I won the first 3 rounds and then split with my round 4 opponent. Made top 8 out of over 40 players and got about $45 in store credit.
Round 1: KCI. The opponent went Forest into Chromatic Star. I thought he was on Tron and prepared for the worst with my 1 land 2 Serum Visions hand. Luckily he played Terrarion and I felt better about things. I only found a 2nd land, but played Young Pyromancer and made 2 tokens before he got it with Pyrite Spellbomb. I played a Tasigur and held up Steam Vents
with 2 Spell Snare and 2 Lightning Bolt and a Snapcaster Mage and possibly more cards in hand (don't remember). I Bolted a Scrap Trawler, Spell Snared 2 myr retrievers. He kept finding more copies of each with a KCI in play but I prevented him from comboing off for a lot of turns. An Engineered Explosives got my tokens. I got him to 4 and if I'd drawn more lands early I would have gotten him, but he finally comboed off through my hate. Game 2 I drew tons of hate and killed him with a turn 2 Gurmag Angler. Game 3 I got an early Tasigur and Young Pyromancer and drew plenty of hate again. He went 0-1 drop. Feelsbad.
Round 2: RB Control featuring Demigod of Revenge, Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Hazoret the Fervent, and other exciting cards. Turn 2 he played 2 Inquisition of Kozilek and my hand was Gurmag Angler, Terminate, Dreadbore, Thought Scour, and 2 lands. He took Dreadbore and Thought Scour, which I thought was weird, until he Terminated my Angler and slammed a Liliana, the Last Hope. Luckily I drew Snapcaster to Snap-Dreadbore Lily and start with the Snap beats. Eventually I Kolaghan's Commanded back Gurmag Angler, improved my clock, and got there. Game 2 he started with Leyline of the Void in play. I Mana Leaked 2 Blood Moon, played a Snap for pressure, bolted a Goblin Rabblemaster, played Young Pyromancer, and started swinging for 7 with Snap and Pyro and Creeping Tar Pit. He quickly died. Right as I had enough mana to hardcast my Tasigur, too. He had Anger of the Gods and other good things but didn't draw them.
Round 3: Storm. Game 1 he flooded. Game 2 he didn't draw anything relevant. He lost so fast that he felt obligated to tell me how to rebuild my deck because I'm doing it wrong. Apparently Mana Leak is a very bad card and counterspells in general are bad cards in modern and my deck is bad becuase I rely on counterspells. I admit I'm unconvinced, since the meta isn't just Humans and Hollow One.
Round 4: We split because we both would make top 8, and top 8 got equal split of the prize pool so neither of us would benefit by beating the other. We played a game for fun and he was on Bant Miracles featuring Nexus of Fate *list*. My slow-rolled Thoughtseize got Jace, the Mind Sculptor and I double-bolted down his Teferi. And then a few turns later he slammed Nexus of Fate *list* on my end step. It quickly spiraled down from there, with hardcast Terminus getting my board and Celestial Colonnade killing me. I hope this doesn't catch on because it felt very bad for me in that game. He has a lot of cards I want to counter - more than I have enough counterspells for. And his deck looked very hard to clock.
Tonight was the first night playing Rakdos Charm in the sideboard and I like it. I don't know if I'd play another copy, but 1 copy instead of a 3rd Nihil Spellbomb seems good. Extra artifact hate is something that's good to have in this meta.
School starts again next week, so I'll only be playing EDH and prerelease for the next 9 months. After this week, no more modern until next summer.