Okay MagnaLynx21, you are right. The deck needs to find out where it is going. I will hopefully be uploading alterations etc to the deck almost bi-weekly. I find personally that playing singletons allows for a game to be fun and exiting. You are right, there is no knowing what will come next, but that is what I relish while playing sealed and drafts etc. That is what I make decks for. I have changed the description so the deck should hopefully make sense, I simply feel that singletons add a little extra here and there.
April 17, 2013 8:28 p.m.
-2 Silent Departure +2 Unsummon-1 Banishing Stroke, -1 Skullcrack, -1 Hussar Patrol, -1 Judge's Familiar, +4 Searing Spear+2 Guttersnipe, I think this deck is trying to do too many things at once as magnalynx21 has stated. There's control and aggro elements all jumbled up. I think my above suggestions would steer toward a more control version. Why not throw in some Feeling of Dread into it? Instead of Scatter Arc run Dissipate and for draw power think twice is pretty good Sorry for the bad formatting
April 18, 2013 11:28 p.m.
Formatting is fine, I know the cards.
1 The controlly elements are cool but you need the double blue, and with the lands I own at the moment, I can't afford to put dissipates in. And gutter snipes are good, but I'm not sure 4 of is worth it :-s it costs 3 to get it out and with no ramp I'm not sure.2 The hussar is for a creature when they are expecting counter spell, though I'm not 100 percent sure on it, might replace with 1 gutter snipe. 3 Searing spears seems good, but I prefer combat tactics like divine deflection to that. And I use the skullcrack and other cheap spells to activate all spell activations, exalted, 4 Silent departure was for the flash back option, I'm not sure about replacing it with unsummon, then I only get one bounce. Also, sorcery speed doesn't bug me, its essentially the same as they swing and I bounce, might as well do it sorcery speed to get the incursion specialist swinging for more.
Feeling of Dread I am looking for hehe, you read my mind :P I'd run it instead of the bounce spells. The idea of value is not to just draw, and not to just counter, but do both. The cost isn't too bad considering what it does.
I think I want the deck to be aggressive, which is why the low costing creatures, but also controling to make my low costing creatures that little bit more aggressive. A side board will be equipped with control cards and the like to stop aggro so suggestions for that please :)
MagnaLynx21 says... #1
Using a bunch of one ofs is pointless, especially since you really need to figure out what your deck, here, is trying to do.
April 17, 2013 5:03 a.m.