The Best $20 You'll Ever Spend -- Fate Reforged!

Standard* Arorsthrar

SCORE: 152 | 74 COMMENTS | 36122 VIEWS | IN 125 FOLDERS

Well, a month or so ago I could've said Goblin Rabblemaster for an addition. I'm glad I got my playest when he was $4.

September 24, 2014 12:06 p.m.

KrlosPR says... #2

I got my Rabblemasters so cheap, the owner of the store gave me 1 buy a box promo, i got another buy a box promo and 1 normal for 3 dollars and my third buy a box promo got it for 1 dollar lol. Usually i have the worse luck but thanks god i bought them when they were cheap, i currently have 5.

September 24, 2014 4:37 p.m.

Scorprix says... #3


Awesome deck though! XD

September 24, 2014 10:41 p.m.

betajosh711 says... #4

Rabblemaster might need more manabase to use, better to use in a midrange deck with a higher curve i think.

A suggestion was made on reddit that as a possible counter for Drown in Sorrow they could use

Hammer of Purphoros i'm starting to think this and Hall of Triumph could turn the tides in favour of us agro players!

September 25, 2014 12:01 a.m.

LordZeo says... #5

I have found that Coordinated Assault can be a lifesaver. The instant speed and first strike are nice. Don't know what you would remove for them though. I personally don't like the Firedrinker Satyr because his ability has killed me before.

September 25, 2014 1:22 p.m.

KrlosPR says... #6

I am also not a fan of Firedrinker Satyr, it have killed me many times but recently it have been good in rabble red plus is the only 1 drop that have 2 power so it is a must in most cases. Plus with a red deck like this you either kill your opponent for turn 4 or 5 before they can cast a Polukranos or something big and mean like that or your dead so the Satyr is alright for early game, it is a pain later with all those big and mean creatures but like i said if the game reach that stage you are probably dead already or close to losing :P

September 25, 2014 2:48 p.m.

Shadow02 says... #7

thought about Arena Athlete or Blinding Flare ? because preventing block in this deck is super duper important. it's the difference between wnnig and not delivering any dmg+losing your creatures

September 25, 2014 5:40 p.m.

Caleb42 says... #8

Blinding flare could work to stop a few fatties. Why take out black? blood soaked champion is great. Mogis marauder can still play if you add in tormented hero and gnarled scarhide perhaps. Would Magma jet be good? The scry can help a lot. Titans strength could be a good way to help a creature survive drown and sorrows,

September 25, 2014 7:26 p.m.

Adelysium says... #9

This deck is absolutely nuts for the cost and if I had it finished I would take it Standard tomorrow night. If you get the perfect draw and your opponent maybe gets an OKAY one at best...turn 3 win. All you need is 2 mountain, an Akroan Crusader and 4 Titan's Strength in those 3 turns. Turn 2 hit for 9. Turn 3 hit for 11. Good game.

September 26, 2014 1:13 a.m.

-2x Valley Dasher and +2x Mogis's Warhound

For the sideboard -1x Magma Spray -1x Searing Blood and +2x Hall of Triumph .

September 26, 2014 12:30 p.m.

kaboomeow says... #11

Help mine out?

Wait standard is cheap? [KTK] [[fukamanacurv]] Playtest

Standard* kaboomeow


September 26, 2014 2:31 p.m.

Caleb42 says... #12

17 mountains? sounds like a decent chance of getting mana screwed..

September 28, 2014 8:17 p.m.

KrlosPR says... #13

yea 17 mountains is probably not much even for a RDW. I have run 19 in last standard and did alright but now i go for 20, rarely 21 at most

September 28, 2014 10:56 p.m.

Caleb42 says... #14

Granted the deck only needs two or three lands to work off of but still its pretty risky to run below 20 in aggro decks.

September 29, 2014 2:54 p.m.

KrlosPR says... #15

Also i know this is a budget deck kinda but if you can get your hands in fetches that would be good. They compress the deck so you have less chances of drawing lands which is usually bad for this kind of deck

September 29, 2014 3:06 p.m.

Magicman613 says... #16

17-18 lands is just about right since most cards are 1-2 drops aside from Stoke the Flames .its more important to draw and cast 2 or more creatures every turn so all u need is 2 lands in ur opening hand. ive managed to win with only 1 land but thats just lucky:-) .if not then you could always mulligan for lands. ive tried mulling down to 4 and still catch up. 3 lands on the field then drawing another is considered mana flooding for this deck. playtest this deck first and you will know the difference.:-)


September 29, 2014 7:26 p.m.

zenny123 says... #17

hey I was wondering what your game plan is against mirror matches or playing against similar aggro-type decks; thanks.

September 29, 2014 8:45 p.m.

KrlosPR says... #18

Against other Aggro decks he have searing blood and magma spray on the sideboard so i suppose it will be find. In the end is who stay with the last creature on the field

September 29, 2014 9:17 p.m.

KrlosPR says... #19

On my sideboard, my deck i always include 3 or 4 eidolon of the great revel. That guy won me Journey to nyx gameday and mat, i beat a white aggro deck which i lost to the previous FNM due to not having them on the sideboard, it do wonders.

September 29, 2014 9:18 p.m.

jugulate says... #20

What do you think about adding Hall of Triumph either in MB or SB, for sweepers like Drown in Sorrow or Anger of the Gods ?

And also about card choices, which one do you think will more fit in this kind of deck between the follows?

Firedrinker Satyr vs Frenzied Goblin ; Valley Dasher vs Borderland Marauder ; Dragon Mantle vs Coordinated Assault

October 2, 2014 1:01 a.m.

nurzaani says... #21

How do you think a Hordeling Outburst would run in this?

I also have 2 Wooded Foothills and 1 Bloodstained Mire Should I run them so I have a chance to draw less lands?

October 4, 2014 9:09 p.m.

jandrobard says... #22

nurzaani deck thinning is not an effective strategy. should explain the math behind it. 1 life is minimal, but the effect is negligible.

October 4, 2014 10:34 p.m.

nurzaani says... #23


I actually had enough cards to build 2 of this deck. just built this deck and ran one without the fetchlands and the other with those 3 fetchlands and only 14 mountains

I playtested the deck with fetches against about 4 people at my LGS last night who used the deck without fetches, . for 3 rounds each. in each I went 3-0 in every single one because they were drawing basic lands when they didn't need them anymore. I used the fetchlands to thin it and it turned out that was the one detail that kept me undefeated against these people, all who are actually better than me. I went 12-0 with the one with fetches. Then we switched the decks and the deck with fetches kicked my butt. I went 0-12 with the deck without fetches against the deck with fetches.

deck thinning IS an effective strategy.

October 5, 2014 8:39 a.m.

KrlosPR says... #24

I used something similar to this last FNM and i gotta say is amazing, i have 4 rabblemaster tho, 19 lands (tho i am going to remove 1 probably, was getting mana flooded), 2 hammerhands, 1 hall of triump. I had in sideboard coordinated assault, that card is a beast, i think im going to put at least one main deck. The +1+0 and first strike took my opponents of guard and i killed there kruphix easily with the first strike and non of my creatures suffered, killed him turn 4 lol, he was pissed. I won the FNM 4-0

October 5, 2014 2 p.m.

KrlosPR says... #25

I am also running one Arena Athlete, he did a very good job, definitely a lot better than valley dasher in this kind of heroic deck.

October 5, 2014 2:07 p.m.

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