
Orzhov Control deck for Born of the Gods. I expect to see a rise in white based decks due to Brimaz, King of Oreskos. The sideboard is very well suited to combat aggro and more so white based aggro decks. Lifebane Zombie main board hedges the game versus white or green based decks. With Revoke Existence you have a strong card versus mono-blue devotion and any deck that relies heavily on gods. Can also be used in the mirror. 4 Doom Blade gives the deck a distinct edge verse nonblack creature based decks. This deck should perform very well versus the tier one decks of Theros.

Blood Baron of Vizkopa : 4/4 lifelink protection from everything relevant but Mizzium Mortars vampire baron. Awesome verse any white or black deck and the primary win condition.

Desecration Demon : secondary win condition, can't go wrong with a 6/6 flyer for 4cmc. Ramps nicely into the Baron.

Lifebane Zombie: 3/1 intimidate zombie that wreaks havoc on green/white creature based decks. This card is the reason selesnya aggro can't be tier one. Main board over nightvale specter because white and GR decks will be a thing and this isn't mono black devotion.

Pack Rat : great threat verse black based decks and other creature heavy decks. Hard to remove outside board sweepers if played right. If your on the pack rat plan everything else you could be doing you shouldn't be doing.

Thoughtseize: auto include, great card.

Ultimate Price: solid instant speed removal.

Hero's Downfall: best removal in standard.

Devour Flesh universal cheap removal.

underworld connection: card advantage, board out for aggro.

Bile Blight : great removal verse opposing Pack Rat and aggro.


Doom Blade : cheap, instant removal for anything nonblack.

Drown in Sorrow: board sweeper for aggro, scry is also relevant.

Duress: verse mirror, mono black devotion or control.

Glare of Heresy : exile target white permanent. This includes a ton of relevant cards. Good verse UW control and any white deck.

Obzedat, Ghost Council: board in verse UW control and they have a really hard time interacting with it. If you don't attack with it they can't easily remove it.

Revoke Existence : exile enchantment or artifact. This includes gods and their weapons and also a lot of the new creatures in born of the gods. Bye bye monoblue devotion, your no longer a thing.


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FNM 2/21/2014:

Went 7-1-1 last night and took second place out of 25.

2-0 verse Dimir Aggro: Pretty easy, his deck was a budget mill, unblockable, bestow deck. It didn't really do much.

2-0 verse Boros Midrange: Also really easy, it wasn't terribly fast and heavy on the white. The baron ate his deck alive and removal took care of threats.

2-0 BRW Control: His deck was really good but he could only interact with the baron with mizzium mortars which he never drew. Second game the baron got activated and was a 10/10 flying lifelink protection from black/white vampire lord, pretty easy.

1-1-1 verse UW Control: This deck was your standard UW control deck. Game one I had to double hero's downfall his Aetherling to remove it and couldn't draw another one for his Elspeth which eventually won the game. Second game I had an opening hand with 2 duress and 1 thoughtseize, he couldn't recover and won easily. Third game timed out with a draw.

Overall a good night, deck performed as I had anticipated.

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Revision 10 See all

(10 years ago)

+2 Blood Baron of Vizkopa side
-2 Blood Baron of Vizkopa main
Date added 11 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

30 - 2 Rares

9 - 2 Uncommons

4 - 11 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.97
Tokens Copy Clone, Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Soldier 1/1 W
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