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Testament to the Fallen Titans

Standard Competitive Eldrazi Midrange Ramp RG (Gruul)



So upon the destruction of the Eldrazi Titans I thought I'd prove to the world that us as pseudo oldwalkers(since you know in the game of magic we go around summoning monsters to a table top game like R2-D2 and Chewbacca aboard the Millennium Falcon) the fallen Titans will live on.

So in honor of them I've been working on my eldrazi ramp deck. Here is the list I'm using right now

Ulamog the ceaseless hunger- our 10/10 indestructible Modern redefining Titan who eats decks more then worlds. His body is not his only defining traits. He takes out our opponents permanents(including opposing Titans) when he enters. We run 2.

Kozilek the Great Distortion- a 12/12 body with menace is never bad. Drawing cards in a ramp deck THAT HAS ZERO OTHER CARD DRAW(I blame wizards shamanic revelation should've been cheaper) is never bad. Plus he lets us play the worlds greatest counter spell in standard explosive vegetation. Wanna play a siege rhino? No I expload your vegetation. Collected company wanna go down when I have no mana open? EXPLOSIVE VEGATATION. Run 2.

World Breaker- our 5/7 for seven doesn't come off as impressive. But he keeps coming back to destroy the world one land at a time. Sure he can hit enchantments and artifacts but who cares. Turn 5 world breaking is a very nice feeling. Run 4

Conduit of Ruin- he sets us up for the next turn and makes our eldrazi cheaper. Run 3

Reality Smasher- Modern pro tour demonstrated how powerful a hasty 5/5 tramping pseudo hexproof in a world where I can counter whatever spell they discard for as long as Ruinous Path is a thing and I have warping wail. Run 4

Chandra Flamecaller- she is in control of the Titans and she burned them into zendikar. And she's like elspeth. In fact she's better. True her board wipe is harmful to her more then elspeth and her tokens don't stay. But guess what hand cycling for free is great on dead hands. Run 2

Ugin the Spirit Dragon- he has total dominion in this deck. Coming down early game kills pretty much any deck in the format besides other eldrazi decks. Disagree? Stop lying to yourself. Sadly only one for monetary reasons.

Kozilek's Return- besides giving us the best counter ever(EXPLOSIVE VEGETATION FTW!) he gives us this neat instant speed pyroclasm that when our massive eldrazi do come down they remain apocalyptic stone fire on the world. Run 3.

Warping Wail- our utility spell with two functions(nobody uses the scion. I'm a ramp player and I say that.) either we counter enemy ramp or other spells. Or we take our early game threats. Run 3

Explosive vegetation- aside from being the counter spell of the century this card also is insane ramp on this deck. Run 4

Ruin in their Wake- ramp for turn two or land search for a turn three play. Also amazing art that shows the path we forge for our eldrazi to rampage across. Run 4.

Nissa' pilgrimage - we find a forest play a forest and if we're lucky we get a bonus forest. GO EFFICENT RAMP! Run 3.

Evolving wilds- this searches our basic lands preferably the forest or wastes we need for our turn 2 Ruin in their Wake. Run 4.

Shrine of the Forsaken Gods- at 7 lands this is gives us extra mana. It's a testament to the Titanic imprint left by our Titans. Run 4.

Sanctum of Ugin- Our dragon generates colorless and finds is the Titan we need. Run 3.

Wastes 5

Forest 6

Mountain 3

Well that's my testament to the fallen Titans. May they one day rise again with their sister floating through the blind eternities.

Going to FNM with this build tomorrow night will post Saturday or Sunday how it goes.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 3 Mythic Rares

14 - 3 Rares

11 - 6 Uncommons

7 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 4.97
Tokens Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Elemental 3/1 R
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