean Hulk with a sac outlet. Hope that answers your question!

@FLATSO99 Thanks for checking out the list, any notes of improvement I should add to the primer? Or that's good enough? :P

January 10, 2019 7:02 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #3

One small question, why not use a Tymna or Ravos pairing with any green partner, the obvious one being thrasios. It simply seems better than Teneb. You have piloted this build a lot more than I have though, so I could easily be wrong.

January 10, 2019 8:42 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #4


Main reason why is because this is my second EDH deck back when I first started EDH, so it has a lot of memories and my goal was to originally build all 10 Invasion/Planar Chaos dragon and refine them to optimized and tuned deck. After building and finishing the 10 dragons, I kinda moved them to better commanders, this is one of the few dragons that stayed.

Legitimate reason why Teneb can be played at a competitive level in my meta is due to Birthing Pod, he goes straight into Hulk and can win from there. I used to run Eldritch Evolution too so that also led to another Hulk win. Also against Blood Pod decks, they really can't stand to deal with a 6/6 flyer funnily enough, and having a combat trick with Entomb in response to Teneb trigger led to some interesting plays.

The last reason is because I do dislike using popular commanders that my meta uses often and I don't like using decks that other people my meta have currently. We have three Tymna/Thrasios Hulk players and two Tymna/Thrasios Paradox players as well. It gets kinda stagnant especially since you can read what most hulk players will do. Hope that answers your question buddy!

January 10, 2019 8:55 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #5

I guess... why not Ravos, Soultender? Ravos probably isn't part of your meta, with Sidar or any green partner it could work, and it recurs creatures from the yard very efficiently, while being a good card against blood pod, and having good synergy with pod, albeit different synergy.

Instead of Sidar you could go Reyhan, Last of the Abzan and have a pod line with Felidar Guardian into Karmic Guide into recur the cat into some Boonweaver Giant combo or something, IDK, it can even just pod into Academy Rector for a win.

January 10, 2019 9:02 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #6

Well the actual point for me is that I just want to make the best Teneb deck and refine him to the highest point. My actual cEDH deck is my Kess deck, I don't like Ravos due to my meta being extremely in graveyard hate. Our grave yard doesn't survive more than 2 turns at most if there is something important dropped in there. Not to mention our meta is also tech fairly well in Faerie Macabre.

Reyhan into pod can go to Academy Rector yes, but that requires a constant sac outlet, if I don't I need to sac two times. Whereas if I pod Teneb into Hulk I can use hulk to grab a sac outlet and requires me only to sac one time before I can go infinite.

Currently also in my meta, my Teneb is notorious. My match ups with this current build has won me 7/10 games every time I play him and I'm very proud of how Teneb formed and came to this point, hence why I decided to foil him out.

January 10, 2019 9:12 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #7

wait if you pod into hulk... you still need to sacrifice the hulk, also, good job, this is easily the best teneb deck I have ever seen.

January 10, 2019 9:16 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #8

Mhm that's correct, hence why I run a lot of cards like Phyrexian Tower, High Market, Culling the Weak (I been winning a lot of games with this, since I added it in and easily became part of my core build for any reanimator decks), and Cabal Therapy.

If I went with the Reyhan pod line, I would have to use Academy Rector, sac it to grab Pattern of Rebirth than sac it once more time with an additional creature on the board due to Pattern needing to target a creature, than I would have to sac it one more time which isn't efficient. Also if I were to change the deck to a different line to include Felidar Guardian I would be running a different package. It doesn't seem too great with my current meta as there is plenty of interaction, removal, and grave hate.

Thank you very much, I appreciate the compliment! This deck was built over four years ago and went through sooo many changes and testing to the current form it has today. Only recently this past year and a half I made the changes to go into cEDH and never regret anything! ^^

January 10, 2019 9:25 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #9

I fully respect that, I might try to build a version of Abzan Reanimator that can compete, wanting to return the Karador Boonweaver lists from before Hulk, but am a fan of this deck too. Just a difference of playstyle.

Good luck to you, friend!

January 10, 2019 9:30 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #10

I really like Boonweaver Giant, that was my main combo before Hulk was unbanned and it is great! It's not as easily protected as they can target Boonweaver before Pattern of Rebirth enchants a creature which was the main issue before.

Great job on your Aminatou Stax that you developed! Definitely a fan of it!

Keep on deck building and looking forward to see what you do! Feel free to ask me on anything as well, I like hearing new perspectives!~

January 10, 2019 9:36 a.m.

SynergyBuild says... #11

Yeah, that deck is a blast to pilot, it is less of a deck that always wins and more of a deck that never loses if you get what I am saying. I mean, I get those turn 2 wins with god hands and all, but overall it isn't like that. BTW is this deck fully developed by you? Was is based off of something or did you have help?

January 10, 2019 9:40 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #12

Yep this deck and my other deck, Intet was fully developed by me. Those are my proudest deck because I haven't really seen anyone else built decks like it before. It took a lot of play testing to get it where their both at. I know both of those decks inside and out, the help I did have was from my playgroup when it came to terms of meta call. I did a lot of research on scryfall as well and looked through all the cards in Abzan color to see what was the most efficient cards I can find, than all of you guys who on T/O to make the final tweaks. I forgot who it was that recommended me Culling the Weak but that card has been absolute fire in all of my games.

