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The Aristocrats Act 3




So... Introducing: the Aristocrats Act 3!So some of you may recall the first Aristocrats piloted by Tom Martel that won the gatecrash pro tour, and the Act 2 deck that was made right before rotation. This is a continuation of the deck for modern. The first improvement I made was the addition of more graveyard interaction: Deathrite Shaman and Grim Lavamancer are both helpful adds. The addition of fetch lands makes Deathrite Shaman into a mana dork as well as graveyard denial which allows you to delpoy at a much quicker rate. The deck has a lot of burn, which means usually a burn spell will close out your games, after beating in with a persistent or quick creatures. Once you've dumped your hand Liliana of the Veil will allow you to start generating card advantage at an alarming rate. I don't know were I stand on Dark Confidant so peoples input would be nice. The sac outlets help your threats stick and evasion makes sure they get in. You also have great synergy with Bloodghast. Fling can help you get there with Falkenrath Aristocrat: you sac all your humans swing and fling for 10 damage which will usually get you there by that point. Or of course you could also use a demon token if your have Skirsdag High Priest. Lingering Souls is great against the fair decks and is grea sac fodder. (( update: I cut fling for land and an extra aristocrat)

The board was just really a scrap of cards I through together. Fulminator Mage and Sowing Salt work well against tron. Relic of Progenitus is great for graveyard decks. Kitchen Finks is for the aggro and burn decks, he is also fun to sac and abuse. thougt seize is good against control and combo, finally Ancient Grudge is great against tron post board, artifact hate, and affinity.

I could use a few pieces of advice though, in particular, I think I am lacking in non land permanent removal, which decks like Jund (A somewhat simialr deck with green as opposed to white) have in abbundance. But all that comes to my mind is Oblivion Ring which is a bit to costly in my mind, what do you think?


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Date added 10 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 3 Mythic Rares

34 - 4 Rares

15 - 8 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.03
Tokens Demon 5/5 B, Spirit 1/1 W
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