

Traditional Aristocrats Act 2 core, working to diversify the sideboard for fine tuning consistency.

There are a variety of endgame conditions that The Aristocrats can present. The most vanilla would have to be after bashing their life low enough, simply eat up all my creatures and tokens with an Aristocrat while Blood Artist is present. This combo is improved with Blasphemous Act, which also kills all of their creatures, triggering Blood Artist while the Aristocrats survive.

Once you get enough creatures on the battlefield, this deck has the advantage of many instant speed interactions. Sacrificing Doomed Travelers for sudden 1/1 spirit blockers for unwary opponents. At the same time, activating morbid for your Tragic Slip to swallow up that other large attacker. Because of managing all of these interactions to your greatest advantage, its can take a while to get them all down, but one you're comfortable with the synergy it can overpower many game plans.

In this same vein of gameplay, crunching the numbers can yield solid wins. A Blood Artist and another sac outlet like Cartel Aristocrat or Falkenrath Aristocrat turns an army of weaklings into a game winning scenario. After sacrificing to Cartel Aristocrat for an unstoppable 2/2, hopefully swing in for 4 with Falkenrath Aristocrat and all the other miscellaneous Lingering Souls. Afterwards, sacrifice the remaining creatures for the last few points of damage via Blood Artist.

The last and most unlikely outcome that can win games out of no where is Boros Reckoner and Blood Artist. With enough creatures on the board, dropping a Blasphemous Act will allow the Blood Artist to drain enough life to put them in range of the Boros Reckoner's 13 redirected damage.


Boarded in two Blood Baron of Vizkopa for matches with heavy removal like Jund.

Obzedat, Ghost Council, Assemble the Legion, and Underworld Connections are all suited for a slower pace game, as they flex full value over a much longer period of time.


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Antoher day, another 3-1. Ended up getting 7th out of 23 attendees. I had some very VERY close calls, but ended up only loosing in my first opponent. At the FNM two weeks ago we had played, and he beat me then too. Also a match that I took to a third game. The only upgrade I could discern was switching out Stromkirk Noble for Legion Loyalist. Otherwise it was Burning-Tree Emissary, Ghor-Clan Rampager, Mindsparker, Flinthoof Boar, etc. Despite knowing the opponent, I was unable to eek out a second win.

Without a solid hand, The Aristocrats can be slow, and aggro match-ups only accentuate that fact. In any case, I'm still thinking about ways to improve the decklist. Wear / Tear struggles to make its self something I want to waste space on. Basically, only rest and peace and Curse of Death's Hold make me want to keep it in, but in other circumstances it struggles to ever see play. Should I just nix it?

Advice and comments always welcome.

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Revision 30 See all

(11 years ago)

-1 Barter in Blood side
+1 Zealous Conscripts side
Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 4 Mythic Rares

35 - 8 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

8 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.92
Tokens Demon 5/5 B, Emblem Sorin, Lord of Innistrad, Spirit 1/1 W, Vampire 1/1 B w/ Lifelink
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