Thanks for the input, I did think about Thoughtseize because it is a great card, but the price tag is a little too much for right now. I I also like my kitties ie Brimaz, King of Oreskos , his cat tokens, and Fleecemane Lion .
This guy has won me all too many games from his mosntrous, so i will have to pass, although i do need for ramp, however, i always halter with playing him because i like brimaz more. I think i will have to drop him for a mystic a courser and rather than an obzedat, ill add another Brimaz. Thanks for your suggestions!
July 1, 2014 8:47 p.m.
@ ceji3 no problem I also feel like you have too many planeswalkers personally and that going too 2 elspeth and 3 garruks allow for a 4 th mystic and 2 more polukranos or 1 morea nd like obzedat (can you tell I like obzedat) which is just an instant win against control decks.
Also with m15 spoilers I brewed up this deck today please take a look and comment sorry for the double post. standard infinite mill control
July 1, 2014 9:34 p.m.
I like my walkers. they save me from horrendous 30/30s without trample, all these tokens=all the wins. Honestly, i have enough rampers for this and i am pretty happy.
I just wrecked some guy because of the deathtouch tokens.
Polukranos, World Eater is legendary so i can't have more than one, which is why i only run 2
July 1, 2014 9:58 p.m.
Tyrosoldier says... #5
+1. Check out my post-M15 deck Junk Superfriends (Post-M15)
July 2, 2014 11:57 a.m.
Idk who told you New Garruk was bad, but he defiantly is not. In a world where Elspeth, Sun's Champion sees so much play at a 6 cmc, new garruk will easily get in with his wide range of abilities at just 1 more mana. And in that spirit, I noticed you said you wouldn't run more than 2x Polukronos because he is why run 4x of Elspeth? 4 just seems like an absurd amount. I could understand 3, but at 4 she is bound to turn into dead weight in your hand.
July 6, 2014 4:47 p.m.
I run 4x Elspeth, mostly because this deck stalls. A lot. Pulling the elspeth allows me to double walker, or wait for him to remove and play it again. It also lets me have a replacement when she ultimates. So far, she has not been a dead weight in my hand.
also, Polukranos doesn't have haste, but walkers can ability first turn, so they allow multiple uses. I have managed to have 10 mana untapped and The Chain Veil elspeth, getting a soldier and ultimate, and then casting elspeth for 6 soldiers and an ultimate in one turn.
Thanks for the input.
July 6, 2014 4:54 p.m.
Yeah I guess it makes more sense when you include The Chain Veil. I'm guessing it's just not in the database yet and thats why it isn't in the decklist. Thats why I questioned the idea. As long as you are really running through them that fast it makes sense.
July 6, 2014 4:59 p.m.
myanrueller says... #9
Why Ajani Steadfast over Ajani, Mentor of Heroes . Permanent creature buff, or lifelink?
July 9, 2014 5:18 p.m.
I considered Ajani, Mentor of Heroes while making this.
He honestly has no fit. yes, permanent creature buff is nice and all, but double activating him with the chain veil can ultimate a Garruk, Apex Predator or Elspeth, Sun's Champion very fast. Also, after laying down his -2 with a few tokens down, it easily can win with 6 or 9 soldiers and an ultimated elspeth. Add in some 4/4 deathtouch beasts and you have yourself a very threatening board.
I'll consider running one of them, just for creature/walker finding. Any suggestions on what i should cut?
July 9, 2014 9:09 p.m.
myanrueller says... #11
I normally run 2 of any single Planeswalker card. I'm running two Ajani, Mentor of Heroes , 2 Gideon, Champion of Justice and 2 Ajani Steadfast right now. I'd normally say cut Elspeth, Sun's Champion from four to two, but four in the deck is central to how this deck is built. Personally for this Deck I'd drop Polukranos, World Eater for an additional Brimaz, King of Oreskos and an Ajani, Mentor of Heroes . It shouldn't throw off the curve too much and Brimaz is a token generation which seems to fit the deck better.
July 9, 2014 9:38 p.m.
I hate to be that guy, but Garruk kinda sucks. :/
At 7 seven mana all he does when he comes down is either make a single token or destroy a singe creature. Something like Elspeth can make 3 1/1s or a psuedo boardwipe.
She impacts the board much more than that thing.
July 9, 2014 9:53 p.m.
Hahaha, i like jokes.
