To anyone who is passing through, especially those who play control or know a bit about how it works, I WOULD LOVE HELP SO MUCH! This deck doesn't always function the way I want it to, and while I know Sphinx's Revelationand shocks would help a lot, I can't afford them at the moment (no job OP). If you have any ideas (that aren't covered in this description or the comments below, I would LOVE to hear them. I want to start getting a little more competitive and can easily seem myself playing control in the years to come, so I can use all of the help I can get. (Also, if I make a comment refuting your help, that's probably because there wasn't a convincing enough argument for them either given or in my head (if one wasn't given). It's not that I just shoot down the help, it's just that I feel like some cards (like Divination) aren't for my play-style.
Also, while I try to keep my decks tagged "Budget" under 50 USD, I'm leaving it on here until I hit 100 USD, so that people can see that and not have to ask where the Supreme Verdicts and Sphinx's Revelations are :P. I hope you all are okay with that.
Draw-go Sorok Control. I feel that my experiment of W/U wouldn't be worth dropping what I already have, and my play group is already getting in another 1 or 2 W/U players, so I need to keep it interesting.
The only two things I feel I'd like to explain in the mainboard are the creatures and Inspiration. I don't like the thought of running only 1 creature total in my deck, so I have 3 win-cons and my 2 Gideons (don't laugh, he's won me almost every game I've dropped him). I also run a full set of Omenspeakers, who also wreck Aggro, and can be a hitter against an open field (dropped an aggro player 15 points from Omenspeakers alone).
I'm using Inspiration over Divination and Opportunity because I don't like tapping out on my turn and my board wipe (Planar Cleansing) is 6 mana (reasons are respective).In the Side, I have 1 Elixir of Immortality for the mirror match. Should explain itself.
The Counterfluxes are for the mirror as well. Uncounterable Counter :P Replaces the Magma Jets
The Pithing Needle is for the Mirror. If I see that the opponent is also rockin' AEtherling or Gideon, Champion of Justice, I won't hesitate to side them out to stop my foe (also the reason I run a small variety of wincons).
The 1 Blind Obedience is for when I see a Whip of Erebos or RDW staring across the table from me.
Here's where it gets a little stranger. The Gainsays I hope aren't that out of the meta, but I could have issues in the mirror, and Gainsay Helps. Glare of Heresy is also for the mirror, as if they can somehow resolve an Elspeth, Sun's Champion, I NEED something to remove her. Forever.
The Council of the Absolute is a card I haven't seen in a long time. It's there for the mirror as well, and namely for a single card: Sphinx's Revelation. I can't cast it, and I don't want it to resolve. Ever. Thus, I just either bait out the removal (and hopefully counter it), or I stop them in their tracks. It can also be used in other situations, or to lighten the load of Planar Cleansing, but it's mostly there to stop that one infernal card.
I'm honestly thinking about changing out my Inspirationsfor Steam Augury, but I'm not sold yet. I haven't gotten a chance to try Inspirationyet, so I'll have to see how that goes. Again, still avoiding Divinationbecause I hate tapping mana on my turn for anything but a creature or a planeswalker.