Memnarch in Tights

This is a mono blue artifact combo control deck (say that 3 times fast??)

Memnarch: Kindly let me win.

Generic Opponent: Uh, no. Sorry, but a games a game and my cards are my cards, and if I don't have cards I can't win the game

Generic Opponent: I made that up!

Memnarch: It's very fascinating. But I'm afraid I'm going to have to hurt you.

The mechanic of this deck is to gain control of your opponents permanents, helping yourself and hindering them until you can form a win condition.

The main win con will be to gain control of all players battlefields. If infinite blue mana is generated this wins the game as you can steal all other players permanents with Memnarch ’s abilities.

Grand Architect + Pili-Pala = infinite blue mana

Caged Sun + Palinchron = infinite blue mana

Extraplanar Lens + Palinchron = infinite blue mana

Gilded Lotus + Karn, Silver Golem + Voltaic Construct = infinite blue mana

Basalt Monolith + Karn, Silver Golem + Voltaic Construct = infinite colorless mana

Karn, Silver Golem + Thran Dynamo + Voltaic Construct = infinite colorless mana

Aphetto Alchemist + Everflowing Chalice + Rings of Brighthearth = infinite colorless mana

Aphetto Alchemist + Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth = infinite colorless mana

Aphetto Alchemist + Gilded Lotus + Rings of Brighthearth = infinite blue mana

Aphetto Alchemist + Rings of Brighthearth + Thran Dynamo = infinite colorless mana

Aphetto Alchemist + Illusionist's Bracers with any artifact mana rock = infinite mana

Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter = infinite mana of all types / game ending condition on its own

Basalt Monolith + Rings of Brighthearth = infinite colorless mana

The combos that generate infinite colorless mana can effectively be infinite blue mana if Mycosynth Lattice is in play.

Another useful combo to mention is Muddle the Mixture + Rings of Brighthearth allowing you to directly tutor the dramatic scepter combo.

Lastly - there’s a game ending combo in Karn, the Great Creator + Mycosynth Lattice . Since all opponents permanents are artifacts and Karn shuts them down it’s gg.

This deck is heavy on the counter spells because it's crucial to keep opponents boards in check. Yes, you can steal things that are already in play however you want to prevent things that are really damaging from ever resolving.

There are several sources of tutoring in the deck to help guarantee you build the desired board state, and one fun little combo is Ring of Three Wishes + Rings of Brighthearth letting you tutor twice for the price of once!

Rings of Brighthearth is honestly a busted card. Want to draw 6 cards? Arcanis the Omnipotent + Rings of Brighthearth . Want to steal two permanents for the price of one? Memnarch + Rings of Brighthearth . It's probably the single best card in the deck.

Fun Interactive Magic

As Robin Hood wasn't always the most popular character amongst those who weren't thrilled about being stole from, you too may not be the most popular person at the table with this deck. So be sure to bring along a nicer deck to balance it out!

If You Lose.....

Thanks for taking a look if you enjoyed the journey I’d appreciate a +1. Love ya!


Updates Add

Via some playtesting I found that I didn't have enough land and had too many high cost things to play with my absence of land.

To that end I added more basics and removed:

      Ugin, the Spirit Dragon - with 8 mana Memnarch should be rolling big time. Ugin just doesn't do enough for the goals of this deck

      Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur - there are better card draws that don't cost 10

      Ring of Three Wishes - there are better, way cheaper tutors for artifacts

      Spellskite - not as good as I wanted, old fashioned countering is better

Seems like it has a much better curve now and won't be as prone to getting land screwed.
