The Boros Breakthrough

Standard Karimzamrini


Karimzamrini says... #1

Don't forget to +1 the deck if you like the idea :3

July 21, 2014 1:55 p.m.

Osiris716 says... #2

Definitely gonna +1 but I have one question, what are you gonna replace after rotation?

July 21, 2014 1:58 p.m.

This deck is sweet I like it it seems very consistent.

July 21, 2014 4:49 p.m.

Karimzamrini says... #4

I'm definitely not sure about post - rotation. I'm really waiting to see some KTK spoilers first. I do think Soul of Shandalar will find its way in, though. It's a great card.

July 21, 2014 5:16 p.m.

mpapp591 says... #5

So any m15 updates? I love boros where would you put the soul?

July 23, 2014 4:33 p.m.

Osiris716 says... #6

Well I would run Devouring Light after rotation, you don't really need it now.

July 23, 2014 4:55 p.m.

reptarjesus says... #7

why no Sacred Foundry ?

July 24, 2014 10:55 p.m.

reptarjesus says... #8

Heres some sideboard suggestions: Fiendslayer Paladin against red burn decks and black removal heavy decks. Pithing Needle for Pack Rat , AEtherling , and walkers. Glaring Spotlight against G/W or Naya Hexproof decks which seem popular right now. Aegis of the Gods for burn/spell based decks. And finally Spirit of the Labyrinth for heavy card draw decks. Skullcrack and Deicide should stay though.

July 24, 2014 11:24 p.m.

Karimzamrini says... #9

Thanks for all the responses guys! I've read them and I'll consider them on my flights today and leave a response to each comment when I land :-)

July 25, 2014 6:19 p.m.

Karimzamrini says... #10

So the reason I haven't included Sacred Foundry is simply because I don't own any and I am not willing to spend the money on them at the moment .

I LOVE the Pithing Needle idea! Thanks, reptarjesus! I actually just win against hex proof decks already because of Boros Reckoner and Spark Trooper , but thanks for your great suggestions!

Aegis of the Gods is OK a best, but really doesnt fit this deck. My goal is to have strong creatures to counter my opponents creatures, and if they arent using creatures heavily and are more midrange or control (Mono Black, U/W, etc) I just sideboard into a burn deck and completely change up my archetype. Its sweet!

July 26, 2014 4:04 a.m.

What are your thoughts on Preeminent Captain ?

I can tell you from experience that watching Brimaz go from my opponent's hand to inst-attacking along with his token sux teh balz.

While your deck isn't as soldier-heavy as some I've faced, I still think that Preeminent Captain would fit and could help to fill the vacuum about to be left by Boros Reckoner .

July 26, 2014 8:51 p.m.

Karimzamrini says... #12

I'll think about it. I honestly am not a fan of tribal. At all. People really want to know where this deck goes after rotation, and all I can say is that right now it's not changing except for maybe adding Devouring Light and Soul of Shandalar . I need to see what holes Khans can fill for my creatures that are rotating

July 27, 2014 12:10 a.m.

Osiris716 says... #13

I would try Glare of Heresy side board

July 27, 2014 12:38 a.m.

Davik100 says... #14

you sure do talk it up a lot... I'd like to hear how FNM goes this week, if we may.

July 30, 2014 1:49 a.m.

Karimzamrini says... #15

Haha I will absolutely let you know. I've been traveling for the past month so when I get back into my city I can go to my LGS standard night (next Wednesday) and FNM

July 30, 2014 12:54 p.m.

mbern says... #16

What are you going to do with this post rotation?

July 31, 2014 12:15 p.m.

Karimzamrini says... #17

I'm waiting to see what Khans gives us, but right now I'm thinking I'm going to be more late game than I currently am. I'll be adding another Brimaz, King of Oreskos as well as 2 more Stormbreath Dragon and 2 Soul of Shandalar .

Unfortunately I lose the meat of the deck, and the next set is wedge so I will probably change this to a Mardu deck (B/W/R) for more options. I still have to see what creatures Khans brings.

July 31, 2014 12:33 p.m.

Osiris716 says... #18

I'd also add the Lightning Strike mainboard

July 31, 2014 12:40 p.m.

Osiris716 says... #19

Or the Magma Jet

July 31, 2014 12:44 p.m.

Karimzamrini says... #20

I'll probably put the Magma Jet main board too. I lose Mizzium Mortars which can be pretty devastating. I'll probably increase the Chained to the Rocks and Banishing Light as well to compensate depending on where or not we get good Boros two and three drop creatures

July 31, 2014 12:44 p.m.

Hatchman says... #21

Very Nice +1 ;)

August 4, 2014 5:36 p.m.

Osiris716 says... #22

Have you ever thought of Ajani Steadfast or Chandra, Pyromaster for after rotation.

August 4, 2014 6:15 p.m.

Karimzamrini says... #23

Both. They will probably both be in the deck as a two of. I also traded for another Stormbreath Dragon to put in the deck so I think I'm going to take out Imposing Sovereign for 2 Blind Obedience , a Mountain , and a Stormbreath Dragon


August 4, 2014 11:04 p.m.

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