That's Fog-ing annoying

Casual Dallie


masiagora says... #1

loved the idea, can't wait to see the changes my deck inspired in it, haha. +1.

December 21, 2012 7:59 a.m.

Thundernuts says... #2

Interesting. I like Temple Bell over howling mine because it offers you a little more control of when the card draw is. Consider also Storm Seeker if your relying on your opponent having a full hand and perhaps a Black Vise ...

March 26, 2013 2:37 p.m.

Dallie says... #3

Thundernuts Thanks for the comment! I did indeed consider Temple Bell , but felt that the gap was filled by Otherworld Atlas which I can also build up if my hand already is decent - no reason to give the opponents more draw for answers, just because it's the only thing I can do.

I am not really looking to win on damage with this deck, since it would rely on me casting 3 perfect Storm Seeker 's.

I prefer to get a Jace's Erasure . Many games have been won by ultimating with Jace, Memory Adept with a single Erasure, since that will move 40 cards from the opponent's library to other zones.

With an Otherworld Atlas out, I can often end the game right there. It's a bit slow, this deck, but of course, since it works to stall the games and win on continuous milling, that is okay.

March 27, 2013 3:43 a.m.

Sasan says... #4

If you can stall enough to set up the field with a LOT of mana, Jace's Erasure , and Elixir of Immortality , you could try a Enter the Infinite . I'm pretty new to MTG but it seems cool in my head.

March 28, 2013 6:35 p.m.

Sasan says... #5

OR if you add a splash of white, you could use Archangel's Light instead of the Elixir on the next turn, and you get the whole deck plus the life.

March 28, 2013 6:39 p.m.

Sasan says... #6

Ok nevermind the Archangel's Light, it's a sorcery I don't think it works.

March 28, 2013 7:32 p.m.

Dallie says... #7

Sasan Thank you for the suggestion! I did feel that I needed something to speed up the whole win con (milling) so I will definitely try running one or two Enter the Infinite .

I really want to splash white, not only for lifegain, but also for sweepers as Day of Judgment . However I don't know what to take out, to be honest. I feel the deck would perform less consistently if I splashed white now, since I do not have or intend to, at least in the near future, buy the dual lands.

March 29, 2013 5:55 a.m.

zandl says... #8

I think Rites of Flourishing would do more for you than Otherworld Atlas . The land acceleration doesn't matterwhen you're just fogging every turn.

March 29, 2013 6:03 a.m.

Dallie says... #9

zandl I like Howling Mine over Rites of Flourishing . Doesn't require colored mana, and is a quicker drop. Also Otherworld Atlas allows me to have control of when to draw. And if my hand is good, I can build it up instead of possibly drawing my opponents more answers.

But thanks for the suggestion!

March 29, 2013 8:36 a.m.

lil_cheez says... #10

April 2, 2013 7:18 p.m.

Dallie says... #11

Will be cutting 4x Lull for 4x Moment's Peace , thanks for the suggestion!

April 5, 2013 4:46 a.m.

Dallie says... #12

As suggested by zandl I am currently trying out my deck with 3x Rites of Flourishing over 3x Otherworld Atlas .

With the inclusion of Moment's Peace , I feel confident that I will have a fog reply, even if they get to play more creatures.

I am also considering throwing in AEtherize , but I don't know where to fit it. Anyone has any thoughts on this?

April 5, 2013 5:02 a.m.

Dreno33 says... #13

AEtherize is VERY powerful. i have won many drafts by saving my ass with this card. take out your 1 Tezzeret's Gambit b/c it is not worth 3-4 for only 2 cards, especially since you have plenty of draw already. Then take out 2 Respite . Why? b/c while preventing damage is one thing. Sending them packing back to there owner's hand is really freaking annoying.

AEther Storm is hilarious.

Dawnstrider b/c you have a ton of card draw. Play her turn 2 and until she is targeted for removal. No damage will be dealt to you. I mean, after all, you did play Witchbane Orb turn 4 :D

4x Fog Bank i think is a must. if you wanted even more of him, add some Guard Gomazoa

Undead Alchemist is very interesting. place him on the field. mill the guy and start building an army of zombies for each creature. then bounce their creatures back into his/her hand and swing for massive mill. My friend has a zombie mill deck using him. but even him by himself would be great b/c at the very least he builds tokens for blocking.

April 5, 2013 5:39 a.m.

Dallie says... #14

@Dreno33: Thank you for the suggestions and comments!I was sporting my Tezzeret's Gambit actually because an earlier build used Otherworld Atlas and Tumble Magnet , along with the planeswalker, it seemed valid. However now with those gone, I honestly can't tell you why I kept the Gambit in there... Must've missed my sight :p - out he goes + 2 respite, and 3x AEtherize are in!

