3-1 @ Thursday Night Standard
Round 1 vs. R/U/G Midrange
Game 1 WIN - Standard gameplan here. The only thing I really had to watch for was Izzet Charm and mainboard Dissolve. Wiped the board, landed Keranos, God of Storms, and landed Elixir of Immortality. Keranos finished this game.
Game 2 LOSS - Double Stormbreath Dragon pressure and no Supreme Verdict.
Game 3 LOSS - Mistcutter Hydra is pretty good. I can't Charm it and I took out Warleader's Helix because it's too slow.
I boarded Archangel of Thune, Negate, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, and Jace, Memory Adept.
Round 2 vs. U/R Artifacts
Game 1 WIN - He resolved a Shrapnel Blast on Scuttling Doom Engine and I went from 19 to 8. I stabilized through Supreme Verdict. Keranos and Helix finished this game.
Game 2 LOSS - Chief Engineer + Haunted Plate Mail. I needed Planar Cleansing but never saw it.
Game 3 WIN - I resolved an Archangel of Thune against his 2 Ornithopter, Haunted Plate Mail, and Soul of New Phyrexia. I was swinging to gain my life total back and he was throwing Ornithopter and using the Soul's ability to make his artifacts Indestructible. After awhile he equipped Soul with Plate Mail and tried to race my Angel when it was already a 10/11. I think it was his way of conceding the match. I mean he could still try to Shrapnel Blast me but I was holding on to Dissolve.
I boarded Archangel of Thune, Negate, and Elspeth, Sun's Champion
Round 3 vs Mono Blue Devotion
Game 1 WIN - This was against my friend piloting a deck that I built. He landed an early Thassa, God of the Sea but I was able to disable his devotion through spaced out Supreme Verdict, Last Breath, and Azorius Charm. I had to hold on to the Jace, Architect of Thought in my hand for awhile just so I could be reactive to the speed of Mono Blue. Elixir and Sphinx's Revelation closed this one and he scooped.
Game 2 LOSS - Didn't see Thassa here but she wasn't really needed. Master of Waves
backed up by a good amount of devotion without Verdict is hard to overcome.
Game 3 WIN BY CONCESSION - This game went down to the wire. It went back and forth with a couple lucky board wipes courtesy of resetting my graveyard with Elixir. I also held on to Counterflux for his AEtherling. Ling in the side was his idea. I could've ended this before turns. I had a Verdict in hand and he had one Nightveil Specter. I played my Scry land and saw Jace, Memory Adept. I had milled him a couple times before a Master of Waves took care of Jace the first time. I decided to bottom it because I didn't want his Specter to take it. After I passed turn I realized what I had done. I could've wiped the board after the Scry. It did go down to turns and I milled him enough to leave 1 card on turn 4 of turns. Before I drew my card I realized that he would survive my 6 soldier attack from Elspeth even after I ult'd her. He had 19 life. Soldiers would swing for 18. I told him neither of us would place top 4 if we drew and he conceded the match. It also happened to be a "bounty match" and we cracked the pack before our game. It was nissa, world waker. We share cards so I let him borrow the Nissa for the time being. It was a win-win for both of us.
I boarded Jace, Memory Adept, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Counterflux, Negate, and Deicide
Ruoind 4 vs. Mono blue Devotion
Game 1 WIN - This was such a grind of a game. Almost a mirror of my Game 1 against my friend from the previous round. This guy was at 32 life before I drew blood. I was down to 4 life with Azorius Charm as my only card. He had 1 Mutavault. I charmed it and on my turn drew Sphinx's Revelation. That dug me out of that hole.
Game 2 WIN - This was really short. Unfortunate draws and the fact that I was stabilizing pretty quick.
Same boarding as before.
So I changed the deck again. I swapped out Lightning Strike for Last Breath. Breath is much more powerful against creature since it can kill things that Strike can't such as Courser of Kruphix and most importantly Master of Waves
. I also took out Jace's Ingenuity and put back a Divination.