The Best Tymaret Deck You'll Ever See

Commander / EDH* On3wheels


Capt_telnet says... #1

This IS the best murder king deck I've ever seen! (It's also the only murder king deck I've ever seen). Black has a real problem dealing with pesky enchantments, I've found the best way to deal with those is to nuke the hell out of your opponent(s) hand. Mind Slash and Sadistic Hypnotist can turn your opponents hand into a smoldering reminder of what opposing the murder king gets them. While cards like Attrition and Hell's Caretaker just love cards that come back from the graveyard. Best of luck with your murder king deck, you're choice of commander is definitely the road less traveled.

July 5, 2017 2:42 a.m.

landofMordor says... #2

Ditto -- best Tymaret deck I've ever seen. It would be a lot easier to see your combos if you tagged the cards, if you've got the time/inclination, but I still enjoyed the deck! There's a bit of R "redirect" or "copy" effects like Wild Ricochet or Reroute that might hate on blue control a bit. Cheers!

July 9, 2017 8:45 p.m.

On3wheels says... #3

Good suggestion. Cards Tagged. Wild Ricochet is a bit off curve. Saving 3 for Chaos Warp is tricky enough. Would love something similar but lower CMC. I like the Reroute but my meta doesnt have many creatures. Let alone with target abilities. Would be a dead card most of the time. Thanks for the input.

July 11, 2017 2:52 a.m.

On3wheels says... #4

July 11, 2017 3:26 a.m.

On3wheels says... #5

July 11, 2017 5:07 a.m.

The_Notebook says... #6

Thoughts on adding Razaketh to this list?

July 23, 2017 6 p.m.

On3wheels says... #7

Hes ptetty sweet. But an 8 drop is pretty tough. and would really suck to flip him with Dark Confidant. Hed be fun to build around but I dont think he has a spot in this list.

July 23, 2017 9:29 p.m.

SomeDipshit says... #8

July 30, 2017 1:29 p.m.

SomeDipshit says... #9

July 30, 2017 1:32 p.m.

On3wheels says... #10

illumfolly - CMC is too high and since most of my creatures are power 2 or less Flayer of the Hatebound is too little too late. Purphuros does his job for 2 CMC less and is easier to keep on the battlefield.

I found there aren't really enough non-black creatures for Attrition to be useful. Or I didn't have a creature to sac when I really needed to kill something. Mind Slash is too narrow and Sorcery speed hurts. Bitter Ordeal is interesting, there might be something there. Ill look more into it.

July 30, 2017 6:28 p.m.

SomeDipshit says... #11


July 30, 2017 8:59 p.m.

theother64 says... #12

You've got mikaeus and sac outlets might as well run murderous redcap

Any reason why your not running ad nauseam and necropotence for the draw?Do you get hellbent often enough for infernal tutor?Enough of your stuff seems to be at 2/3 drop for Dimir Machination and shred memory to work

Master of crutiels seems too slow as is grave pactI'm personally not a fan of the worldgorger dragon combo as if your opponent has removal your hosedSign in blood and nights whisper just seem like they don't do enough

August 10, 2017 12:50 p.m.

On3wheels says... #13

theother64 Excellent suggestions. Ad naus will be added soon. Just working on lowering CMC a bit first. On the same note, instead of Murderous Redcap I use Walking Ballista. Works with Impact Tremors or Goblin Bombardment and as a back up infinite mana outlet for Worldgorger if Tymaret,Bloodghast or Reassembling Skeleton is unavailable. Also much lower CMC. Which is good for Bob and ad nauseum.

Master of Cruelties is a beast. But he's there for when everything else goes wrong and can turn the tide of a game. Its one card that gets the whole tables attention and is great at soaking up removal and counters. Super fun to entomb/reanimate early and just slaughter mana dorks and hatebears. If he gets threw, sac with Tymaret for a kill.

I ran Necropotence for a while, and it bounces in and out of this list. The discard into exile is hard to work around..but when i works it works well.

I feel ya on the fragility of worldgorger, much like necropotence, if things go wrong, they go really wrong. But the deck already had the package minus Gorger. Gravecrawler is my primary win. only had to add one card to add a pretty solid secondary win. All combos have their weaknesses. Just have to be aware of them....timing is everything.

As for Sign in Blood and Night's Whisper, I'm never sad to see one in my hand, but could probably be better. Sign in blood is my necro stand in when i get frustrated with it. Could probably swap one for Infernal Tutor. Been testing the transmute cards but not super impressed yet.

August 10, 2017 2:42 p.m.

TheRedGoat says... #14

Okay, before I make any real commentary, is the above deck actually accurate to what you would play at FNM right now? Additionally, are you wanting this deck to be competitive in general or specifically for your meta? Which, regardless which type of competitive you're going for I'll also ask what your meta is like? I personally would include the non-tourney games if you use the deck that way too.

September 8, 2017 12:35 p.m.

On3wheels says... #15

TheRedGoat as of this moment, This list is accurate to the list I play (give or take a card or two. Usually trying out a new card here and there) And usually update any major or lasting changes regularly.

The meta is very competitive. Includes Tasigur control, Thrasios/Tymna flash hulk, dakmor gitrog, doomsday kess, g/w selvala, doomsday breya, edrich turns, nath stax and some higher end casual decks. For the most part, very skilled and knowledgeable opponents.

September 8, 2017 9:53 p.m.

On3wheels says... #16

Although, I do need to update my description.

