I kind of want to try Spark Trooper and Athreos, God of Passage together.
Maybe too cute, but... yeah.
July 16, 2014 9:50 p.m.
All m14 cards are legal until September. I don't know why people keep saying one core knocks the other out. If that was the case then m15 would knock the RTR block out not m14. Interesting idea with your boros deck.
July 16, 2014 10:28 p.m.
Karimzamrini says... #12
I would play Aegis of the Gods if it was only 1 mana. I would play Sungrace Pegasus but it's 1 power is quite inferior to other 2 drops and I have no method of buffing it so the life I gain is minimal. Also, I'm not trying to go over people with this strategy. I've intentionally used the best creatures in the format at their respective mana slots so that in each stage of the game, my creatures are always better or have an advantage.
July 17, 2014 1:02 a.m.
buildingadeck says... #13
I see, and that makes sense. I think I just have an affinity for flying creatures is why I suggested Sungrace Pegasus . But anyway, the deck looks very well-strategized, so keep us posted on how it works. :)
July 17, 2014 9:31 a.m.
clintonarthur says... #14
why not remove 2Imposing Sovereign and 1 Iroas, God of Victory and put in 1 or 2 Blind Obedience or 1 ow 2 Purphoros, God of the Forge i think it will give you another way to keep those creatures tapped along with artifacts plus if you have extra mana you can use the extort for some life drain also paired with your brimaz and your early token gens purphoros could deal a good bit of damage to a enemy
July 20, 2014 4:51 a.m.
Karimzamrini says... #15
Blind Obedience seems okay, but less desirable than Imposing Sovereign for a couple reasons. The most important reason is that it doesn't put as much pressure on the board and it doesn't leave me with a potential blocker. I HAVE been thinking about Purphoros, God of the Forge but I would probably only put in 1. I have to play with that to see if it works well. My issue with Purphoros, God of the Forge though, is that it doesn't impact the board much when it hits unless devotion is active which is not possible to have for red on turn 4 (it is possible to have an active Iroas, God of Victory on turn 4). Maybe you'll get in 4 damage from a Precinct Captain and a Brimaz, King of Oreskos attacking in, but it's unlikely and I would rather have more damage because in the grand scheme of things he doesn't really do too much. Much better in decks built around him
July 20, 2014 4:58 a.m.
Karimzamrini says... #16
Also this deck's curve is specifically designed not to have extra mana because you want to tap out each turn to deploy threats or use burn. That's the second good reason I won't use Blind Obedience . I may put like Smelt or Vandalblast in the sideboard for artifacts
July 20, 2014 5 a.m.
clintonarthur says... #17
i understand your choice and i fully get them i guess im just as big a fan of orzhov as i am boros lol so i i know those cards like back of hand and when i saw imposing figured droping one or 2 wouldent kill the curve to much i mean with a deck like this you win turn 5-8 most of the time im guesing so its not all that needed i was just thinking of those games that might last longer it would give you that extra little boost in the end and those extra life but im trying you deck now vs a friend of mine and im 3 v 0 he is ueing random decks from here also
July 20, 2014 5:12 a.m.
Karimzamrini says... #18
Great! I'm glad you're also having success with my deck. I have played it and done very well against my friends who are using tier 1 decks (Esper Control, Mono Black, and Mono Blue) but I'm not able to take it to a competition for a while because I'm out of the country. I do like the idea of some Blind Obedience (maybe 2) for the long game but I'm not sure about it yet. I can't use my red mana to pay for the extort but it could make the difference coupled with burn in a top decking game
July 20, 2014 8:12 a.m.
clintonarthur says... #19
you got more white mana then you do red tho thats one reason i even thought about it plus useing it with your Battlefield Forge is basicly a mana tap for one damage like i said just a idea if it dont work or you dont like no worries lol
July 20, 2014 6:56 p.m.
lakebottom says... #20
How would you adapt this for post ravnica? It seems like Boros Charm and Warleader's Helix are irreplacable for now.Could you take a look at my boros deck and gimme some advice?
July 21, 2014 11:52 a.m.
Karimzamrini says... #22
I do know if this deck keeps to the same theme after rotation, I'll find a place for Soul of Shandalar because that card is fantastic.
July 21, 2014 1:09 p.m.
Before rotation, I mean it won't be standard for long run Skullcrack sideboard just to go against the big life gain decks
buildingadeck says... #8
Sungrace Pegasus also might work well because it's flying and lifelink. It's from the M15 core, so it's only usable for this year, but it could work.
July 16, 2014 6:31 p.m.