Elspeth's wimpy tokens can't block a Scuttling Doom Engine , nor can they deal lethal damage to almost anything anything. You forgot one of his best abilities in the explanation of why he "sucks". He destroys their walkers. Now you don't have to worry about them going off because tada, they are gone. Also, elspeth's board wipes can affect my fatties. Elspeth makes a big position, but takes out your own team, and some of theirs.
Garruk's ultimate is much better. When you attack you swing with 8/8 deathtouch trample guys, at everything. If you pair his with Elspeth's, you get 10/10 flying deathtouch trample, vs elspeth's 3/3 flyers. They work better out together and both crush the opponent's chance of winning when you set them off.
July 10, 2014 7:22 a.m.
Her tokens can chump block up 3 different creatures, Garruk only one. Yes they can't block a Doom Engine, but that is one situation. Her tokens most ofmthentime offer her better protection/board state due to them being able to block more than one creature.
Also, in a control shell which Elspeth is used most of the time, which deos not normally play a any large creatures. If there are any creatures that haven't been blown or countered away she can kill any large threats at once rather than ome at a time. Also, Garruk makes single 3/3 versus three 1/1 is which together can get more damage through most of the time and offer better chump blocking.
As for the ultimates, they both should win you the game anyway. Elspeth can come down on turn 6 and achieve her ultimate by turn 9. Garruk comes down on turn 7 and getsnit by turn 10. That turn difference can end the game earlier. Even with ramp Elspeth is faster.
I really hate to type this much, but when it comes down to it most people will say Elspeth is better than Garruk. She is a phenominal 6 drop who is faster, simply better, etc. most scenarios. Garruk can be good in some like destroying superfriends or dealing damage on a clear board. Go ahead and respong, interesting conversation.
July 10, 2014 8:03 a.m.
I change what I said Garruk doesn't suck. I feel that is lack luster and weak when compared to all the other planeswalkers like Elspeth. Because of this I don't think he is standard playable, competativly speaking. Look at him compared to Karn Liberated .Seems like an awful lot of hype.
July 10, 2014 8:12 a.m.
I don't understand why you make a comparison between Karn and Garruk. They are completely different.nvm, the seven mana, but still Garruk has 4 abilities.
Also, i realize elspeth can block more creatures, making her better. Honestly, Garruk stands no chance as a solo planeswalker. You could not run just him. He is kind of team player. Protecting our fatties, destroying their fatties, etc. He and elspeth work very nicely together, and without elspeth, Garruk wouldn't live long. He also draws a lot of fire from elspeth, and onto him, allowing elspeth to go off, and win the game.
Overall, the only competitive play he would ever see is with superfriends, just like the newest ajani. They are all basically support for each other.
July 10, 2014 3:04 p.m.
Tyrosoldier says... #17
Garruk isnt as good as Elspeth, but hell, name one planeswalker that is in Standard. But that doesn't mean at all he is bad. He fits great in a Junk Superfriends like this, or in BG ramp. He can protect himself, and the odds of them having instant speed removal turn 6-7 for him are pretty low, especially when Elspeth comes down a turn earlier like you said. I personally love him, flavorwise and playwise. TL:DR: He's no Elspeth, but he's still pretty sick.
July 10, 2014 3:04 p.m.
You forgot the fact that he is the only other 4 ability walker...
Also, thanks for the summary, that makes the most sense.
July 10, 2014 3:07 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #19
He might only be able to create a single chump blocker per turn, but it has deathtouch so could kill a 10000000000000000/1000000000000000000 without any trouble at all.
July 10, 2014 3:12 p.m.
Schuesseled says... #21
@ceji3 If she's sitting in your hand unused then it's dead weight.
July 10, 2014 3:14 p.m.
Tyrosoldier says... #22
ceji3 Also, I love the full art Planeswalkers! Rock on!
July 10, 2014 3:14 p.m.
Elspeth never goes unused, unless i'm mana screwed.
They're not mine, i just found them on an mtg digital rendering sight.
These are mine-

I know the brimaz is Ajani's Presence but it looks cool.
The Garruk is from In Garruk's Wake release date.
July 10, 2014 3:37 p.m.
I guess it shows planeswalkers suck by themselves, they need a shell to make them good. Like UWx control or GBx Superfriends.
wolfsokol says... #1
I would drop brain maggot for Thoughtseize it is just better. Then drop Fleecemane Lion for 1 mystic 1 courser and like an obzedat
July 1, 2014 7:53 p.m.