The Bouncing and Its Damned Cruelty *Help Wanted*
Commander / EDH
[Death grasp] isn't my favourite card and I think [Debt to the deathless] or [exsanguinate] would serve better for life drain.
[winds of rath] strikes me as an odd one and [day of judgment] seems to do the same thing for less in your deck considering your two aura's. one of which is [indestructibility] Speaking of [indestructibility] GET [DARKSTEEL PLATE] ITS BETTAR lol.
[SOL RING] is usually a must have same with Signets and a [Chromatic lantern] in 3 color decks.
[Deadeye Navigator] so I see you are flickering! also [Chancellor of the Spires] is his partner in crime!
[emancipation angel] isn;t very godo here if you wanted to flicker something you'd just it. kind of wasting space
[mind grind] is a super strong card that feeds [chancellor of the spires] and [wrexial, the Risen Deep] alike as well as powers [crypt incursion]
You're playing blue so [Cyclonic rift] is a card you need! it's even in flavor woot! also [counterspell] 's are require'd (this one is a good start) I'd also say some more hard removal like [rapid hybridization] [condemn] [swords to plowshares] [path to exile] [go for the throat] [hero's downfall] etc!
[Isperia the Inscrutable] is nice if you know whats in some punks hand!
[glasses of urza] A little bit of peeking before you sen triplets there sorry arse.
also I prefer a land balance of around 34 -36 but thats just me. and I run all of those mana fixing artifacts I listed above in their place.
[Praetors Grasp] is non optional get dat shit in here.
[Regress] vs. [disperse] = [disperse] is better
April 13, 2014 2:47 p.m.
Death Grasp isn't my favourite card and I think Debt to the Deathless or Exsanguinate would serve better for life drain.
Winds of Rath strikes me as an odd one and [day of judgment] seems to do the same thing for less in your deck considering your two aura's. one of which is Indestructibility Speaking of Indestructibility GET Darksteel Plate ITS BETTAR lol.
Sol Ring is usually a must have same with Signets and a Chromatic Lantern in 3 color decks.
Deadeye Navigator so I see you are flickering! also [Chancellor of the Spires] is his partner in crime!
Emancipation Angel isn;t very godo here if you wanted to flicker something you'd just it. kind of wasting space
Mind Grind is a super strong card that feeds [chancellor of the spires] and [wrexial, the Risen Deep] alike as well as powers [crypt incursion]
You're playing blue so Cyclonic Rift is a card you need! it's even in flavor woot! also Counterspell 's are require'd (this one is a good start) I'd also say some more hard removal like Rapid Hybridization Condemn Swords to Plowshares Path to Exile Go for the Throat Hero's Downfall etc!
Isperia the Inscrutable is nice if you know whats in some punks hand!
Glasses of Urza A little bit of peeking before you sen triplets there sorry arse.
also I prefer a land balance of around 34 -36 but thats just me. and I run all of those mana fixing artifacts I listed above in their place.
Praetor's Grasp is non optional get dat shit in here.
April 13, 2014 2:50 p.m.
Take out Jace and give him to me. It will help your deck and mine at the same time!
May 1, 2014 8:02 a.m.
cptjmaverick says... #5
I don't see how you can run a bounce deck and miss out on Deadeye Navigator it's a great way to really lose those friends quickly, team with Palinchron so the fun never has to end
May 1, 2014 6:59 p.m.
@Vexton -- Debt to the Deathless wins over Exsanguinate , simply because I use Exsan in too many decks and I've never used DttD.
Winds of Rath is the one I own, but Day of Judgment would certainly make things harder for my opponent, whereas I can just bounce creatures I need before I cast DoJ and come out feeling fine.
Agreed on the Sol Ring and Signets. Working on finding a Chromatic Lantern , as well.
Deadeye Navigator is awesome, if only because he can be flicked and then come back attached to a new critter! Really awesome suggestion there. Chancellor of the Spires is a costly first play, but the openning hand hat-trick is sexy. I'll have to think on that one...
Mind Grind , although amazing, would better be replaced by something like the Cyclonic Rift you suggested. If things go into the graveyard, I want it to be because I already played them from my opponent's hand.
Path to Exile and Hero's Downfall do need to find places in this deck.
Isperia is nice, but not an overabundance of flyers in the deck, so she won't be added...
Glasses of Urza are dead sexy. I need those bifocals!!
Praetor's Grasp and Dictate of Erebos are both on my list, and will be added very soon.
Disperse , yes. Very yes.
Thank you for your suggestions and I'm terribly sorry it took me so very long to acknowledge your assistance!
@cptjmaverick -- Very true, and although Palinchron is pretty costly, I need to cough up the cash to get it, because it is just beyond awesome.
Thanks for that suggestion and sorry my response was so late!
@scorchedskiddie -- As of this moment, Scourge of Fleets is not the card for this deck. I just don't run enough Islands to make me feel like it would do very much good. Other cards that do the same or similar thing would be awesome, so if you know of any, let me know!
Thanks and sorry my response was so late!
@Visioner -- Screw you, buddy! You already know better than to ask about my Jace!! XD
Isn't it enough that I give you most of my multiples that you need for your Izzet stuff?! HAhaha
June 15, 2014 8:29 p.m.
@Vexton -- Almost forgot, the reason for Indestructibility over Darksteel Plate is the wording. "Permanent" protects my Venser, the Sojourner from being removed too easily before I can get my ultimate ability off.
June 15, 2014 8:33 p.m.
uh.... Venser takes damage in the form of removing counters... and yes you stil ltake damage when indestructible it just prevents the destroyed step. of a permanent. sadly having 0 loyalty is the equivalent of having a 0/0 indestructible. it's a good idea but sadly the rules don't stand.
Source: Multiple forums including judges forum and personal experience,
June 16, 2014 4:18 p.m.
@Vexton -- Yeah, I understand that, but it will keep it safe from destroy spells in the very least. It can also be used to enchant other permanents, like Mycosynth Lattice and Celestial Dawn , which this deck kind of needs to run the other half of the aspect. As well as I can attach it whatever I need by blinking it, or at least I THINK I can. Maybe the blinking doesn't let me attach it to other things, but... still.
June 16, 2014 4:47 p.m.
carpecanum says... #11
You Casa is Mi Casa is a Sen Triplets deck i put together for a friend with a bunch of different bouncing options from this deck (and some of the same).
Isochron Scepter works with a few of your instants already and it would be easy to trade a few more in and out to have more 2 mana instants to choose from. Nice cheap bouncing every round.
I tried to put in a bunch of cards that specifically can bounce lands for me to play from my opponents hand.
andydw says... #1
Its hard for me to see the intention of your deck. If the intention of your theme is to have your good enter the battlefield creatures keep on coming back you will want to add more cards like Vela the Night-Clad and Conjurer's Closet to give the effect more of a bite.
If you want this deck to be more of a control deck you need more repeatable answers in it like Forbid .
Some ideas of cards that you might want to play that allow you to take advantage of your commander are Evacuation , Hurkyl's Recall , Venser, Shaper Savant , Cyclonic Rift , Capsize , Silent-Blade Oni and Seer's Vision .
You probably also want to play a few wrath effects like Wrath of God and Supreme Verdict .
You may also want to put in a few cards like Wayfarer's Bauble and Solemn Simulacrum for mana ramp since you deck seems to really want to play stuff from other decks with the extra mana.
August 30, 2013 10:55 a.m.