The American Superfriends and the Legion of Doom

Standard reverendvile777


apoc7k says... #1

I straight-up like this deck. Really fun idea. +1!

July 4, 2013 12:55 a.m.

asaxgod says... #2

i sat here and tried to find something wrong with this deck and couldn't. i would hate to play against this at FNM. +1 for control sweet control

July 7, 2013 10:51 p.m.

apoc7k says... #3

I wound up swiping the list and tweaking it slightly to suit my own tastes. This deck really is a fantastic, fun, dirty idea that I've been loving every second of. The fact that board wipes hardly phase the deck, and that you can put on so much hate on the board makes for a truly great contender for most any matchup. The fact that it can hate out creatures so effectively is what really stole my attention. I had a Rock deck that I tinkered with last year that was a great contender because it too hated on creatures so much.

Have you taken this to any FNM's yet?

July 8, 2013 2:04 a.m.

I have been honing it online, and while I haven't invested in all the cards I have thought about putting it does a nice job of sticking it to popular decks in my meta (Reanimator and Jund are the top decks usually). I really need to focus the sideboard, some things I was thinking were Blind Obedience for aggro, Witchbane Orb in case I run into Drownyard, any other things you would suggest? For mainboard I am thinking +1 Azorius Charm and -1 Izzet Charm , or dropping Izzet Charm altogether and possibly trying +2 Sphinx's Revelation , thoughts?

Another great interaction I experienced testing online tonight:

t3: miracle terminust4: no creatures get played, Ral Zarek, start +1 ingt5: jace, memory adept, mill ten, +1 ralt6: miracle temporal mastery, mill ten, +1 ralt7: mill ten, +1 ral, hardcast temporal masteryt8: flip 4 heads out of five, mill him outI am really liking this deck, really tempted to invest in it before rotation. O Ring, Think Twice, Dissipate, and Miracle cards, you will be missed when Theros comes out.

July 9, 2013 2:56 a.m.

apoc7k says... #5

Personally I like Izzet Charm a bit better just because it has a nice bit of early-game flexibility. You can ping an opponents weaker creatures (especially mana dorks), you can counter their early tempo spells (assuming they're not playing Naya Blitz), and it can dig 2 cards deep. Azorius Charm mostly stalls. Revelations are great, I just don't want to draw them too much, so I only included one in my list.

Blind Obedience is cool for Aggro since it slows everything down a turn. I'm more interested in killing them off usually, but this will work for a longer period of time. I'd personally use the spot for Mizzium Mortars , but either would work. With the Witchbane Orb ... I actually much like the card in general, because it can nullify so many things.

To be perfectly honest, in my testing so far, I've run into such few problems... I might add extra copies of a few of the control spells just to shape out game 2/3 into one that uses the most effective spells per matchup. I suggest something like Mizzium Mortars because if you bump into Blood Baron of Vizkopa , you've found a creature that's immune to 9 of your control spells (not to mention your creatures can't block him). Sure, you can counter him if you have a counterspell in hand, but... if you don't, he becomes a very scary clock to deal with if you can't draw a board wipe.

And I agree... when rotation happens, I'm going to miss so many delicious cards in this deck.

July 9, 2013 3:40 a.m.

how will your sideboard work?

July 9, 2013 9:48 a.m.

MonkeyMind says... #7

Seeing that you're already running 3x Ral Zarek , why not include some Gilded Lotus to be able to include some more expensive spells?

July 9, 2013 10:01 a.m.

Updated the with a few mainboard and sideboard tweaks, and explained my sideboard a little. MonkeyMind it would be a decent fit but I'm not sure where I would squeeze it in. Suggestions?

July 9, 2013 2:10 p.m.

Morgeno says... #9

Hi, I play UWR as well, and I like the premise of your deck but I think there are some problems.

I recommend Jace, Architect of Thought mainboard over Mind Sculptor. In a control deck, AoT is important for card advantage. When you're boarding against control, or enchantment hate, you should switch out for the Mind Sculptor so you can mill them out instead. If you are bringing in AoT for aggro, you're using him wrong.

Always run 4x Azorius Charm.

I think 6 wincons is too many. I recommend 3 assemble the legion, second game bring the Mind Sculptors in if necessary.

In my experience, Izzet Charm is best as a 1 of. All three options are decent, but there are better options. Azorius charm is a better delay, and I prefer it's draw. (Izzet Charm basically mulligans.)

I suppose Aurelia is okay, but if you're boarding her in because you fear they have enchantment hate, you will not be able to use her ability. Aetherling hits harder and faster, and can't be killed.

The O-rings are a neat idea, but I think you are missing out on one of the best things about UWR - the burn. Esper, Grixis, Azorius, Mono Black, all of the other control decks miss out on that. While O rings are nice, sometimes you will have nothing to do with them. Being able to hit people in the face for 2-4 damage can finish the game if you're racing, and can ensure you have no dead cards. Not to mention if they ARE boarding in enchantment hate, not only is your main wincon gone (AtL) so is your main removal.

Summary of my criticism -

Switch out two of the Izzet Charms, preferably for Azorius.

Switch the positions of the Jaces.

Aurelia is not necessary

Take off one of the Assemble's

Subtract O-Rings

Add burn,

And Remember - Card Advantage is key. In a control deck, you don't need many win cons, answers are better. Wear your opponents down, then drop a bomb and roll over their now defenseless bodies.

July 16, 2013 12:38 a.m.

BMX482 says... #10

I currently run Blue/White control and have been seriously considering making it U/W/R. I love control and you my friend have really opened my eyes to the awesome possibilities. +1 and most likely going to use this same build for my future control.

July 17, 2013 5:03 a.m.

I played this with my bant deck against someone with a similar idea. It works rather well

October 18, 2013 7:24 p.m.

Socratio says... #12

door of destinies with assemble the legion and elspeth absolutely crushes opponents within less turns. Since u stabilize fast, u have a good chance of getting it out. A playset of Door of Destinies please!

October 20, 2013 12:39 a.m.

hochmaster says... #13


No it doesn't, it reads "whenever you CAST a spell of the chosen type". Door of destinies is useless in here since he has no soldier spells.

October 20, 2013 12:44 a.m.

Socratio says... #14

hot damn, guess that doesn't work. sorry about that bad recommendation.

October 20, 2013 12:47 a.m.

Socratio says... #15

what about Legion's Initiative ?

October 20, 2013 12:48 a.m.

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