This is my version of the Maze's End deck. I have been playing different versions of the Maze Decks since it was released. I really think that this deck is underrated, Yes it stalls and yes it can be annoying to the opposing player but if played correctly, this deck can beat many top tier decks. Leave your comments and advice on the deck.
How To Play The Deck:
This deck is very easy to learn how to play but difficult to master (as is any good deck.) The trick to this deck is knowing what hands to keep and when to fog or take damage. The unique thing about this deck is that you actually have a much faster clock than most control decks. This deck outraces many heavy control builds just because they cannot interact with your win condition: your lands. Against aggressive decks, it is all about when to use a fog. Knowing what damage to stop is key to winning with this deck because you don't want to waste your fogs too quickly.
Key Cards Against Aggro/Faster Midrange
Supreme Verdict- This is your best friend. It buys you extra turns while allowing you to conserve your fogs. It is also in color for you because you will mainly be relying on your blue, white, and green mana.
Terminus- Your second boardwipe. This card is very powerful because it doesn't your opponent have graveyard effects but the problem with it is that it is six mana. This means, if you want to hard cast it from your hand, you will have to wait till turn seven to cast it. By this time you are usually just about dead anyway so it doesn't matter.
Think Twice- This is what makes Terminus and your fogs great. It allows you to draw cards on your opponent's turn giving you the opportunity to surprise them with something. Flashback let's you do it twice without revealing what is in your hand which is very important.
FOGss- The best fog is Riot Control for sure but all the fogs are valuable. They give you more turns to advance your board position and bring your opponents to the "scoop" phase of the game.
Key Cards Against Control
Elixir of Immortality- This card is great because it forces an extra attack with AEtherling which is very relevant to you. It also allows you shuffle your graveyard back into your deck which is helpful against one of your worst matchups: mill.
Dreadbore- It is spot removal for tricky planeswalkers. There are few planeswalkers that don't really annoy you. The worst of which is Liliana of the Veil because she manipulates your hand too much.
Into The Wilds- This enchantment speeds up your board and makes it easier for you to win because you are thinning out your deck. This card's usefulness is very apparent against control.
A Good Opening Hand
They're very few "perfect" hands just as they're very few "horrible" hands. With your very flexible mana base, it is easy to get a playable hand. PLus, you can work with your draws because you aren't trying to do much fast. A typical "good" hand should include these things though:-A land that produces White mana-A land that produces Blue mana-A third land of any color (if any of these three lands has green in them, it is a snap keep.)-Two fogs-Any other spell whether it is Into The Wild or a board wipe as long as you have something.
This is the kind of hand I am looking for with this deck but there are so many good hands that don;t have all these things. It depends on what you are playing against really.
Worst Matchups
When playing this deck you will have a lot of very good matchups. but, in my opinion, there are two deck types that really can dismantle the deck.
-Red Deck Wins- This is fairly obvious. A deck that puts out a lot of damage in a very short amount of time can wreck this deck. Fortunately, you play fog spells that stop them for a couple turns until you hit your board wipe spell. Once you wipe the board, you basically win the game. There has never been a time where any Red Deck Wins type deck has come back after I board wiped them. You also have spells in the side board that can help you live longer.P.S "Red Deck Wins" is any deck that moves very aggressively. It could be Red/Green, Mono Red, Naya Humans, etc. They are all the same to you.
-Mill- This deck may or may not surprise you but it can really hurt the deck. Milling away your lands is one of the few ways you can really lose the game. With cards like Jace, Memory Adept in play you can lose quickly. That is why you play Elixir of Immortality. The shuffle your graveyard effect can win you the game. if your elixirs get milled away, you have the one treasured find to try get an elixir back. You also have Negate and Assemble the Legion in the sideboard to help. You can only hope that the right cards you need don't get milled away but shit does happen.
Well that is all I can really give you on this deck now. If you have questions or opinions about my build, leave a comment.