[Primer] Casting the Mythal

Commander / EDH Guerric

SCORE: 101 | 76 COMMENTS | 10614 VIEWS | IN 34 FOLDERS

KBK7101 says... #1

Incredibly well written primer. It's so well done that I'm not even sure what I would recommend! Any thoughts on new Strixhaven/C21 cards that could make the cut? I'm not sure of any off the top of my head but I'm sure there are a few that would be worth considering.

May 19, 2021 6:17 p.m.

Guerric says... #2

KBK7101 Thanks so much! I've been plotting this for some time, so its great to finally finish it! I'm hoping to do a similar one for Scion of the Ur-Dragon next. As for Strixhaven, I would have thought that a set focused on wizards would certainly have something for Inalla. Yet it seems most of the Grixis wizards in the set are built around synergizing with instants and sorceries and not ETBs, which makes some of them very ideal for spellslinger decks like my Mizzix of the Izmagnus deck or my friend's Kalamax, the Stormsire deck, but less so for a wizards tribal deck. The recent card that I will almost certainly add (once I can figure out what to cut) is Pyre of Heroes from Kaldheim. This card will almost certainly be extraordinarily powerful here in both tutoring out our utility pieces and combos, so do expect an update with that one included soon.

May 19, 2021 7 p.m.

Guerric says... #3

I added a little bit of extra context to my discussion of the stasis win in the primer. As far as cards go-

Swamp OUT Pyre of Heroes IN

Since the implementation of the London Mulligan I've found that I can often get away with 36 lands. As for pyre, its just too good not to go in their. Not only does it give us tons of utility (ex. saccing that Sea Gate Oracle we no longer need for an Archaeomancer to recover Cyclonic Rift from our graveyard), but it can help us to cheat our our combos. Its much easier to sac our Mercurial Chemister for Wanderwine Prophets than to have all the mana we need to protect it. While testing will show the truth, my belief is that Pyre of Heroes will be one of the most important cards printed for this deck since the Ixalan block.

Mystic Confluence OUT Counterspell IN

I love confluence, but Sublime Epiphany and Cryptic Command out class it, and I really don't have room for three expensive counterspells in here. Going back to the original will do us just fine!

May 20, 2021 6:57 p.m.

Guerric says... #4

Thanks for all your support everyone! Its nice to be top-ranked! Quick gameplay update. Both my recent additions, Pyre of Heroes and good old Counterspell did work at game night last night. Pyre turned what was a tough game into a win when I was able to sacrifice Venser, Shaper Savant to tutor out Bloodline Necromancer after drawing into Ashnod's Altar . I'll keep testing, but my intuition is that these were great additions.

May 21, 2021 5:38 p.m.

Guerric says... #5

Looking forward to Modern Horizons, there are some promising options.

Step Through is at the very least a strictly better upgrade of Vedalken AEthermage , as the spell half is actually useful and the wizardcycling cost is lower. Of course, more tutors, more better, so we might end up with both.

Harmonic Prodigy is one of the best cards for this deck that I've seen in awhile. Its basically another copy of Naban, Dean of Iteration , though since it is non-legendary one can see for some broken plays if we play it in the same turn as, say, Watcher for Tomorrow . I'm sure we'll find room for this somewhere. Looking forward to the new set!

May 30, 2021 2:09 p.m.

DonaldFuck says... #6

The deck is actually really good and the primer very informative. I tried my version of the deck based on yours the other night and it felt quite powerful. I did kill the whole table with infinite wizards. What felt very annoying for my opponents was the addition of Patron Wizard . I loved this wizard.

June 3, 2021 3:56 a.m.

Guerric says... #7

DonaldFuck Thanks so much for the comment, and the suggestion! I have thought about adding Patron Wizard for years and never got to it, but I'm going to have to try it now. I'll probably swap it for Voidmage Prodigy who, while fine, has never wowed me in this deck.

June 3, 2021 7:11 a.m.

DonaldFuck says... #8

Patron Wizard doesn't have much synergy with inalla's trigger ability but he has synergy with the rest of the creatures. Tripple blue might be tough but achievable. My opponents most of the times forgot about his ability to counter stuff and i even countered a ramp spell making him super salty. I believe he deserves a spot in the deck. Try it out and see how he plays.

June 4, 2021 4:22 a.m.

Guerric says... #9

DonaldFuck I will definitely pick him up and give him a go!

June 4, 2021 6:56 a.m.

DonaldFuck says... #10

I also have a question about Ghostly Flicker and Dualcaster Mage . You mention in the primer in the paragraph 3) The Transported Wizard, section b) " Infinite mana doesn't win the game on its own however, and you won't have token copies of the spell in this case." Why not though? Inalla sees the Dualcaster Mage that keeps entering, thus you can create infinite mages from the mana of the land/artifact you blink. You can then cast Inalla, tap every wizard and win. Except if i am missing something here.

