Been a while since I took this build of allies to FNM but once again it performed really well. 3-1 overall and 4th place for a pretty great last FNM at my current LGS before I head back up north for college.
I lost only in the first round to Grixis Delver. Young Pyromancer combined with the ridiculous amount of disruption and removal in that deck (not to mention tons of cheap cards to trigger the pyromancer) is really bad for allies that want to stick and swing for big beats. The matchups against these kind of aggro-control decks like Delver feel somewhat unfavorable after sideboarding in particular because I'm rarely able to stick an ally long enough to make it huge. Death's Shadow is similar but the matchup is much more even due to how much life it loses. One big beat is all it takes to win most of the time.
Round 2 was a quick 2-0 against some amonkhet eternalize thing. I basically won before he could play anything. Round 3 was a 2-1 win against grishoalbrand. Opponent got the combo in game 1 but I had RIP in game 2 and leyline of sanctity in game 3 that went unanswered and brickwalled the combo. Round 4 was a 2-1 win against BW Eldrazi. I won game 1 by outracing damage but I don't really recall specifics, lost game 2 because it went late and vault of the archangel kept gaining my opponent a ton of life and killing off my giant blockers, and won game 3 on the back of opening hand leyline of sanctity basically turning his entire hand into bricks.
Decklist changes - just fine-tuning the removal a bit. I'm liking the 2-2 split of path-decay in the main deck with 1 more of each in the board better than 4 decay because decay is hard to cast and path hits stuff like gurmag angler that decay can't deal with.
Main deck:
-2 Abrupt Decay
+2 Path to Exile
-1 Path to Exile
+1 Abrupt Decay