Teshar-ing the love

Commander / EDH AntoniusFunk


AntoniusFunk says... #1

  1. Ashnod's Altar + Lotus Petal + Myr Retriever/Junk Diver/Leonin Squire = infinite mana. Leonin Squire makes it infinite colorless and the other two make it infinite white and colorless.
  2. Krark-Clan Ironworks + Lotus Petal + Myr Retriever/Junk Diver = infinite mana
  3. Ashnod's Altar + Mox Amber + Aviary Mechanic/Emancipation Angel/Glint Hawk/Kor Skyfisher/Stonecloaker = infinite mana
  4. Any sac outlet + Aviary Mechanic/Emancipation Angel/Glint Hawk/Kor Skyfisher/Stonecloaker + Mana Vault/Mana Crypt/Sol Ring = infinite colorless mana. Tap the artifact, play the creature to bring the artifact to hand, sac the creature, play the artifact bringing the creature back in, before the creature comes into play tap the artifact to float the mana. Repeat.
April 12, 2018 10:50 a.m.

AntoniusFunk says... #2

  • If you have Mishra's Bauble or Urza's Bauble as your cmc 0 artifact to recur but no win con in hand you can loop both indefinitely to draw as many cards as you want on your opponents next upkeep. If Spellbook is out on the table there is no punishment for hand size reduction (buzz off jin gitaxis!). If you have to discard to a wheel you still have access to looping creatures from the graveyard by playing Teshar, Ancestor’s Apostle + any artifact on the next turn.
  • Oblation on your own permanent, Ichor Wellspring, cycling Forsake the Worldly, all will draw you cards in a pinch.
  • Probably best way to draw a ton of cards on your turn is to have a mana combo going and abuse it with something like Phyrexian Furnace or Scrabbling Claws, paying 1 extra each time you sac them in order to draw until you find what you need.
  • If you are using Filigree Familiar as your recurrable creature be careful. The card draw is not a may ability so you can deck yourself if you get over zealous!
April 12, 2018 11:01 a.m.

AntoniusFunk says... #3

  • Mangara of Corondor + sac outlet + 0 cmc artifact is a great way to completely ruin your opponents board state.
  • Paraselene for any and all kinds of enchantments that are bothersome. We aren't playing that many ourselves so this will have less of an adverse effect. Should we need one of our enchantments back there is always Restoration Specialist.
  • Aura of Silence to make the blue mages have to keep extra mana up if they want to get testy.
  • Non-blue counter spells like Rebuff the Wicked and Lapse of Certainty. Null Brooch is also a recurrable counter on a stick. Unexpectedly Absent is a hilarious way to bury an opponents stax piece or creature.
  • Benevolent Bodyguard, Grand Abolisher (on your turn), Hope of Ghirapur, Selfless Spirit, Lightning Greaves
  • Nevermore for any creature or card you just do NOT want to have come down.
  • Tormod's Crypt to give you all the graveyard hate you can stand to play...AND it doubles as a recurrable cmc 0 artifact!
  • April 12, 2018 11:10 a.m.

    meowndabout says... #4

    AntoniusFunk Last updated: 19 hours - Were there any changes?

    April 17, 2018 7:35 p.m.

    AntoniusFunk says... #5

    Yes! There were a couple of changes. I took out null brooch, and altar of the brood. Added in Thraben Inspector and Kami of the False Hope. Those were more functional for card draw and protection, and seemed like what the deck was needing after some more play testing. On the bubble right now are wrath cards. One may go in to deal with some pesky go wide decks I often play.

    April 17, 2018 11:06 p.m.

    AntoniusFunk says... #6

    I should also mention that I am looking for places to put pithing needle and Phyrexian Revoker in. They provide some nice control options.

    April 17, 2018 11:08 p.m.

    AntoniusFunk says... #7

    UPDATE. Took out Benevolent Bodyguard and Paraselene. Put in Land Tax and Disenchant.

    May 11, 2018 1:12 a.m.

    AntoniusFunk says... #8

    Update: Got a Weathered Wayfarer and put that in, taking out Restoration Specialist.

    May 17, 2018 1:54 p.m.

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