September 8, 2017 9:54 p.m.

TheRedGoat says... #17

Okay, so it sounds to me like having targetted removal for specific cards (like Slaughter Games or Pithing Needle type stuff) would be good against most of those opponents, but what is usually the weakness of your deck? Do you combo often enough that people see it coming or can you usually slip in your win before anyone else?

Bear in mind that I'm seeing your build here as a combo engine as opposed to a 2 card combo because so much of your deck seems built to get that one infinite set up. It is not very versatile is what I mean.

September 9, 2017 10:56 a.m.

On3wheels says... #18

I always combo. They always see it coming. Control decks can be tricky and if gorger goes wrong, it goes very wrong...but timing is everything. Also, it's very easy to switch from gorger combo to phyrexian alter combo which has lots of redundancy but the alter is the linchpin. Buried Alive and any Reanimate enchantment is the 2 card combo. The alter combo is a 3 to 4 card combo, super janky but most cards in it add value on their own. With the exception of probably Impact Tremors.

I ran Phyrexian Revoker over Pithing Needle for a bit. With so much reanimate he could hit the board multiple times. But I found the stifle effects too be underwhelming. Too easily removed or worked around to stop their win, and in no way helped my win.

Enchantments and grave hate can wreck my day. Specifically Rest in Peace/Leyline of the Void. Chaos Warp is my only answer.

September 9, 2017 1:27 p.m.

TheRedGoat says... #19

So the deck plays out as "obvious combo is obvious", but it isn't taken as anything more threatening than any other deck already at the table because of it. At most it is merely assumed that you will not be the one reacting to stop someone else unless that would outright stop you, especially in regards to specific card removal as none of them help you win just because the opponent doesn't have their own combo piece. You'll only remove what is in your way not someone else's.

Even so you still need answers to the cards that would stop your own combo shenanigans, of which all are likely known to your opponents, but your colors actively prevent you from dealing with the most effective "silver bullets" to your own build. That all-in-all sounds like a perfect argument to have more combo plays around other cards than just running the reanimation ones you've got right now.

Your worldgorger combo for instance is ultimately unable to work with other combos, or at least half of your pieces for it are as such. The altar combo however is more versatile, with each piece having at least mild synergy with non-combo cards, even if it is still ruined by the grave hate. To me, the best course for finding any upgrades to the deck is to go entirely further into the worldgorger 2-card combos that go off in a surprise, or else ditch such plays and essentially allow yourself the glaring weakness to grave hate while bolstering how abusable the combo pieces are before fully assembled.

For example: If you wanted to lessen the predictability of your deck and how others know you play the Worldgorger Dragon + Animate Dead combo, then you could either remove it for a different 2-card combo (I recommend Dualcaster Mage + Twinflame personally), or else find something that is sorta like that and find space for it in the deck, so that it might throw someone off on what you're doing. Alternatively the focus could be eased up on getting the combo at hand, and instead ensuring the combo goes off by adding in cards that are silver bullets the opponents that you seem to know just as well as your own deck (Ie the stuff that doesn't help you win, but neither will anyone else while you have it out). This may sacrifice precious card advantage to do so, but that is the one thing your current build seems to be able to spare, and it can help keep the deck in a more powerful position if behind or just outpaced.

As far as the other option goes, I can only try throwing out ideas for cards that also could do the job of cards already in your build, like Pawn of Ulamog for Diregraf Colossus or Hissing Iguanar for Plague Belcher and so on. Those don't seem like what you're looking for though, if you're even needing to look for anything.

September 10, 2017 11:19 p.m.

On3wheels says... #20

Ran dualcaster for a bit but holding up 3cmc to copy a 1 or 2 cmc spell is rarely worth the setback and usually too late. I use Reverberate now. As it is slightly easier to cast.

As for replacing combo pieces with not zombies. That would be....not good. Gravecrawler likes zombies. And most of the ramp is black.

September 11, 2017 1:15 a.m.

TheRedGoat says... #21

That is a fair point about Gravecrawler, but for the mage I was seeing it as an infinite combo piece with Twinflame. They way it should work is that you go to cast the twin effect, which you can do on an empty board btw cause it doesn't say to target, and you retain priority and respond with the mage. When the mage enters it can copy Twinflame, with the copy targeting the original dualcaster, and then the combo goes infinite so long as the opponent has no way to stop Dualcaster mage from triggering. I get that Reverb is a mana cheaper, but being a creature makes the mage more versatile if you don't have the other half of the combo in hand.

September 11, 2017 12:51 p.m.

On3wheels says... #22

I ran the twinflame/dualcaster combo in the earliest version of this deck. Solid 2 card combo. But found ittoo hard to get the 4 red early and when ad nauseam went in, all the creatures worth copying where removed. So twinflame became a dead card. But I like the combo so it got moved to a mardu deck i have that leans more red and has creatures worth copying for a turn like Master of Cruelties

September 11, 2017 6:46 p.m.

sushilord7 says... #23

Azor's Gateway  Flip would be a good way to get a lot of mana especially with 40 life available to you but it might be to slow

November 16, 2018 6:05 p.m.

On3wheels says... #24


November 18, 2018 4:59 p.m.

vort123 says... #25

voy a meter urbog para dar ventaja al rival y yo apenas sacare provecho, que finalidad tiene urbog, sino sacas mas provecho que tus oponentes

June 27, 2019 3:41 a.m.

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