Avacyn's Angelic Justice

Commander / EDH LunoStarlyght


1empyrean says... #1

I think this deck has few big problems beyond needing a win condition.

First, your deck has 18 creatures + your commander. This might work in a control deck, you seem to want to play angel tribal, so this is a really low creature count.

Second, your land count is a little low. In the playtester it seemed to work out ok a decent amount of the time, but only with the red loot spells. Some are even cycling lands, which kind of makes things worse. Personally, I like 34-37 depending on various factors.

Third, Panharmonicon has almost no interactions in the deck. The only one that has much of any payoff is Thalia's Lancers. It is a dead card otherwise.

Your gameplan leans heavily towards having creatures to protect, but a majority of them cost 5 or more, so you lack early game presence. You also can't really rely on you commander flashing in if you need to play to have any blockers...

Anyways, I'm coming up blank on a good wincon. Maybe Warstorm Surge and similar effects?

September 24, 2020 6:18 p.m.

LunoStarlyght says... #2

1empyrean, thanks for the advice! Unfortunately, Angels are not aggressively costed, so early game is mainly going to focus on setting up mana. I will try adding in more lands and ways to ramp mana (despite the lack of options) to compensate the early game better. Most likely gonna combo Warstorm Surge with Fiery Emancipation.

September 25, 2020 11:13 p.m.

1empyrean says... #3

Well, the angels theme is never going to be the fastest, though Kaalia of the Vast would be a better, if expensive, commander for the theme. If you really want to embrace the theme, that's who I recommend using, but Its understandable if you don't want to switch.

I like Archangel Avacyn  Flip, but she isn't really an angel tribal commander, given how her flip ability triggers. Maybe try building around the ability as opposed to a theme if you want to keep her as commander.

September 26, 2020 10:48 a.m.

Gingervitis says... #4

Love the description and I love Archangel Avacyn  Flip as a card!

Also, I have noticed that there aren't too many ways of triggering Avacyn's flip effect. I do see that there is Selfless Spirit and you could do something with the tokens gained from Hanweir Garrison, but other than that I don't really see many non-Angel creatures dying.

There are a lot of self sacrifice cards that are red or white that can help you get that flip effect off, such as Generator Servant or Benevolent Bodyguard to name a few.

If you really don't care about getting Avacyn's effect off, then ignore this comment.

Heres my Voltron deck that does somewhat the same thing as this deck except it has more of a focus on equipping Avacyn and wrecking everything. Avacyn, the Commander

Cool deck!

November 11, 2020 1:03 p.m.

Daedalus19876 says... #5

Oh man, Archangel Avacyn is the commander deck I've had for the longest! I was the original person building her, I had great success... This is my deck, for context:

Judgment Day: Avacyn the Purifier EDH [PRIMER]

Commander / EDH Daedalus19876

SCORE: 766 | 599 COMMENTS | 85037 VIEWS | IN 263 FOLDERS

Have you considered including some of the lower-cost angels which also act as hatebears? Such as Archangel of Tithes and Angel of Jubilation? I've noticed that you're running a lot of the "whenever this takes damage, it deals that much elsewhere" cards, have you considered Repercussion?

I'd highly recommend Blasphemous Act (you can drop Avacyn, give indestructible, then blow up the field for a single red mana), Flawless Maneuver/Teferi's Protection (they work great to dodge one of your own board wipes), andd Wear / Tear over Disenchant. Frilled Deathspitter seems like the most natural cut. Hope this helps! :D

November 14, 2020 11:35 a.m.

LunoStarlyght says... #6

Daedalus19876, your Avacyn deck was actually the reason I wanted to build her from the start! I loved the idea behind it when I took a look at your deck back in 2016! However, I don't want it to be a mirror copy of yours and want to include my own style! I do like the recommendations though and will keep them in mind!

May the Angels watch over you Daedalus19876, for you have their blessing!

November 14, 2020 3:11 p.m.

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