
Creature (3)

Enchantment (1)


The Army of Righteous Light

Here we have my bright white army of righteous light. The main mechanic in the deck is Army Building, secondary is Lifegain. Early game is usually Control/Removal, while I get my army set up, and use protection for my creatures. Then its on to overrun and or overpower your opponent. I'm going to start out by bringing to you the breakdown of my army.

Soldier Token Generators

  • Elspeth, Knight-Errant - An Elspeth with no downside. You get a solider or creature gets +3/+3 and flying till end of turn, and to top it off her -8 ability is everything is indestructible.
  • Hero of Bladehold - One of the best solider drops in the game. When he attacks 2 1/1 soldiers come out attacking with him and he gives battlecry.
  • Brimaz, King of Oreskos - King of the Cats. Has vigilance and when blocked or attacking gets a cat solder with vigilance.
  • Precinct Captain - The captain of the guard. 2/2 first strike and when he deals combat damage to a player you get a solider.

Lifegain Mechanic

  • Path of Bravery - Baseline for lifegain. Gives +1+1 to my creatures if i have 20 or more life. Also I gain a life for every attacking creature.
  • Gift of Orzhova - Lifelink Aura. Gives +1/+1, flying and lifelink.
  • Archangel of Thune - Badass Angel. Lifelink, flying and +1/+1 on each creature every time you gain a>


  • Mother of Runes - possibly the best white one drop in the game. Tap give creature protection of a color of your choice.
  • Frontline Medic - Can make my attacking creatures indestructible. Nuff Said.
  • Elspeth, Knight-Errant - Her -8 gives everything indestructible.


Pump It Up


  • Aegis of the Gods - Gives you hexproof for those nasty control or mill decks..
  • Deicide - Having a problem with a god or enchantment creature just sub this in.
  • Revoke Existence - Best white artifact/enchantment removal.
  • Rootborn Defenses - Anti-Mass Removal.
  • Wing Shards - Anti Pro-White Spell.
  • At this point all cards can but subbed for any one of the removal spells.


There you have it, the inner workings of my bright white army. I have been working on this for about a month and have changed it many times. I welcome any comments and suggestions they are always appreciated. As always +1 if ya like.


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Revision 31 See all

(10 years ago)

Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

21 - 3 Rares

13 - 7 Uncommons

0 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.48
Tokens Cat Soldier 1/1 W, Emblem Elspeth, Knight-Errant, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders weenie, Ideas for Decks, Angels, White crazy, Casual
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