The Bile Baron

Standard* duhduhdillon


Arorsthrar says... #1

Have you ever though about running your own Brimaz, King of Oreskos ? He's not limited to white weenie and makes a strong addition to any deck, and one of the best (if not the best) three drop in standard (in my opinion).

February 3, 2014 7:29 p.m.

duhduhdillon says... #2

My only concern with him is the double white in his mana cost. The deck is only running 8 white sources and I'd rather not have him be a dead card in my hand. I could be wrong though. If adding him turns out to be correct I could see taking out Pack Rat or Lifebane Zombie to fit him in.

February 3, 2014 7:56 p.m.

Arorsthrar says... #3

He is the strongest card (as a general consensus) from Born of the Gods, and his extra token generation can stop down opponent Desecration Demon and provide useful chump blockers. I agree with the problem of casting him, but if you see potential in him, you could sneak some Orzhov Guildgate or Plains to be able to play him, depending on how much you like him.

February 3, 2014 8:01 p.m.

duhduhdillon says... #4

True, you could do that to make him fit, he is very powerful.

February 3, 2014 8:42 p.m.

Arorsthrar says... #5

Splashing more white also gives you access to Sin Collector for SB, Obzedat, Ghost Council for U/W control match ups (as a U/W control player, Obzedat, Ghost Council usually I'm going to lose as long as you are careful swinging), possibly Precinct Captain (saw this one in an Orzhov at Theros PT). Once again, this is up to you, and your deck is really good as it it. +1

February 3, 2014 8:46 p.m.

duhduhdillon says... #6

You have good points, however, the orzhov deck from the beginning of the season kind of frizzled out due largely to mana issues. I'll probably hold off on going more white until I see what the meta does. It's also a big investment on a play set of Brimaz, King of Oreskos if it ends up being the wrong move. I can throw Obzedat, Ghost Council into the deck with the current mana base. Might be better than Erebos, God of the Dead .

February 3, 2014 9:05 p.m.

Arorsthrar says... #7

Yea, as a an Azorius Control player, Obzedat, Ghost Council is quite difficult to remove as long as you don't make the mistake of attacking. The only really ways we can get rid of it then is by a Quicken into a Supreme Verdict (at least I believe). And I completely agree with holding off on Brimaz, King of Oreskos until we see how it plays in Standard and the any meta changes.

February 3, 2014 10:25 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #8

I honestly don't think that Brimaz is as hot stuff as people want to believe. Granted, i'm a huge player on #TeamDiesToDoomBlade, so there may be some bias there...

Anyway, I do like the deck, and I think that BW midrange is suited to be very good right now. I'd love if you checked out my build if you're looking to get into the lighter side of things: Death and Taxes [Standard Edition]. Its an orzhov midrange deck that doesn't have the shortcomings of most midrange builds wherein it can act quickly. The mana has given me zero issues so far, and the unexpected card choices make it a bit difficult on the opponent. I'm sure you could change things up to make it even better by mixing it with this build.

February 17, 2014 9:27 p.m.

duhduhdillon says... #9

I tend to agree regarding the lion king, he isn't as intimidating as I had initially thought. Ya BW is where I want to be right now.

Your deck is interesting, is it consistent, and how has it been performing for you?

Thanks for the feedback.

February 19, 2014 8:41 p.m.

Servo_Token says... #10

The only issue that I'm having with my build in further testing is with the mana base. It seems that I either always need the other color, or I have every color but it's in tap land form. This is pretty much just a turn 3 problem, and I just chalk it up to the fact that I can't shuffle to save myself.

Its been performing very well, and I will be putting up an FNM report this week. There really aren't any bad matchups, save Mono blue with a god hand, and even then the soldiers do work for me.

February 19, 2014 11:52 p.m.

Very solid build, competitive tournament ready. I don't comment much on random decks but yours impressed me. I really like Glare of Heresy in the SB and would maybe up it to 3 and cut a Doom Blade or Revoke Existence . I agree with the exclusion of Brimaz, King of Oreskos as he does not fit here and would hurt your consistency way more than any of the positive things he brings could make up for. +1 sir

February 21, 2014 5:08 p.m.

duhduhdillon says... #12

Thanks for the comment and feedback. Glare of Heresy is incredibly solid verse UW control, takes care of their win condition and also Detention Sphere . I don't know about a third, you could easily depending on the meta game.

February 21, 2014 8:55 p.m.

kyuuri117 says... #13

I've seen a few iterations of this deck and I'm curious as to why you wouldn't drop the Lifebane zombies to the sideboard, toss in the obzedat ghost council into the mainboard, and toss in two whip of Erebos? Just a thought.

February 22, 2014 5:02 p.m.

duhduhdillon says... #14

Verse aggro and GR monsters the lifebane zombies pull more weight, Obzedat being 5 cmc fights for the Barons spot. Even verses UW control lifebane zombie is a significant threat and I want to present constant threats that must be dealt with as early as possible. While the whip is good I would still rather have lifebane zombie, on turn four I want to be casting desecration demon not preparing the board for two turns from then, "two turns because I won't be playing a threat till the next turn then the following turn being the earliest I could attack." Essentially, lifebane zombie curves really well with my four and five drops. Hope that answers your question. Thanks for the feedback.

February 22, 2014 11:03 p.m.

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