The Best Mill Deck...(?)

Modern* KingFever256


MrMinikk3 says... #1

Hey! This is my first time thinking about building a deck myself, so know that I have little experience in this.

What if you add some Curse of the Bloody Tome It looks like it might work well in this deck theme.

Please give feedback on my comment :) I would appreciate it!

September 3, 2013 9:25 p.m.

KingFever256 says... #2

Hey, thanks for the suggestion! :D

I attempted to use Curse of the Bloody Tome a while ago, but our circle of friends generally play with a lot of creatures, and it's always at least a 4-way free for all.

The Curse can only target 1 person, and unfortunately, is too slow. I learned very quickly that people do not like being milled, so I set up for a defensive mill deck instead. Riddlekeeper , and Memory Erosion stop the enemy from casting spells, and attacking. While the Curse is an enevitable 2 cards per turn, Riddlekeeper, and Memory Erosion can really keep ALL of your opponents at bay.

I used to run Jace's Erasure, which let's you pick which player, but I found it too slow. I think the same would be for the Curse. If this was a 1 vs.1 deck, I would probably use the Curse, but definetly not for multiplayer.

It is a good card though! 2 Cards a turn for the rest of the game is nothing to scoff at! I've land locked people before, where I mill them 2 cards, and the card they draw is a land. Next turn the same, and so on. Good times! :P

September 7, 2013 9:41 p.m.

gweneverexoxo says... #3

hi there, i too run a mill deck! it's a lot of fun to play

my deck is fairly similar to yours, but i've added a few changes.

first of all, the biggest problem i've faced when running this deck is aggro decks, they are just too fast to outpace and also in a 4 way free for all, players would be targeting u first. (mill just pisses ppl off too much =P) my solution to that was to add in aoe ping spells such as Damnation and other similar spells.

for creatures, definately add in 4 Snapcaster Mage simply because they allow you to reuse your mill cards. also remove the swans, i've found them to be too helpful for the opponent,

another suggestion that my friend gave me was to run 4 copies of Dark Ritual , that turned out fairly nicely, as it got me out my consuming aberration much faster ( i had 4 of them) and also allowed me to cast mind grind for more X cost.

as for the win condition of the deck, mill is the way to go, so maximize the number of the main mill cards, mind funeral and mind grind are both at 4. along with 4 snapcaster mages you should have quite a number of them. jace is also a great card, increase him to 2

September 28, 2013 11:13 a.m.

DKO2335 says... #4

I like the lay of this deck but just for fun why not swap in Duskmantle Guildmage , this combined with Mindcrank will make them mill their deck out or mill until their life reaches zero infinitely!!!

October 1, 2013 3:35 p.m.

Tyrannosary says... #5

this deck mills too slowly i dont care if your friends play aggressive decks (if they do then you should have a deck meant to beat it) but i dont think this would be the right deck to play against them you should try something else out like a heavy mana ramp deck to block or deal heavy damage to your friends

May 24, 2014 11:37 a.m.

MTGBSMCP says... #6

I would use Nevinyrral's Disk at times just incase the board gets too out of hand.

November 8, 2014 1:26 p.m.

Darkite says... #7

November 13, 2014 5:04 p.m.

Blackxp says... #8

Normal Suggestions:

Glimpse the Unthinkable(Totally understand if not because of the cost)

Visions of Beyond (Almost always going to be relevant)

Sewer Nemesis (Cheaper consuming aberration for non-multiplayer games)

Breaking/Tome Scour/Mind Sculpt(All good mill spells)

Jace, Memory Adept (Either a free 10 mill/turn or some card advantage)

Phenax, God of Deception (Makes your consuming aberration/Sewer Nemesis read, "Double the size of their graveyard" that can be done on their end step so you can save them as a blocker)

Baleful Strix (Mill needs blockers and this is the perfect one, cant die to doom blade, go for the throat, adds 2 devotion, re-draws a card into your hand, blocks fliers, and deathtouch)

Jace's Phantasm (5/5 flier on turn two if you drop this turn 1 and play Glimpse the Unthinkable on turn 2)

These two cards are different:

Lazav, Dimir Mastermind (Allows you to play other people's decks which is kinda fun. Cards like Emrakul, the Aeons Torn technically hit the graveyard so you do get a copy, and then you can Surgical Extraction before their entire graveyard shuffles back in)

Nightveil Specter (Also allows you to play their deck which is kinda fun. It says "play" so you can play lands and cast spells of different colors. It also adds 3 devotion for Phenax and is a flying blocker)

Competitive Suggestions:

Hedron Crab(Ultra efficient 1 drop blocker that adds up over the course of the game. Fetch lands hit twice and you can always make a blue/green mill deck with cards like Scapeshift that will seriously end the game immediately if its not countered. Having 2 out at once is hilarious at times.)

