Teysa Karlov's Citadel

Commander / EDH phsycord


Masterful says... #1

This deck looks very good. I really like Rally the Ancestors and might include it myself as I've been looking into mass recursion. You have a lot of wincons and drainers, so you may want to cut the more expensive and clunky ones like Vindictive Vampire and Falkenrath Noble unless you feel the redundancy is necessary in your playgroup. Entomb is interesting as well as it's a tutor for stuff like Nether Traitor or Reassembling Skeleton .

I also see you haven't put in the new cards yet, Cruel Celebrant especially. You may want to consider Liliana, Dreadhorde General and Bolas's Citadel as well. They're both high cmc and you may not want to include them for that reason, but new Liliana has so much value with Teysa and Citadel is a lot more efficient in low cmc decks.

April 9, 2019 12:50 p.m.

phsycord says... #2

Hi Masterful, thank you for taking a look at this deck. In the text below the deck you can see that I already got the great idea of Cruel Celebrant from your deck :) I just haven't put it into the list as of now, as they are just include cards I currently have. Also note the planned addition of Necropotence instead of Sultai Emissary .

Maybe I'll switch Falkenrath Noble with Athreos, God of Passage , giving me a similar effect with a funny politics interaction if we have an arch enemy on the table.

As for Liliana, Dreadhorde General I'm not so sure she will be able to stay on the board long enough to be relevant in my meta.

Bolas's Citadel I find really interesting. A bit similar to Ad Nauseam . Maybe I'll find a replacement for Requiem Angel with lower CMC and I'll put this one in and try it out.

April 9, 2019 1:04 p.m.

Last_Laugh says... #3

I'm not sure how much help I'll be but I'll try. You've done a really good job keeping your avg. cmc low but some of my suggestions aren't.

Fellwar Stone is a definite upgrade for a few of your ramp pieces. Smothering Tithe is probably worth it here. Also, coupled with those treasure tokens, Martyr's Bond is worth the flexibility and ability to hate on artifacts. Bloodchief Ascension also seems like a good way to bleed your opponents here. Last is a little recursion... Sun Titan is probably great here with this low CNN of a curve. Maybe Oversold Cemetery ?

April 9, 2019 2:10 p.m.

phsycord says... #4

Last_Laugh thank you for your comment!

Fellwar Stone I'll 100% put in instead of Star Compass , nice!

With Smothering Tithe I thought about going full Treasure Token and then win with Revel in Riches , but I like my other win con better tbh as this one is at my upkeep. Plenty of time to board wipe or remove Revel. If I just play Smothering Tithe, I'm not sure if I even can use up all that excess mana. Most of my card draw Gate to the Afterlife , Grim Haruspex and Midnight Reaper all say non token creature, so I can easily see me playing my full hand and then playing top deck afterwards.

Oversold Cemetery depending on the meta I think this can be great. With the amount of exile and graveyard hate one playgroup of mine plays I don't think this will ever trigger. But my other playgroup nearly never removes graveyards. I might swap this with Open the Graves and try it out.

Bloodchief Ascension is interesting because it's very cheap, but on the other hand what if I draw into this late into the game. Then it's probably not valuable at all. I thought more of putting in it's counterpart Luminarch Ascension , because this is a great card later on, threatening to put out a ton of 4/4 angels for just.

Sun Titan this one I also like very much. Especially that it's able to both recur some of my combo pieces if I need them, or just some cheap creature with afterlife. Only what to put out...

April 9, 2019 2:56 p.m.

SirChris39 says... #5

phsycord nice looking Orzhov deck you put together

September 4, 2019 4:12 p.m.

valentin74 says... #6

Beautiful list. I've been watching your Teysa deck for some time now and use your list and the changes as a guide for my deck. I like your way of building decks. However, I am not convinced of the "Merciless Eviction" card that you have recently added to the deck. With my Teysa deck I rarely come across a situation where I want to play this card. Instead of "Merciless Eviction" I play "Toxic deluge". What made you decide to play "Merciless Eviction" and what is your experience with this card?

