The Army of Righteous Light

Legacy Fuss78


Blackblade says... #1

We've been talking about this, and I know that originally you wanted this to be standard format, so this is my suggestion...which is a huge revision since you have this currently in Legacy format.

Creatures: 22



March 1, 2014 9:31 p.m.

Fuss78 says... #3

Blackblade I just took your suggestion and made it its own deck. Army of the Righteous Light *STANDARD*

March 3, 2014 9:17 p.m.

Blackblade says... #4

I like the rename. The deck is starting to take shape now, so lets put some more suggestions on the table.

Drop & Replace

Careful with having 4x Gods Willing when playing against another white deck since if you have to give your creature protection from white you'll also blow up any enchantments that are on your creature. say bye to your Ethereal Armor

March 3, 2014 9:32 p.m.

You should probably have this listed as a Legacy deck... Vintage runs the Power Nine and other super potent restricted cards. This could do well in Legacy.

Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is worth a mainboard slot or two, or at least in the sideboard.

AEther Vial would be nuts in this deck.

April 12, 2014 11:08 a.m.

Blackblade says... #19

nice addition with Launch the Fleet . I will have to consider this for my standard deck

April 17, 2014 9:40 a.m.

Blackblade says... #20

so we've done some play testing, and I think we have an idea where the gaps are, and what isn't really feeding into the mechanic of the deck, which is token generation. Your plan of attack is to have greater numbers and protect essential creatures with your Mother of Runes . There is something that you'll have to let go, and that's trying to be an enchantment deck as well.

Remove List

  • 2x Soul Snare you have to sac it, and it is very specific. ditch it
  • 2x Prison Term - let's just focus on removing the problem instead of locking one up until something else comes along
  • 3 xRebuff the Wicked - everything you need to protect is creature based besides a a few enchantments, let Mother of Runes do that for you
  • 3x Ethereal Armor - i know you don't like this, but trust me on this one. You don't need it.
  • 2x Archangel of Thune - now I know you are shaking your head on this one. They life gain you say! the +1/+1 counters you say! Trust me, have I ever steered your wrong? Don't need her. Out. I have a planeswalker in mind
  • 3x Soul Warden - you have plenty of other ways of gaining life. We need this out to make room for other goodies

Add This

  • 3x Path of Bravery - each play you had over 20 life most of the game, which means that you will greatly benefit from this enchantment. also works will with all that token generation and your newly added Launch the Fleet
  • 1x Precinct Captain you want 4 because you 100% want this as your 2 drop
  • 1x Hero of Bladehold Play 4 because the card drives the main focus of the deck, and is not legendary. You draw one you put it on the battlefield. No holding back
  • 4x Mantle of Leadership - toss this on anything really. Works awesome with your Hero of Bladehold and Brimaz, King of Oreskos . If attacking with the Hero that enchanted creature gets +4/+4 and you never tapped a single land to do it. Free is good. If you were inclined to spend some mana remember that you also have Launch the Fleet ! Oh the synergy!
  • 1x Gift of Orzhova - We want this in play, and having multiple is good.
  • 2x Ajani, Caller of the Pride - what good is all this life gain if you can't use it to win somehow? Just like how I use it in Gideon's Pride to drop some creatures into play if it enters the late game you need to copy this idea and implement it here. The different is that it is WAY more deadly here because you'll be able to drop more creatures than I ever would. Now each of those creatures will trigger Mantle of Leadership as well. Imagine 20 or more creatures poping into play! +40/+40, then use Elspeth, +3/+3 more, flying, Swing!
  • 3x Path to Exile - paired up with your Swords to Plowshares you'll have plenty of creature removal. Having these 6 instants as your removal makes it very easy for you to sideboard in and out depending upon what you are up against.

This is pretty big make over. You asked for a revision, and here you go. If you follow this exactly I guarantee that you'll have the rest of us complaining about how you're winning all the time. When that happens we'll toss you out of the group. Enjoy the glory while it lasts.

April 21, 2014 10:48 a.m.

Blackblade says... #21

they changed there style sheet for the site. You need to go in and within your style attribute add ' display: inline ' to fix how the images. that'll have them lining up side by side again.

June 13, 2014 10:23 a.m.

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