The Apostles of the Damned

Commander / EDH* Dave

SCORE: 50 | 127 COMMENTS | 11630 VIEWS | IN 31 FOLDERS

Caligula says... #1

Omg, PLEASE splash white for Athreos, God of Passage

Your Apostles would be ruthless in this

April 29, 2014 8:17 p.m.

Dave says... #2

Oh fuck. I need him as my commander, stat. I didn't even think of how good he'd be in this deck.

I'm gonna rework the mana base and whatnot next time I find the time.

April 29, 2014 10:04 p.m.

Caligula says... #3

Man, No one has done this yet with a commander deck haha, Such a good idea!

I'd bet if you feature this it'll get upvoted pretty quick.

April 30, 2014 11:41 a.m.

Dave says... #4

I think I threw this on the feature queue once when I made it. Not 100% sure on that though.

I'm all outta tokens at the moment. I'm gonna throw it up there eventually. I usually buy 'em when I come up with a new brew.

April 30, 2014 1:17 p.m.

Dave says... #5

Athreos has made his way in. I think I'm going to avoid adding white into the mainboard 'cause of the Apostles. It's hard to make them consistent without tons of swamps.

April 30, 2014 1:23 p.m.

Caligula says... #6

Yeah, All you really need is Athreos as the commander anyways. This deck is absolutely awesome, Great brew here.

+1 and I'll throw it up on feature for ya ;)

April 30, 2014 1:29 p.m.

Dave says... #7

Wow! Thanks a ton. You've just made my entire day. :D

I'mma sneak one of your decks on to the queue next time I've got a few tokens. :)

April 30, 2014 1:42 p.m.

Caligula says... #8

Your welcome man, Just spreading the love around, there's alot of decks that deserve some attention and loving on here. I'LL FIND THEM ALL lol.

April 30, 2014 2:33 p.m.

Dave says... #9

Haha, you're giving me motivation to tune this bastard up a bit more. I'm trying to get it on paper.

Almost forgot about Immortal Servitude - getting 6 apostles out only to sac them again with Atheros out sounds kinda nasty.

April 30, 2014 3:21 p.m.

Caligula says... #10

A couple of other cards that would be pretty janky in here

All those would be fun in here!

April 30, 2014 4:17 p.m.

DiamondFlavor says... #11

April 30, 2014 9:27 p.m.

Permafrost says... #12

Arcane Sanctum is not a legal card option for your deck since it has a blue mana symbol.

April 30, 2014 10:23 p.m.

Caligula says... #13

Hey what about Cabal Coffers OR Lake of the Dead might be pretty good for this deck

(To replace the Arcane Sanctum )

April 30, 2014 11:53 p.m.

EndStepTop says... #14

+1 for the description alone, Also solid deck.

April 30, 2014 11:56 p.m.

Caligula says... #15

Oh, and yanno... since you like Exquisite Blood you can be right dickish and add in Sanguine Bond

Makes your opponent go =(

May 1, 2014 12:01 a.m.

Caligula says... #16

Hahahahahahaha, That's what i said when i looked at the price.. I was like "How is it so much?!" Then I clicked on that.

May 1, 2014 12:03 a.m.

Dave says... #17

Thanks for pointing that out, Permafrost! I don't play too much EDH so I'm not fully aware of the finer intricacies of it. I wasn't aware the lands fell victim to that rule.

Thanks for the suggestions, Meetreality88! Unfortunately, Grisel is banned in EDH if I'm not mistaken. I'd have him if he weren't. I had the other two demons in, but I ended up cutting down on them in favor of some others. Lake of the Dead is practically begging to be in here, so he's definitely joining. In regards to the Sanguine/Exquisite combo, I REALLY want to do it (infinite combos are my favourite thing) - the only problem is that it doesn't tie in too well with my other winconditions. I ran it alongside Vampires and it seemed to work nicely.

DiamondFlavor, that could definitely be awesome. I'm trying my best to avoid having white in the mainboard 'cause of manafixing issues, but that one almost seems too good to pass up. I'm working it in - just gotta figure out what to drop in its place.

and thanks a ton for the vote/comment, Gspot.

May 1, 2014 12:50 a.m.

EndStepTop says... #18

On a more serious note, since Imperial Seal and Grim Tutor are incredibly expensive, why not try Enlightened Tutor and Vampiric Tutor

May 1, 2014 12:57 a.m.

Dave says... #19

Good call on those. I'm gonna work on the list again tomorrow and get them in there.

May 1, 2014 1:27 a.m.

DiamondFlavor says... #20

It shouldn't be hard to fix mana for such a small splash. There's also Temple of Silence / Mana Confluence / City of Brass / Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse if you run just one Plains

Wayfarer's Bauble / Expedition Map / Darksteel Ingot are also solid, though I understand that they distract from your strategy somewhat.

Also, if you're running Sign in Blood you might consider Night's Whisper / Ambition's Cost / Ancient Craving 'cause they're all really good.

Gauntlet of Power and Caged Sun provide ramp that you probably won't even need, but they do also pump your Apostles if you're into that kind of thing, which the tribal artifacts suggest is the case.

Finally, Xathrid Necromancer ?

May 1, 2014 10:13 a.m.

DiamondFlavor says... #21

Oh yeah and Tendrils of Agony goes nicely with the Thrumming Stone and Profane Prayers just seems solid.

I have never built one, but I love Apostles EDH!

Oh yeah... Skullclamp ?

It all just depends how many Apostles you want to run I think.

May 1, 2014 10:15 a.m.

Dave says... #22

I think I'll skip on the Tendrils of Agony just 'cause it can be a dead card almost if I can't pull the Thrumming Stone - I can't believe I overlooked Profane Prayers though. That card is just begging to join. Xathrid Necromancer should be in here too; not sure how I overlooked that. I even have that card on paper haha.

Skullclamp could be cool, but I think this deck's got enough card-draw in it. I don't really wanna be sacing my apostles just for draws, y'know?

Gauntlet of Power is another one I'll be including. Thanks a million for the suggestions, DiamondFlavor!

May 2, 2014 12:29 p.m.

Dave says... #23

Guys. I bought a single JOU pack (first pack I've bought in months) and got Athreos. SO STOKED.

May 9, 2014 1:46 p.m.

Caligula says... #24

Hahaha that's too legit!

I pulled out the new Ajani, traded it to my roomie though as those are his main colors.

May 9, 2014 3:44 p.m.

Dave says... #25

Nice! I was interested in that new Ajani, but I don't think it'll see much use in Modern. That's my main format. Seems boss in standard though.

I couldn't believe it when I opened it. I bought it thinking in the back of my mind "This is dumb. The only card that interests me is Athreos. Oh well, maybe I'll get something decent for trade value." - boom, Athreos. Now I just need 2399840 apostles, some of the lands and I'll be all set. It'll probably be a long while 'til this bastard is assembled on paper.

May 9, 2014 4:10 p.m.

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