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The Blue Sour Patch Kid: The Sweet & Souring

Commander / EDH Aggro Counters Elementals Landfall Omnath Ramp RUG (Temur)



Blue Sour Patch Kid is Angy!

Blue Sour Patch Kid is Angy!

Seriously though, why did they add him. Its the worst flavor and somehow fills half the bag. Regardless, show him love, this guy is a great commander.

Basically half of my old Maelstrom Wanderer deck... I like RUG and the same cards in everything... don't judge me. Its definitely not optimized, and feels a little scatterbrained, but it allows me to slot a lot of core cards into a couple potential decks with commanders like Yidris, Maelstrom Wielder - Maelstrom Wanderer - Kalamax, the Stormsire - Magus Lucea Kane, and even other core color decks like Omnath, Locus of Rage and Omnath, Locus of Creation.

Jokes aside, the deck isn’t perfect. I insist on only playing cards I like and with art I like, which means I’m caught between a couple directions to take the deck. With this commander, it makes the most sense to commit to Elementals, combo, and Landfall mechanics. However, Tokens + Counters is equally fun and explosive.

At my LGS the deck feels a little lost, but I also haven’t had great starts most of the time. Point is, the deck is still fun! Yet, I want it to really click.

I decided to remove some cards to avoid too much mess! The Valakut backup / panic button plan was the first to go. For the most part just doesn’t work in a three color deck that is heavily green weighted. Perhaps if I build Gruul Omnath it will work better. That said, I can't add as much green as is needed because of that plan, and finding good red EDH cards for the deck is VERY hard to compare to green staples.


That said we got: A couple DRAGONS, TOKENS, COUNTER SPELLS, minimal VOLTRON PARTS, COPY CREATURE CARDS, MOST AVAILABLE TUTORS, A LOT of LANDFALL for Omnath, and probably some combos my neanderthal brain can't figure out. So... there's something for everyone! That's the beauty of RUG.

Now, I am considering taking the deck into a +1/+1 counter direction, but it overrides a lot of things. A lot of landfall cards aren’t that interesting to me. The deck’s “plan” already feels nebulous so I have a lot of play testing to do, but in my experience +1/+1 counters paired with value engines have been the most successful in the past. Makes me wish I had money for Doubling Season but Hardened Scales and Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider will work well.

Read below for some strong cards for combos to be more competitive.

I hate infinite or effectively infinite combos, feels like cheating.

Depending on your playgroup combos may be necessary, but also don't feel like you effectively have to play dumb to avoid overpowered plays because the other players may surprise you and could actually handle tough plays on their own.

ex. Cards involving Kodama of the East Tree are just BROKEN!

Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait / Risen Reef / CASCADE, the and bounce lands combo hard to dig through your whole deck. Tatyova, Benthic Druid are especially good combo pieces in this deck. Also, Phyrexian Altar is an obvious upgrade paired with Omnath, Locus of Rage if he is your commander / a common play. Why not? Red Sour Patch kid is scary good. Adding all the fetches is also clearly important, my soul just hurts adding cards that both aren't RUG and even further aren't in our Blue Boi's colors. Not to mention adding these will drastically increase the deck's price... especially if you REALLY want your preferred art like I do.

The maybeboard are cards I am more seriously considering. Sorry it’s long, I love to tinker. Regardless hope this is at least a slight inspiration for anyone who passes by my list. See my GIANT RUG good stuff list on my profile.

[RUG EDH Cards]


Personal thoughts...


  1. I gotta lower the mana curve, its too high and you can see that when you draw a hand.

  2. Another "Play an additional land per turn"? I have 36 LANDA, 7 early game RAMP cards, 1 enchantment ie. Exploration, 5 Creatures who have direct or theoretical ramp, and two artifacts via Sol Ring, and The Great Henge. The henge is expensive, so I understand if you can't get one. There are many replacements. I only have mine because I found a very cheap Japanese version.

  3. Honestly... MOAR TOKENS AND +1/+1 COUNTERS, and a Doubling Season if I somehow become a billionaire.


  5. I feel like the deck could use some more Tub Tub Mc'Chub Wubs (PHAT Creatures)... its possible I have too many instant / sorcery cards without enough finishers.

  6. Tokens, lots of tokens.

  7. Board wipes and interaction.

  8. Another mana artifact to combo with Hullbreaker Horror & something to utilize that mana? Even though I hate combos, having one to end stalemates might be fair. Crackle with Power comes to mind.

  9. A way to quickly win. If I’m a Squidward, instead of a Patrick, an option is proliferate + infect or Blightsteel Colossus.



CHANGES - (In no particular order)


  1. Mina and Denn, Wildborn - Bouncing lands and additional filtering feels great.

  2. Sylvan Scrying - While originally a tutor for Valakut, it still functions as a ramp card if I don’t flood.

  3. Defiler of Vigor - This card is beast, read it.

  4. Old One Eye - I really like both the Tyranids, & practically permanent trample for all creatures is amazing.

  5. Sporocyst - This kind of ramp appeals to me.

  6. Sword of Truth and Justice - Really committing to the +1/+1 counter plan. This card is both protection and proliferation.

  7. Clamavus - Felt the deck needed more creatures & he’s a better Steel Overseer.

  8. Bloodstained Mire - Typically I don’t document land changes, but it’s obviously better than Sheltered Thicket now that I’m not running Valakut… despite my objections to keeping the deck strictly within RUG for my OCD.

OUT: 1. Dragonlord Atarka - This really felt mediocre… & I mean mediocreee.

  1. Scute Mob - Felt like there were better options, although it’s possible that it is better than Scute Swarm

  2. Klauth, Unrivaled Ancient - While the extra mana is nice, & practically gives you a two for one, it simply feels unnecessary.

  3. Titania, Protector of Argoth - Felt totally underwhelmed by this card, not to mention that the art didn’t look amazing in my end.

  4. Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle - Just feels bad in a three color deck, especially one primarily green based. Even for a deck with a decent amount of landfall. I might play it anyways, & lose a basic, just because I always wanted to at least have it in a deck. It was a test, one I’ve always felt conflicted about.

  5. Prismatic Omen - Simply not enough to make Valakut work, & I can’t find enough tutors to even have it consistently.

  6. Genesis Wave - I love this card, & the X cost is useful in such a “rampy” deck style, but I just felt there are better cards available.

  7. Batterskull - Every deck needs life gain & it’s just a cool card, but it’s not powerful enough.

  8. Sheltered Thicket - Bloodstained Mire nuff’ said.



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92% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

22 - 0 Mythic Rares

52 - 0 Rares

5 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.30
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Beast 4/4 G, Construct 0/0 C, Copy Clone, Elemental 2/2 G, Elemental 5/5 RG, Emblem Wrenn and Seven, Insect 1/1 G, Plant 0/1 G, Treefolk */* G w/ Reach, Tyranid 5/5 G
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