The Bant Approach

Standard Rex_JB24


Rex_JB24 says... #1

Magic Gameday HOU 08/05/2017

Final result of the day was 2-0-1. First two matches won, with an intentional draw to lock in 1st or 2nd place. (Note: Played out third match and won 2-0).

Match 1: 4-Color Planeswalker Control

Control is an interesting matchup that requires a playstyle adjustment. Normally ramp wants to be gung-ho and play spells as fast as possible. Against a dedicated control deck being wary of counterspells is key and a much slower play is required. The games will usually amount to a "draw, go" style matchup because the Ramp deck is threat heavy but at sorcery speed.

Game 1: Game 1 almost all opponent's removal was dead. I played a heavy tempo game the first six or seven turns. Turns function as "draw, land for turn, go. anticipate or cycle at end of your turn". Opponent cast Dovin Baan on t4 and allowed me to Splendid Reclamation two cycled lands on my t5. My opponent drew, played land, and passed t5. My t6 I cast Nissa's Renewal which went uncountered (now I know the gates are very likely open). Closed game with 3 strung Part The Waterveils across my next turns.

Sideboard: In: 2 Sphinx, 2 Negate, 2 Dispel, 1 Rise from the Tides. Out: 4 Censor, 1 Commence, 2 Haze.

Game 2: Game 2 very similar to Game 1. Tempo in the early game with some ramp spells resolving as well. Opponent tapped out to resolve a Nicol Bolas. On my turn I cast Part without awaken and Rise from the Tides for >10 zombies for the win.

Match 2: Green/Black Constrictor Delirium

A match that is not bad, but certainly not favorable. Constrictor decks can either hit hard and fast or play like a more traditional midrange deck. Preferably, I want to have as little hand-hate cards target me as possible and for the opponent not to be too aggressive.

Game 1: Basically a goldfish game. Unimpeded ramp, with opponent lethal damage kept at bay by Haze of Pollen. Part into Crush with another Part as insurance to close out this game.

Sideboard: In: 2 Fumigate, 2 Blessed Alliance, 2 Radiant Flames (mistake) Out: 4 Censor, 1 Commencement, 1 Haze.

Game 2: Opponent used a combination of early Grim Flayer and 2-3 Trangress the Mind/Lay Bare the Heart to apply early pressure and deprive me of options. The start was far too aggressive and with all my answers stripped out of hand I lost fairly quickly.

Game 3: It's been a while so I don't remember what happened in the early game, but I do remember the turns leading to the endgame because it was a nailbiter. I had managed to stay alive with a Fumigate and gain some life with Nissa's Renewal, so I was at 16 and my opponent was at 20. opponent had six lands in play and I had over ten. I had one card in hand and opponent had three. Due to an earlier Transgress the opponent knew my one card in hand was a Haze of Pollen and attacked me with their only creature, a Verdurous Gearhulk with four counters. They expected the fog, but I needed an answer more than I needed the life. So I let the damage through and went to 8 life. Opponent played second main phase Ob Nixilis Reignited and +1'd to draw a card and go to 19 life. I cycled the Haze and drew a land. I untapped and drew an Anticipate, which dug me to a Crush of Tentacles. I cast with Surge and passed it back. Expecting opponent to recast Ob and kill my Octopus token. Opponent untaps, draws (six cards in hand now, to my zero). Recasts Gearhulk with counters on itself and passes. I draw a Part the Waterveil and do some quick math but slowrolled, to try and make my opponent believe I had nothing good. I enter combat and declare attacks with the Octopus. Opponent does not block and goes to 11 life. I cast Part the Waterveil with Awaken on an Island and start my additional turn. I draw an Approach of the Second Sun and I activate the ability of Lumbering Falls to make it a 3/3. I declare attacks with my 3/3 falls, 8/8 octopus, and 6/6 Island. Opponent must block the 8/8 and trade creatures in order to survive the attack at 2 life. Opponent untaps, plays Ob Nixilis to kill Island, and plays Grim Flayer to block. I untap and draw a cycle land, I can't attack in with my Lumbering Falls, so I cast Approach and go to 15 life and then cycle the land to draw another Island. Opponent played several other creatures and attacked with Flayer to knock me to 11. I drew a Piece of the Puzzle for turn and cast it to find Approach and recast for the win.

Match 3: Mono-white Oketra's Monument.

Took an intentional draw with this player to lock up standings, this opponent did not care about game day mat and just wanted prize support. Played an easy 2-0 against them for fun. They were mana-screwed game one, and overcommitted into a Fumigate game two.

My tie-breakers placed me in first so I walked away with the Game Day Playmat.

September 12, 2017 10:36 a.m.

Broboaticus says... #2

In a ramp deck, I think failure to comply is almost strictly worse than Commit / Memory. If you're going to sideboard an answer like that, I think it is the better choice. It answers problem permanents as well as refills your hand. You will have the mana advantage when you do cast it, so it should be favorable even against control players.

Desert's hold is a good clean answer to hazoret and scarab god, so a solid inclusion. You may want to adjust the split from 2-3 Consul/Hold to the reverse of 3-2. Hold is good whenever you draw it, consul is good turn 1 and lower impact as the game goes on.

The sideboard otherwise looks fine. You may want a 1 of solemnity for the temur match up. Post board they have a suite of counterspells, and your fumigation will NEED to resolve. Solemnity takes off some of the pressure. I'd trim a binding for it.

October 25, 2017 9:19 a.m.

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