June 5, 2021 3:30 a.m.

Guerric says... #11

DonaldFuck That is actually correct in terms of ghostly flicker! I was thinking in the case of Rite of Replication that the tokens wouldn't have haste, but they would in terms of flicker. I'll definitely update the primer to make the distinction! One of the great things about Inalla is often finding new ways to use your combo pieces. She's super synergistic!

June 5, 2021 5:58 a.m.

kimosabe says... #12

Hey! Glad I stumbled upon your deck just in time. Very thorough run down of Inalla, it's clear you're quite an expert. Picked up a few tid bits That I will def use. Galecaster Colossus Deadeye Navigator are ones I have never seen before. My deck could use some help feel free to check it out and critique, might find somethin' you've never seen before as well. Inalla Arch-Rage Ritualist

June 7, 2021 11:42 p.m.

Guerric says... #13

I made some small edits to the primer to account for something DonaldFuck pointed out.

Rakdos Signet OUT Wayfarer's Bauble IN

I was shocked when I realize that I wasn't playing Wayfarer's Bauble , which is usually in all of my non-green decks. Rakdos Signet is actually kind of bad here as we don't love mana rocks that don't give us access to blue unless there are other upsides.

I'm also thinking about cutting Chromatic Lantern for the always amazing Burnished Hart . Lantern is still the best fixing around, but doesn't really cut it as ramp any more, meaning that if I don't need the fixing its a better call to just get more lands in place. I haven't pulled the trigger yet, but will probably decide before I add Harmonic Prodigy and Step Through which are coming in the next update.

June 10, 2021 11:42 a.m.

Guerric says... #14

kimosabe Thanks for the support, and I'll definitely check out your list!

June 10, 2021 11:43 a.m.

DonaldFuck says... #15

I really like wayfarer's Bauble in the place of rakdos signet. On the other hand, i would never replace my chromatic lantern. I think it is very important. Some spells i play have tripple blue and i really need it. It is also searchable with the mages. burnished hart is very slow and not a wizard. I personally don't like it but feel free to use it.

I must point out that in my list i run the isochron scepter combo for infinite mana, so the lantern has synergy with it.

June 11, 2021 5:27 a.m.

Guerric says... #16

DonaldFuck Yeah, I have a lot of triple blue in this deck, and even double red can occasionally be tricky, So I've left if for now. And while Burnished Hart can also be fetched with Trophy Mage since its an artifact creature, it does come online slower, which probably isn't ideal for the mana hungry nature of this deck, so I've left Chromatic Lantern for now and may keep it that way. Isochron Scepter with Dramatic Reversal is always good, but it goes better in my Mizzix of the Izmagnus spellslinger deck where I usually win with massive x-spells, and I've been thinking about adding it as an alternate win con for Reiterate there.

June 11, 2021 8:50 a.m.

Guerric says... #17

Modern Horizons brought us some awesome new toys! Harmonic Prodigy was made for this deck, and Step Through is fabulous also. I also added Frostboil Snarl which, while not from Horizons, is a nice inclusion as I've found that Choked Estuary works great in this deck, and took the place of an island. As for the main additions-

Harmonic Prodigy IN Mercurial Chemister OUT

Prodigy is like an upgraded version of Naban, Dean of Iteration in this deck, except that we can have both of them at the same time, and multiple copies of Prodigy with Inalla to boot. There's no way this one doesn't belong! It is with great sadness that we send Mercurial Chemister into retirement. It's very underrated and has always performed well for me, but at 5cmc its still probably the weakest link at this point.

Step Through IN Vedalken AEthermage OUT

This new sorcery is pretty much strictly better than Aethermage in this deck. We only ever use Aethermage for the Wizardcycling, and Step Through does it for one mana less. In addition, we might actually want to cast Step Through sometimes in order to recur our mages, even though that is likely rare, whereas we would never hardcast Vedalken AEthermage . There is, of course, the option of having both, but I don't think I'm ready to cut anything else to keep Aethermage at this point.

June 23, 2021 1:47 p.m.

DankMagicianD says... #18

I have an Inalla list myself, and it's one of my favorite lists to play. It's nice to see someone else with a similar level of enthusiasm for the deck.

June 24, 2021 8:39 a.m.

3n3rgy2 says... #19

HOLY MOLY! Not only does this deck do many things and have a good amount of combos, its also semi affordable! Im seriously in love with this deck and I'm going to take Jaleva apart to make this! Keep up the good work!! +1

July 9, 2021 6:29 p.m.

