MoonpieMandie says... #2
I have a really hard time with not having any removal in the main, and I also don't think I can make room for another non-enchantment, 34 of 37 cards are enchantments so mostly everything triggers the decks primary combo. I'd like to add some Fate Unraveler to the main, that synergy with Master of the Feast really helps to suck their life dry. Thanks for the Triad of Fates suggestion, I'm not sure ill be able to fit it.
Any suggestions for how to stop a main board Polis Crusher ? He really gave it to me last night.
May 24, 2014 8:24 p.m.
Quadsimotto says... #3
Celestial Flare ,which is about the best way to get rid of the bloodbaron as well.Other than making them sack it to devour flesh or away. If you know the other guys is going to be running the crusher go ahead and side in your doomblades or downfalls for the opressive rays and just spot remove. I will say if i were to do any swapping for the unraveller (which i love) i would use swap out two for of the ram to make room for her.
May 24, 2014 11:37 p.m.
irishwrath says... #4
This is cheap enough on MTGO that I'm going to play test in the next Daily. I like it. I think it could use some tweaks here and there. i.e. Removal in the main board, but I definitely like it.
July 8, 2015 12:08 a.m.
MoonpieMandie says... #5
Dude I built this deck in 10 minutes, I searched out all of the warriors in Mono Black and went with it. I have tried to get the consistency of seeing my horde more often than spells so its been tweaked here at home quite a in the past week. I came to this mainboard selection to flood the board with warriors and absolutely EAT type opponents life total and then SB the removal in for the second just in case there's something is a must to be handled with removal on the spot. Let me know how it does. This is my first aggro build for the set and this is the deck I will be playing when BFZ comes out and Theros block goes away. I can't wait to make this homebrew more awesome than it already is. Thanks for the upvote and the compliments bro. Much appreciated.
Quadsimotto says... #1
I really like this combo. The coinsmith is a beast. I cant really suggest much to improve this. I like it as is. I do have one.. Maybe for the side maybe you'll like it in main. Triad of Fates It would be great a great body for bouncing your enchantments and bringing them back for life gain with coinsmith or for reoccurring removal at the cost of your enemy drawing two. Not to mention it exiles not destroys for its removal and that ll be useful against gods, people who use the whip or creatures like the phoenix. Being a four drop kinda makes it iffy though. At any rate plus.
May 24, 2014 4:02 a.m.