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The Boros Legion is Recruiting!

Commander / EDH RW (Boros) Soldiers Tribal


The Boros Legion is recruiting! Find your nearest guild representative to apply.

So this deck is a double feature; it can run either Adriana, Captain of the Guard or Tajic, Blade of the Legion as commanders. Adriana for large multiplayer games(more than 3), Tajic for everything else.Adriana's effect is especially good for wide decks like this, since you can attack everyone at once to get the most extra power and toughness for your buck. Tajic, being focused on smaller encounters, is good for attacking one person at a time, slowly- or quickly- whittling down their health with his indestructibility.

This deck has very few combos, but the ones that exist will effectively win games. A classic of Tajic, Blade of the Legion + Worldslayer will, in most cases, close out a game, but combining that with Soul of New Phyrexia, Avacyn, Angel of Hope, or Boros Charm will destroy any hope of opposition. Getting Frontline Medic's Battalion Trigger into a boardwipe will also set you ahead very far, since you'll be the only one with any creatures.
Swing with a bunch of things! Swinging with more things makes more damage. Battalion is a really neat mechanic that incentivizes swinging with many creatures, and Odric, Master Tactician encourages this even more, and with the support cards in this deck like Mobilization, you can swing out without fear of leaving yourself open. Assemble the Legion + Anointed Procession into Nomads' Assembly or Deploy to the Front with any sort of tribal support will close out most games, assuming there are no boardwipes to be seen.Aside from that, and the two combos I listed above, it's mostly just inexorably chipping away at the enemies' life totals, while staying alive for yourself with blockers.
Aside from the very obvious weaknesses inherent in Boros, this deck really struggles against decks with any large amount of fliers. (I know Chaosphere is a thing but I haven't gotten around to slotting it in here). Another issue is what I like to call combat funnels, like Crawlspace, Silent Arbiter, and the like. Can't really swing wide, in those cases.

Thanks for looking! As always, I appreciate any suggestions or comments, and I look forward to any feedback you may offer!



Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

48 - 0 Rares

18 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.92
Tokens Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Kor Soldier 1/1 W, Soldier 1/1 RW, Soldier 1/1 W, Stoneforged Blade
Folders Commander deck ideas, Tajic, New Deck Ideas, Inspiration
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