April 20, 2020 10:38 a.m.

valentin74 says... #7

and what do you think of "Recruiter of the Guard" instead of "Yahenni, Undying Partisan"

April 20, 2020 2:53 p.m.

phsycord says... #8

Nice suggestion valentin74, so I'll walk you through my thoughts:

The way I view Yahenni, Undying Partisan is as a sack outlet with the upsides of additional beatdown and being hard to remove, whereas Recruiter of the Guard would be a tutor, so it's a bit hard to compare directly.

But let's first check what the Recruiter could get: Combo pieces: Both Reassembling Skeleton or Nether Traitor and Pawn of Ulamog All drain effect creatures like Blood Artist Sack outlets Woe Strider and Carrion Feeder Card draw: Midnight Reaper, Grim Haruspex and Mentor of the Meek Stuff I can sack: Doomed Traveler and alike, and if our graveyard is full Hallowed Spiritkeeper.

So actually it seems like Recruiter is indeed a versatile tutor and a card that I should probably include. I am not sure what I am going to cut for it though. Probably either Yahenni or Woe Strider. This is a meta call on how many destroy all creature wipes you see, as Yahenni can survive those and get's more powerful in the process, giving a bit more beatdown. Strider has the upside of doing something more useful when sacking, coming with a token himself and the escape ability if we really need that sack outlet. For now I'll swap out Yahenni. Thank's for the suggestion!

April 20, 2020 3:38 p.m.

phsycord says... #9

Oh that's always great to hear. Thank you :)

So concerning Merciless Eviction: People have been mocking the deck a bit because I don't run a single boardwipe otherwise. There are certain token strategies you can not deal with with only Grave Pact or other edict effects. Toxic Deluge is an excellent card, I don't own one and probably won't buy it soon, but I would probably run it over Eviction. Another reason I included Merciless Eviction is, because I regularly face a Kozilek, the Great Distortion which is hit very hard by artifact wipes and sometimes a God/Enchantment heavy deck. I have to admit it's not really a card I generally like to see when I draw it, so maybe I will cut it again :)

You got me interested, would you mind sharing your own list valentin74?

April 20, 2020 3:52 p.m.

SirChris39 says... #10

phsycord i like your deck of Teysa Karlov and my take

My deck:

Teysa is the True heir to the Orzhov Throne

Commander / EDH SirChris39


April 20, 2020 3:59 p.m.

phsycord says... #11

Cool thank you! I'll take a look.

By the way I recently added Elspeth, Sun's Champion, which is also kind of a boardwipe, at least for some situations, so maybe having this to tutor up is already what I needed :) with the difference of Elspeth being an amazing card to draw in most cases

April 20, 2020 4:03 p.m.

SirChris39 says... #12

phsycord you are so welcome

April 20, 2020 4:04 p.m.

valentin74 says... #13

September 10, 2020 4:56 a.m.

valentin74 says... #14

Boseiju, Who Shelters All

I think, it works fantastic with Agadeem's Awakening  Flip, Rally the Ancestors and Heliod's Intervention.

In addition i think, you could play Expedition Map, Ancient Tomb and Cavern of Souls (but the lands are expensive). What do you think about that?

September 23, 2020 8:09 a.m.

valentin74 says... #15

September 24, 2020 7:54 a.m.

valentin74 says... #16

October 5, 2020 12:58 p.m.

phsycord says... #17

Hi valentin74, sorry for the late reply. I moved my deck to moxfield [(https://www.moxfield.com/decks/RGKGxJ83YEOEaD8rYhNBBw)] and rarely check tappedout nowadays. Academy Rector is a nice card, but it's too expensive for me so I didn't want to buy it, but if I had one I would for sure play it like you suggested. Ophiomancer is cool, but Field of Souls is a combo piece and has more potential on those turns helping you go off and deal a ton of damage to your opponents with the drain effects. Expedition Map I would only add if you also play the Urborg+Coffers combo. Ancient Tomb and Caverns are budget excludes for my deck. Play them if you own them, same goes for Agadeem's Awakening  Flip

November 27, 2020 8:08 p.m.

valentin74 says... #18

phsycord (April 20). For your question, here is my own list:

December 23, 2020 5:47 p.m.

valentin74 says... #19


December 23, 2020 5:49 p.m.

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