Artifact (13)

Instant (48)

Sorcery (32)

Ever since 2002, I've had a chiefly blue-black Battle of Wits deck--back then it was mostly built from the Standard pool, and could either win with BoW itself, or with Traumatize plus one of Mortal Combat , Haunting Echoes (targeting the opponent in that case), or Psychatog. Even as I went onto a sort of permanent standby mode with the game in 2003, I still hung onto the deck, and occasionally made some tweaks as the card pool allowed.

The biggest tweak came in 2009, when I decided to convert the deck into a highlander deck, because 1) the concept is so obviously ridiculous with a deck of this size, and 2) it would allow me to take advantage of two specific cards that I couldn't before--namely Tainted Pact and Tunnel Vision.

The latter of these cards has become about as symbolic to the deck as Battle of Wits itself (which led me to give it the current name, "The Big Deck", so as not to emphasize one of these parallel win conditions over the other), taking it in a direction that includes lots of scry cards for the purpose of putting a known card on the bottom and getting what's effectively a Morality Shift, for one less mana. "Tunnel Vision targeting me, then Condescend it for 0" has to be about the goofiest instant-win combo out there, and I wouldn't be surprised if I'm the only player ever to take a first look at Viscera Seer and think "Oh boy, Tel-Jilad Stylus #2!"

As far as actually winning from Tunnel Vision, the canonical method is Dread Return for Necrotic Ooze, use the abilities from Devoted Druid and Morselhoarder to get uninterruptible unlimited mana without even having to pass priority (plus lots of untap triggers that I do have to pass priority on to take effect), then use Scholar of Athreos 's ability to drain away all life while not falling afoul of any opponents who may have shroud, hexproof, or protection. That's if nothing goes wrong, and honestly once Dread Return actually resolves there's very little that can stop that, but just in case, the fact that there are so many cards going into the graveyard on that play means there's room for a number of backup plans. Blood Pet earns a spot in the deck not so much for ramping capabilities but because it provides a very specific out against losing Ooze to a Word of Seizing.

It's not just the fleeting moment with 220-odd cards in the graveyard where the deck has lots of options; over the course of the game there are naturally going to be a lot of interactions that get a chance to come up in a 240-card highlander deck. The mana base was built not to care about colors other than blue and black, but casting Academy Rector off of Tendo Ice Bridge and following it up with Disfigure on my own creature? Yes please.

As a closing thought, where else are you going to get the chance to play 15x Salt Marsh in Highlander? (And counting, if the current multicolor land template persists into future design.)


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Date added 13 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Highlander legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

74 - 0 Rares

73 - 0 Uncommons

46 - 0 Commons

Cards 240
Avg. CMC 2.87
Tokens Faerie Rogue 1/1 UB, Illusion 1/1 U w/ Flying, Morph 2/2 C, Zombie 2/2 B
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