I won't be playing AEther Storm though, since if rarely ever deal damage. 4 life won't matter at all to them since it's the only damage would be dishing out. No one is ever in danger of losing to damage from this deck :p

Fog Bank is an amazing card and would definitely fit the flavor of this deck. However I think it would be too easy for my opponent to find some way to get rid of them, or all in all, just play around them.

Dawnstrider looks interesting, and might make the cut, though I am not sure yet. Will have to playtest.

Undead Alchemist , whilst fun, I just don't see it working. Tapping out on T4 for him, just seems like it would provoke attacks that would involve bad trades for me. Would rather save the mana for a Moment's Peace or the like.

But thank you for the many and good suggestions! I particularly like your suggestion of what to swap for AEtherize !

April 5, 2013 6:03 a.m.

Dreno33 says... #15

do have any Counterspell cards?

Mystic Snake , Mystic Genesis

Voidslime is freaking awesome

April 5, 2013 6:29 a.m.

Dallie says... #16

I want to include Voidslime soooooooo badly, but this IS a budget deck, and ~25 dollars for a playset of those is something I can't justify, when the deck's combined cost is around 45-50 dollars.

I am thinking very much about including Counterspell effects though. Just don't know which yet.. Maybe Syncopate , Dissipate or Spell Burst .

I also am wondering what to cut for it. I could cut the last 2 Respite and sideboard the Witchbane Orb and run 3 Counterspell effects.

What do you think of that?

April 5, 2013 6:53 a.m.

Dallie says... #17

I like the Mystic Snake a lot as well, it is however pretty costly to play, and mana intense. It could make the cut though, just not sure what all these changes means to my mana base :p

Mystic Genesis costs too much mana for me. 5 mana is a lot to keep open for a counterspell.

I could also go with the Oh so glorious Counterspell , because it is simple, effective, and cheap.

April 5, 2013 6:57 a.m.

Dallie says... #18

Thundernuts Since I tweaked my deck to this stage, that Temple Bell is beginning to look awfully good. I might consider swapping 1 Howling Mine for the Temple Bell in order to control my win.

April 5, 2013 7:36 a.m.

Levon777 says... #19

I like a good Fog Deck. +1 I would suggest Tamiyo, the Moon Sage for her final ability. it will allow you to have an infinite amount of fogs, once they hit the grave yard her emblem will trigger and the fog will go back into your hand to play again at any time.

April 25, 2013 8:06 a.m.

Dallie says... #20

Levon777, you're right; all her abilities are great. As I wrote in the description, I would definitely go for 3 copies of her over Jace Beleren and 1 Respite and the singleton Temple Bell . However she is still quite pricy (although she has dropped a lot recently) so I will not include her yet (might never), as this is a budget deck.

But thanks for the input and the +1! I am adding her to the acquireboard; if I get my hands on her somehow, I'll definitely include Tamiyo.

April 25, 2013 9:09 a.m.

KingSorin says... #21

Druid's Deliverance is another annoying stall card. same goes for Cryptic Command , tapping all of their stuff. Consecrated Sphinx + Psychic Spiral is good here too.

May 29, 2013 5:08 p.m.

lil_cheez says... #22

For fog I'd maybeboard a Blunt the Assault .
For mill, I love Hedron Crab , Sands of Delirium and Keening Stone ! the crab works well with Terramorphic Expanse !

May 29, 2013 7:11 p.m.

KingSorin says... #23

Going on my earlier point. That last bit was a bit unclear. I meant you use Consecrated Sphinx to draw heaps of cards with Howling Mine etc. then you discard heaps of stuff because of the 7-card limit, then you Psychic Spiral your grave and mill them for 20 or so, probably enough to win, or really dam close.

May 30, 2013 2:31 a.m.

Sasan says... #24

Say, have you considered Psychic Spiral in place of Noxious Revival or Beast Within ?

May 31, 2013 10:04 p.m.

Dallie says... #25

@KingSorin: Druid's Deliverance IS annoying, though as I do not have any creature tokens (or creatures for that matter) in this deck, it is inferior to Respite , Moment's Peace , and Fog . Consecrated Sphinx was in an earlier build, but too often I found myself playing it, drawing a few extra cards of a Jace Beleren and then have it die, as it has no protection and it is the only creature. Meaning that every kill spell the opposing deck has is ready to deal with it.

Also, Cryptic Command WOULD be included, was it not for the budget I have.

@lil_cheez: I feel like Blunt the Assault is a lot of mana to keep open to gain a few extra life. All the CMC 2 or less Fog s let me do some things on my turn whilst keeping mana open. I do have a lot of things that boost my mana, but I hardly ever find myself in need of sinks. The crabs were very expensive at the time I was looking to purchase them, now they're a bit more affordable. Might try to pick up a few.

@Sasan and KingSorin: Psychic Spiral is a great card. Not going to swap it for Beast Within but it might replace the singleton of Noxious Revival . Not sure yet. Will have to test around a bit.

Anyone have suggestions what to cut to get to 60 cards?

June 8, 2013 5:04 a.m.

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