The Best Abzan Build

Standard* Mn3m0n1c


Mn3m0n1c says... #1

Still figuring out the sideboard, just added Glare of Heresy and Dark Betrayal because they are silly good against wedge colours and will be quite effective.

September 17, 2014 1:37 p.m.

metropolitans says... #2

any Green build in this Standard Format (fetches) without Courser of Kruphix is wrong

September 27, 2014 10:46 p.m.

gwowns says... #3

three very wrong things with your deck. you run 4 charm along with 4 thought seize. that is literally 16 dmg to your self. you have a rhino sweet any real aggro deck will love you for doing 1,2,3,4 dmg to your self.

the second is the two urborg's. just run another swamp. its a dead card in a starting 7 and says mull to 6.

the third is that you are running 24 lands in a set up with garruk and elspeth. your realisticly going to see the 6th land late this is taking into account almost every good player wont let your dorks live.

Good luck with he builds id suggest a 2/2 split of thoughtseize and despise main with nyleas disciple or courser sideboard because feed the clan is never enough food for me.

September 30, 2014 10:58 a.m.

I would recommend trying courser instead of the elvish mystic, with only 3 forest and 2 windswept heath you don't have much of a chance of getting him out turn 1 which is where he shines the most. you don't really want to cast him on turn two because that's when you're gonna wanna play the sylvan caryatid. his hexproof in the current standard format has way more value than the elvish mystic. plus courser helps get through your deck faster to get to your removal and win cons, gains you life, AND has a lot more survivability than the mystic. just a suggestion. otherwise looks like a good deck!

September 30, 2014 11:02 a.m.

what gwowns said about urborg as well. it is useful but you don't want to run the risk of having a dead card.

September 30, 2014 11:04 a.m.

Mn3m0n1c says... #6

Well I am trading back for courser again, I was hoping he would drop in price and I could avoid him in standard.. but it is what it is.I bought in when he was $4 and traded when he was $18 for reprint announcement.. refused to get him again until he dropped from the clash pack. but spoiled fetches kept him stable.

As for the literal 16 damage to myself.. I may see 2 of each per game, which is obviously the 4 per 2 thoughtseize.. but the charm has variety and may not always be used as a sign in blood. It's my favourite mode, but in testing I've used all three. It's primary position in the deck is a 3 mana exile creature, which albeit doesnt have synergy with reaper.. it's still a powerful removal spell with alternative options.

the feed the clans in the sideboard are pretty much specifically for any burn/aggro/rabble deck. I have 8 sources of 4 power that typically stick or have 2 mana available at the same time. dropping a rhino with feed the clans open for a response will provide me with a combined 13 life total gain.. which is extremely devastating to any deck revolving around throwing burns to the face or aggroing out before midrange is established. Especially if they go all in on alpha strike leaving themselves vulnerable to a swing back.

I was originally 25 land but I dropped to 24 and added mystic. It is a great follow up into midrange after dropping a drown in sorrow to wipe an aggro board.

As for the urborg.. it's such a valuable card in the deck.. it allows my other lands all to produce swamps, it allows me to restrain myself from fetching if life total is relevant, and it helps me drop drown in sorrow and downfall on curve, especially with silence the believers post board against midrange.

Im trying this build out in standard tonight and I will see how things go and where I want to go moving forward.

September 30, 2014 1:16 p.m.

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