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Tezzeret Affinity - Feedback?

Legacy Affinity Colorless Control UB (Dimir)



So, I play modern affinity and thought i should give my first ever legacy tournament a chance and see how I end up doing.. Well, to say the least I did okay. Started out pretty rough, but got a lot better as te day went on. I know this deck is no where near Tier 1 in legacy, but its what I had to use. So i would like some feedback in regards to main and sideboard choices.


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So, as my first legacy event, I felt like I played well. Some sloppy plays were made of course, since I wasn't well versed in the format as I wish I had been before the day started. But here's my record for the day. I can definitely see some improvements as the weeks go on.

Round 1: Loss 1-2 VS. MUD
Round 2: Loss 1-2 VS. Barbarian Ring Burn
Round 3: Win 2-0 VS. Infect Shoal Combo
Round 4: Win 2-0 VS. Equipoise/Sands of Time Combo
Round 5: Win 2-1 VS. Merfolk
Round 6: Win 2-0 VS. RUG Delver
Round 7: Loss 1-2 VS. Show and Tell Reanimator

All in all, I feel like I did decent. All my losses for the day were taken to game 3, in R7, I shut down the reanimator deck with Grafdigger's Cage, but he ended up Lim-Dul's Vaulting me to find an Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite to virtually lock me out of the game unless I found Master of Etherium or Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas. Which I didn't. Sad day Started off at 0-2 and made my way to a 4-3 day, can't be terribly upset about it, but I enjoyed the games.


Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

7 - 0 Mythic Rares

17 - 8 Rares

6 - 7 Uncommons

30 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.82
Folders Legacy: Competitive
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