the Bends

Modern Se7enfoot


OpenFire says... #1

This deck isn't Cruel Control, no matter how cruel it is or how not fun it is to play against. Cruel Control is Modern-legal UBR control that has a finisher of Cruel Ultimatum. Where's your Inquisition of Kozilek and Thoughtseize? Also 8rack is bad in the metagame now since you get wrecked by Treasure Cruise.

December 7, 2014 5:27 p.m.

smccl says... #2

Love this deck! Could you help me out and give my Keep Hitting Yourself deck a look and see if you can give me any pointers? I'm still kinda on a budget, but it's not super strict. Just no $10-$20+ cards lol.

Definitely getting a +1 from me!

December 12, 2014 6:04 a.m.

Se7enfoot says... #3

Thanks for the vote, I posted a few things. Black is so versatile and fun. You get discard, removal, Draw power, graveyard hate, and beefy cheap creatures.

December 12, 2014 8:03 a.m.

Se7enfoot says... #4

Recently added Fatal Push to the list. Haven't played it bought cards since Theros. I've been excited about paying again with M19 released.

July 19, 2018 6:23 a.m.

Se7enfoot says... #5

I've been looking for a substitute for Sign in Blood , Extirpate can still be useful game one. That could be a good answer for all the decisions with planeswalkers. Isuck@thisgame

Thanks for the suggestion

July 19, 2018 6:34 a.m.

Keiithy says... #6

I feel like only running 19 lands is pretty greedy, especially w/ smallpox and raven's crime. Yes you have Dakmor, but mainboarding ensnaring bridge makes your curve a bit heavier. I'd recommend cutting at least 1 if not both Pack Rat MB for 2 Urborg, especially with 6 colorless lands, because these decks have a lot of double black casts. Or cutting the ensnaring bridges main board. I myself am still considering putting bridges even in my side board. I also suggest taking out duress for 2 more Inquisitions. Your 4x Thoughtsieze will deal with anything the Inquisistions can't. Feel free to check out my decklist!

July 24, 2018 5:43 p.m.

Icbrgr says... #7

Do you think Trespasser's Curse would have a place in here?

July 27, 2018 1:21 p.m.

Se7enfoot says... #8

@icbrgr it could be useful game one. Most likely sideboard at best. I think there's a good use for this in a pauper build.

July 27, 2018 8:12 p.m.

HobbyMan5000 says... #9

Nice deck!

August 11, 2018 7:06 a.m.

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