That Lion Ate Amanda Bynes!

Standard* KaezilKub


Behgz says... #1

October 1, 2013 3:54 a.m.

Dslayer619 says... #2

Possibly the best deck name I have ever seen +1

October 1, 2013 6:26 a.m.

MasonBrown says... #3

October 1, 2013 5:22 p.m.

izzetreal says... #4

I like it. I'd go 4 Selesnya's a suprise blocker, a suprise beef or IDONTLIKETHATGETRIDOFITFOREVER.

October 1, 2013 5:23 p.m.

RJ_Rozzman says... #5

Fleecemane Lion is so beat, I dunno why hes only 6 bucks

October 1, 2013 5:26 p.m.

Awesome deck name! But why do you have two pics of Fleecemane Lion side by side?

Also Obzedat, Ghost Council + Whip of Erebos for all the lolz! +1

October 2, 2013 3:08 a.m.

KaezilKub says... #7

Thanks for the comments! I added in 2x Obzedat, Ghost Council and removed the 1x Spear of Heliod in favor of a 2nd Whip of Erebos .

October 2, 2013 9:31 a.m.

AteTheIsm says... #8

How does this deck beat control? Anger of the Gods kills everything before turn 4, Supreme Verdict kills everything, not to mention Azorius Charm , Turn , and Far . I know your response is "But Golgari Charm !" and to that I'd ask when will you have untapped mana to cast it? They verdict on T4 without fail against aggro(which is what this deck is) and generally anger on T3 if they can kill 2 or 3 creatures. Your best bet is to cast Obzdaddy on T5 but then they still have a hand full of answers like Far or Azorius Charm into a counter. But after all of this (obviously hypothetical) you're always trying to maximize mana efficiency since your deck centers around a 3/3 for 2 (nothing too crazy btw). As far as numbers, Deathrite is probably worse than the green mana dork. I'd cut the Golgari charm to 2 and add 2 Loxodon Smiter s. Read the bones reads as sideboard for me, agaisnt control or midrange mirror, unless you sideboard the Golgari charm instead. I'd take out the random Gods Willing along with the Selesnya Charm (another sideboard option) in favor of Spear of Heliod or Abrupt Decay . Also Mistcutter Hydra should probably be in the 75.As far as what I like about the deck, Obzdaddy and whip are almost as good together as Thragfather and Restodaughter. Remember, though, that if you go to exile Obzedat at the end of turn and they kill it (after he's been brought back by Whip) he's gone forever.

October 11, 2013 12:45 p.m.

KaezilKub says... #9

I appreciate the critique and suggestions. I haven't played it against too much hardcore control yet, but like I said in the description, the idea was to have a some survivability vs control. This is by no means an anti-control deck. I guess it is aggro in some senses. I didn't mean to imply that. If I knew I was playing control or found out after game 1 I was playing against hard control, I'd play the deck differently. Not just sideboard, but leaving mana open for answers. It's meant to have value creatures that are difficult to deal with.

As far as for things like Azorius Charm or other return-to-hand cards, the hexproof is meant to have some protection against that. I'd be more concerned with cards like Celestial Flare .

Some people aren't impressed with Fleecemane Lion and that's okay. There are ways of dealing with it. It's essentially a Call of the Conclave , which is solid on it's own. The monstrous ability is really just a fun way to make it more difficult to deal with and increases it's survivability against most control. If I don't get to that point, it still was a good value creature and forced them to answer it.

I'd consider swapping Deathrite Shaman for another mana dork to see how it plays out. I don't really have him there for mana-ramping though (no way of putting lands into the graveyard really) - more for end-of-turn value.

Mistcutter Hydra could be sideboarded instead of Witchstalker , but I think I like Witchstalker a bit better.

And yea, the Whip/Ghost combo is fun, but ya gotta protect him the turn he comes back into play. Unless you just want a quick swing with a 5/5 and some lifegain that turn. I should have explained that better to avoid causing confusion for people unfamiliar with the combo.

October 11, 2013 3:07 p.m.

Behgz says... #10


November 20, 2013 1:13 a.m.

hesuskrist says... #11

Very cool! I like this deck, Iv got a very similar deck that takes advantages of this crafty lion. Hexless Toast I definitely like the addition of black here, there are so many more possibilities, not to mention that I am extremely fond of Golgari Charm . Also the reaper looks like its got a nice spot here.I think the best thing black is doing here is adding some much needed removal, but that whip, second ability being good, can really pack a punch when your gaining life, certainly buys time.+1 no doubtHave you considered Mistcutter Hydra for sideboard against blue? It can really turn the tides as it were

November 20, 2013 2:56 a.m.

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