January 10, 2019 9:53 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #13

Ah I found who it was that recommended me Culling the Weak, it was Matrixxx999, definitely appreciate what they suggested.

January 10, 2019 10:02 a.m.

Matrixxx999 says... #14

Always glad to help, man!

Actually, I have another suggestion based on your comment earlier about Birthing Pod... You said you used this card to win right after it hits the table by sacrificing specific creatures, so have you ever tried in your tests Eldritch Evolution? I think it does the same and can be even more useful and faster then BP, or you can use it along with BP.

January 10, 2019 9:46 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #15


I used to run Eldritch Evolution, but after several test runs with it, it was deemed too slow for me. The only actual win con is with Teneb, my 1 CMC to 3 CMC was mostly to grab Grand Abolisher, or Renegade Rallier to ramp more. Very rarely do I get my 2 CMC to Academy Rector. It was cut out and I haven't missed it since, although I do like it a lot.

January 11, 2019 4 a.m.

I would drop Hope of Ghirapur (because its very slow, despite being powerful) in order to include the Leonin Relic Warder that you said you couldn't fit.

It's very desirable to include him because he a piece of removal when not being a combo piece.

It's also probably not what you want to hear, but a Thrassios Tymna version of your deck would be much much better, Tymna itself is strong as fk, but if that's not enough you would gain access to Flash .

You might wanna check Razakats by ShaperSavant, is one the best cEDH decks there is, and it works lines close to yours.

January 16, 2019 6:18 a.m.

25 creatures is enough to run Gaea's Cradle , great that you already uses Crop Rotation to fetch it when it will be relevant.

January 16, 2019 6:21 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #18

Thank you for your perspective VelvetVendetta!

I would agree in dropping Hope of Ghirapur , it was added in as a flex spot but as of lately I feel like it hasn't been worth it and under performing. I'm actually tempted to use Blood Pet instead over it.

I agree the direct upgrade to this deck would be the Tymna/Thrasios variants, however my meta is full of them and personally I do dislike being apart of the norm and use more unique commanders, goal is to refine Teneb to the utmost he can do with his innate limitations.

Hmm Cradle is something I have thought about, will try it out next time I see one open to trade. Definitely appreciate your thoughts!

January 16, 2019 7 a.m.

Darkshadow327 says... #19

I love Teneb, he's one of my favorite cards. Deck looks very good, and the primer is very good as well.

I want to build a Teneb deck one day in paper. Maybe once I finish inventorying all my cards you could help :P

January 26, 2019 2:14 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #20

Haha of course Darky!

Teneb has been there since the very beginning of my EDH career! I have all sorts of different builds for him but currently at the moment this is my favorite one :P

Once he is foiled I plan to take a picture and show case him in the primer xD

January 26, 2019 5:31 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #21

Thanks @ Kruphix for being the 100th upvoter!!! ^^

February 4, 2019 7:03 a.m.

PookandPie says... #22

So I had a long post typed out but then while trying to click to another tab to see a notification, I accidentally clicked a bookmark link and my post was gone when I hit back.

Anyway, honestly this all looks great so I don't really have anything to add. Obviously Gaea's Cradle even with just 24 creatures, would still be strong (just 2-3 mana would still be quite beneficial, and with your recursion turning it back on post wipe wouldn't be difficult either), though Ancient Tomb probably deserves a place in the mana base too-- and with the new full art printing of Tomb, this is probably the cheapest you'll find foil Tomb for quite some time. I can understand ignoring Cradle, though, seeing as a foil of it is one hell of an expenditure, but Tomb seems like it should be in here for sure.

So... yeah. This deck looks great. No suggestions really outside of lands, lol.

February 8, 2019 8:53 p.m.

hkhssweiss says... #23

Thanks for checking out my bae PookandPie!

You are the second one to recommend Gaea's Cradle , so now it bears considerable consideration. Yes it will be a hell of an expenditure, but if I go all out I will go all out ;)

In regards to Ancient Tomb although, the number one reason why I choose not to run it is due to Teneb being heavy in the color resources, since nearly all of the deck is running super low CMC colors is the most important fixing I need. I had the V16 Ancient Tomb in here before but I was almost never happy to see it in my hand, especially since I don't run rocks or signets that can benefit from it.

I appreciate the input though, and I'll try see if I can pick up the judge promo Gaea's Cradle !

February 8, 2019 9:01 p.m.

Matrixxx999 says... #24

I like the new look of your deck! Keep up the good work, man!

Actually, I would like to support the suggestion from PookandPie about more fast mana lands.

Even considering that you don't have many creatures in the deck, you should still have at least one green mana from Gaea's Cradle from game to game. And when in some games you will tap it for , or , you will be glad that you have this land. And you can use your Life / Death in conjunction with Gaea's Cradle to create insane ramp.

Ancient Tomb - consider to add this card at least for the same reason why you use Mana Crypt , Mana Vault and Sol Ring , to cast key spells like Buried Alive and Ad Nauseam earlier.

And both of these lands are very good targets for your Crop Rotation

February 9, 2019 1:42 a.m.

hkhssweiss says... #25

Alright both PookandPie and Matrixxx999 make very good points. What would be the suggested cuts for the lands to swap these two in? Twilight Mire is already one I can take out, what would be my other?

I just recently added Mana Vault and it hasn’t made an huge impact in my games so far but I’m still testing nonetheless.

Appreciate the input you two!

February 9, 2019 1:52 a.m.

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