Guerric says... #20

DankMagicianD I agree! When Inalla was first spoiled the cEDH community knew right away that she was great in that format, but there was less focus on her ability to function as a powerhouse tribal and combo commander at the top end of regular commander without resorting to reanimator shenanigans. Its very powerful, so after winning with it I always switch to a less combo-oriented deck for the following game, but its always fun and presents lots of options.

3n3rgy2 Thanks so much for your comments and I hope that you enjoy making it! It makes all of the primer writing worth it for sure. What I love most is its perfect synergy. It has many combos, but every piece is good on its own, which makes our cards always useful and makes us willing to lose a combo piece since there are always more paths to win. Thanks again!

July 9, 2021 9:50 p.m.

3n3rgy2 says... #21

In re-reading the primer I noticed something. In the wanderwine prophets section it says:

"In essence, when Prophets enters the battelfield, we'll pay the mana to make a token copy, and the champion ability of both we'll trigger. We'll resolve the token's ability first and set the token as the champion for the original, thus putting it into exile until end of turn where it is safe from harm. Since the token has haste, we'll then attack with it, and, when we do damage to our opponent, we'll get an extra turn. Then, on our end step, the token will be sacrificed and the original will return to the battlefield from exile, at which point we'll repeat what we did before. The token will now stay around till our next turn, where we can repeat the process until our opponents are all dead. Importantly, our opponents will probably try to remove the token Prophets with a Swords to Plowshares and the like, but if they don't do it properly and we have extra mana their efforts will fail. If they try to do so during our first main phase, for instance, the original will return and we can just make repeat the process by spending one mana and win."

I noticed that we actually need more mana to keep the combo going than the 2 described in the above section in the primer. Due to the fact that, as wanderwine token deals damage, we have to sacrifice a merfolk (the token copy we swung with) to its own ability to get then extra turn. Returning prophets, doing inalla loop again and then letting the end step make us sacrifice again. Small little detail but just wanted to make sure nobody would get confused by it. Other than that the primer has been a HUGE help, thank you for taking the time to make and consistently update this list!

July 14, 2021 12:57 p.m.

Kennetdal says... #22

This looks great!! Good job. I was wondering at what turn you usually go off?

July 21, 2021 8:20 a.m.

Guerric says... #23

3n3rgy2 Great point! I'll make sure to edit it. Oftentimes we won't need the extra mana if we have an extra merfolk wizard (of which we have quite a few in this deck) to sacrifice, but if we're on an empty board we will need that. Thanks for clarifying!

Kennetdal I would say that we can go off consistently on turns seven or eight, though we can go off on turn six not infrequently, and in rare cases we can go off earlier. A cEDh version would be able to go off consistently before turn four with heavy tutoring and reanimator shenanigans, but we're aiming to be at the top end of a more "casual" meta. If our opponents aren't combo-aware, aren't playing enough targeted removal, and are too slow to go off before we do, they'll have a hard time competing. If they build their decks well they'll be able to go toe-to-toe, but we'll still be really resilient.

July 24, 2021 10:24 a.m.

SloanRanger says... #24

Absolutely love the primer that you’ve written for your Inalla deck.

I wanted to mention a couple of all stars that I’ve found when I’ve been playing Inalla; the first is Trinket Mage which is incredibly versatile when you run all three of the artifact lands in the Grixis colours (Seat of the Synod, Vault of Whispers & Great Furnace). Some of the wizards in the deck can be quite tricky to cast with the coloured mana symbols in their costs but with Trinket Mage you can grab a land of the colour that you’re missing along with a Sol Ring. Another Trinket Mage target that I’ve been experimenting with is Skullclamp, as so many wizards only have one toughness they make great targets for the clamp and it’s even better when you’re clamping a token copy of the wizard as well.

The final card I wanted to mention is Twinflame which can be used as a win condition with Dualcaster Mage similar to the Ghostly Flicker combo except that Twinflame gives the token copy haste as well so you don’t need to create a copy using the eminence trigger. The best part about using this combo is that Twinflame is searchable using Spellseeker and with the token copy of Spellseeker you can search for a tutor like Demonic Tutor/Diabolic Tutor that can then find your Dualcaster Mage allowing you to combo quickly if you’re playing against some powerful decks.

August 7, 2021 9:23 p.m.

DonaldFuck says... #25

What about Haunting Voyage or Reanimate? Especially Haunting Voyage could be bonkers sometimes. I know it is a fun card but could any of these cards offer something to the deck? P.S. i continue to play the deck (with very little differences) and the deck is really awesome. I really love and adore it. This and my Sydri, Galvanic Genius deck are my faves of all time and i play EDH since 2015.

August 19, 2021 4:53 p.m.

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