Archive Trap(Not good in casual, but in competitive environments almost every non-mono color deck will have fetch lands and as a result these are a 0 mana mill 13. Have 2 in your opening hand and you can mill 26 cards before the game starts. Ghost Quarter can be used to force a mill, but then again I believe Ghost Quarters says "may")

Hopefully this helps! I got a mill deck that is focused more-so on creatures and not as much on direct mill effects. I kinda find the direct route boring since there is no player interaction and you might as well be playing burn (counting to 20 is faster than 60 haha). There is also combo mill and plenty of ways to do that. Painter's Servant and Grindstone are the classics but you can find a million other ways to do it too.

April 20, 2015 1:03 a.m.

Darkite says... #9

Jace's Phantasm remove mind grind and maybeboard it. it is very bad unless ur in a multiplayer match with 3-4 ppl. Even then i wouldnt reccomend as it pissis people off. How aboutDuskmantle GuildmageJace's Phantasm also remove mind funeral BUT sideboard it because against agro decks, its pretty good with their low land count. think about itthe average deck has 24 land out of 60 or 2/5 of the deck is land. with mind funeral, you will mill about7-11 possibly twelve cards. however, Glimpse the Unthinkable is better mana wise. Don't even try 2 use mind funeral against control decks with a lot of land. Dimir Charm + Isochron Scepter for 2 mana a turn, you get to choose what your opponent draws each turn. also there are other lands like sac lands and this other one, i forgot its name but when it ETBs, if u control 2 or less land, it enters untapped. pretty good though otherwise. i would add one land cuz ur cmc is pretty high. Check out my mill for other suggestions :P

May 2, 2015 8:59 a.m.

Darkite says... #10

the average deck has 24 land out of 60 or 2/5 of the deck is land. with mind funeral, you will mill about7-11 possibly twelve cards. however, Glimpse the Unthinkable is better mana wise. Don't even try 2 use mind funeral against control decks with a lot of land. Dimir Charm + Isochron Scepter for 2 mana a turn, you get to choose what your opponent draws each turn. also there are other lands like sac lands and this other one, i forgot its name but when it ETBs, if u control 2 or less land, it enters untapped. pretty good though otherwise. i would add one land cuz ur cmc is pretty high. Check out my mill for other suggestions :P remove mind grind for sure

May 2, 2015 9:15 a.m.

buttben8 says... #11

I bout this deck list but I changed it up a bit. I put four Profane Mementos in and that changed everything, I also moved undead alchemist to the sideboard against graveyard deck players

June 22, 2015 7:27 a.m.

JVB93 says... #12

I will say I have used this very deck and it is extremely effective. However, The combo of Undead Alchemist and Wight of Precinct Six doesn't work really well. The Alchemist exiles the creatures so Wight gets no counters. I removed both Wights and replaced them with Duskmantle Guildmage for some infinite mill action with Mindcrank

I feel as though Undead Alchemist is a better card than Wight - more blockers and more mill in time...

July 26, 2015 4:44 p.m.

Tobe says... #13

Notion Thief would be a great addition with Swans of Bryn Argoll if you add Sphinx's Tutelage aswell

August 28, 2015 6:33 a.m.

UltimaLyca says... #14

It says Riddlekeeper isnt modern legal. so what should you replace it with instead?

November 1, 2015 10:31 a.m.

X_Animis_X says... #15

don't be scared and throw in dusk mantle sear, he makes you both throw away your old hands and draw 7 new cards in which case activates your Sphinx's Tutelage and it's just so much great fun. i would also consider throwing in nightvale specter just for some damage and speed

November 20, 2016 10:56 a.m.

Nicklaus23 says... #16

Try this.. Esper Mill

(1) Jace, Architect of Thought (1) Jace, Vryn's Prodigy (1)Narset Transcendant (4) Hedron Crab

(4) Path to Exile (4) Balance (4) Daze (2) Crypt Incursion (4) Glimpse the Unthinkable (4)Archive Trap (3) Mind Funeral (3) Ensnaring Bridge (4)Visions of Beyond

(3) Ghost Quarter (3) Hallowed Fountain (3) Watery Grave (3)Flooded Strain (3) Polluted Delta (1) Oboro, Palace in the Clouds (2) Island (2) Plains (2) Swamp

won a lot of tournaments..

November 10, 2017 5:25 a.m.

Nicklaus23 says... #17

oops forgot side deck for previous comment..

(3) Settle the wreckage (2) Crypt Incursion (2) Ensnaring Bridge (4) Cyclonic Rift (2) Rest in Peace (1) Psychic Spiral (1) Elixer of Immortality

..for aggro, burn, control, mill and minor recursion spells

November 10, 2017 5:33 a.m.

Nicklaus23 says... #18

Casting Settle the Wreckage then a Mind Funeral is ma favorite XD

November 10, 2017 5:48 a.m.

canyonrp says... #19

WHAT THE FRICK? WHY IS THERE NO Glimpse the Unthinkable?

January 15, 2018 3:09 p.m.

What about a Silent Arbiter to remove any swarm synergies or a bunch of big creatures attacking you at once?

January 8, 2019 3:32 p.m.

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