The boy who cried "Slivers!"

Standard GeneralG


sadiuh says... #1

I like slivers a lot so cool deck. Id suggest putting the 2 domri rade in and taking gruul charms out, and putting them in the sideboard to replace darksteel ingot.

September 14, 2013 1:51 p.m.

R3M3DY says... #2

Slivers are just simply awesome. Personally I'd have 4 manaweft, and use 2 Garruk, Caller of Beasts. I would drop all gruul charms and use 4 boros charm, perhaps also considering a couple mutavaults instead of the passages? And I'm not overly sure you would need chromatic lanterns in 3 colour. I'd probably consider a couple selesnya charms to help deal with bigger objects like desecration demons haha, but yeah it looks cool! Upvote from me!

September 19, 2013 10:26 a.m.

Oatmeal says... #3

I like it, its very similar to mine.

You have no need for Chromatic Lantern or the Darksteel Ingot since your running Manaweft Sliver . If you think you need it to splash for Ready / Willing you dont. just run 4 Manaweft Sliver

I would also suggest to put the Gruul Charm in the sideboard and the Hive Stirrings in your main. If you do remove the lanterns add in some control or removal.

Take a look at my deck and give it a few test works great and may spark some ideas for yours. I will be updating it soon with a some Theros. Mogwai Slivers

September 19, 2013 4:19 p.m.

GeneralG says... #4

The issue with running all Manaweft Sliver is their easy targets for damage based instant/sorcery spells, or creature board wipes. If anything, I could move them into the side board and kick the Darksteel Ingot . The Ready / Willing is there just for the "Ready" ability. If you can pull the other part off, Bonus. I can never keep Manaweft Sliver on the board. There's less destroy artifact cards in decks than deal (X) damage cards. I do appreciate everyone's input and I definitely will be doing some serious work on the deck when Theros officially comes out.

September 19, 2013 9:30 p.m.

HappehNinja says... #5

I would take off Steelform Sliver and throw in one more manaweft sliver and either one more Striking Sliver or Bonescythe Sliver . I don't like Door of Destinies but if it works for you, keep it.

September 22, 2013 10:04 a.m.

FlamingRage says... #6

You (and anyone else) should check out my deck and give me some feedback. I really want to make a good Standard sliver deck! Rage's Theros Stand. Slivers

September 27, 2013 11:53 a.m.

dadadart says... #7

Hive Stirrings is greate card. I think there must be 3 or 4.

September 29, 2013 9:23 a.m.

evncrbch says... #8

I have a naya slivers deck, and the advice I'd offer to you would be to add in some extra removal such as Lightning Strike , and take out Steelform Sliver . Personally I like a 3-4 of of Hive Stirrings and at least a 3 of of Bonescythe Sliver . Otherwise, the deck looks pretty nice and I hope it works out great! +1!

October 14, 2013 9:18 a.m.

Hellion says... #9

Bow of Nylea is critical for standard slivers! I use it with mine and it's insane. With so many first strike / double strike that deathtouch will kill them before they can say OMG SO MANY SLIVERS. Also Thorncaster sliver makes the bow over powered. You can assign deathtouch damage via thorns shot from any sliver before combat damage. Sweep the board and then attack.

October 19, 2013 12:06 p.m.

check my deck out Sliver Bites -_-

October 20, 2013 9:56 a.m.

jchudz says... #11

one thing i did differently in my sliver deck that you may want to consider is Signal the Clans . I often found it useful since even if it is a random creature among 3, i can usually think of 3 separate slivers that will be useful for the current board state.

I would also recommend having the playset of Manaweft Sliver and probably another Sentinel Sliver since the vigilance, tap for mana combo really speeds up the deck.

If you want too se what else i did differently look at By our powers combined (naya slivers)

October 25, 2013 1:55 p.m.

HappehNinja says... #12

Dude, you must run a playset of Striking Sliver and Manaweft Sliver . Another Blur Sliver and another Bonescythe Sliver would do. Don't run Hive Stirrings , it's too slow and have mayor dependence on other slivers. I'm still not too sure about Door of Destinies ... it's mostly slow.

October 26, 2013 12:29 p.m.

I feel like Manaweft Sliver is the most valuable one and gets targeted for removal often, so I'd want 4 of those. Also, pre-rotation, there was a guy who made a couple Top 8's at my shop with a Sliver deck, and what seemed to make his deck work was that he ran 4 Garruk, Caller of Beasts , which he could ramp into on turn 4-ish pretty consistently with the Manawefts, to keep the Slivers coming. This is a great way to beat Supreme Verdict , which is the bane of Sliver decks since they require you to have a few out to be effective, so having a card advantage engine can allow you to stay aggressive and not have to tiptoe around that. His deck was mostly Naya, but he also splashed Blue for Galerider Sliver and Simic Charm to protect both his Slivers and his Planeswalkers.

If it were me, I'd cut Gruul War Chant, Gruul Charm, and/or Signal the Clans to make room for some of those cards. You also have tons of protection / indestructible cards that almost borders on overkill, so you might experiment without Ready / Willing or God's Willing or move some to the side, even though both are good cards.

December 7, 2013 5:15 p.m.

jchudz says... #14

you probably want to swap out Gruul War Chant for Bow of Nylea also, Rogue's Passage doesn't seem to be doing much for you since your deck revolves around all your creatures building on each other. A would suggest replacing them with dual lands in your colors. I'd also recommend splashing either black for Syphon Sliver and Golgari Charm or splashing blue for Galerider Sliver and Simic Charm .

December 7, 2013 6:40 p.m.

GeneralG says... #15

As for the Garruk, Caller of Beasts , I like that idea. That would work well with the deck. Originally I had the 2 Door of Destinies in the main board and the Chant's in the side, after playing a few games of standard, i realized that was bad. I've been considering tossing the Bow in there for quite some time, it's just been getting my hands on 2 of them. I'd like to keep the chants for now in the side board, or until i can find a better substitute for them, and main board Bow of Nylea when i get my hands on one.

I don't like the idea of splashing the blue just for a Galerider Sliver . While it get's me over their creatures, the guys I play standard with have a ton of flier hate, so I'd end up shooting my own foot with that one. The Simic Charm and the cards for the splash of black are a good idea, but when it comes to 4 colors, it'll be difficult getting the 4th color mana out there.

I definitely will consider getting the Bow of Nylea , and Garruk, Caller of Beasts . I do appreciate both of your inputs on this, and thanks for the tips.

December 7, 2013 8:19 p.m.

I would put 1 Bow of Nylea main because 1stly it gives your creatures deathtough and secondly with thorncaster you have death pings

December 8, 2013 1:40 a.m.

quaker171 says... #17

If you're having mana problems, add in some more Manawefts. One of my buddies runs a penta slivers and the synergy just between manaweft and blur is crazy. I think the manawefts should be a 4-of, they're just that reliable and powerful as ramp, and they draw attention from other, more potent slivers. Manawefts and the Sentinels allow for an alpha-strike and some instant play on opponents' turns, be it to save your swarm or just use the bow to beef something up or whathaveyou. You don't even really need to adjust your land-base to go out of color if you've got a Manaweft on the field, since they tap for any color. Syphon Sliver is just crazy if you can tag-team him with your Thorncasters, too. If you do expand into black, Whip of Erebos is also a thing to consider, since you can revive a fallen packmember for a much harder hit. The lifegain isn't half bad either.

December 17, 2013 9:30 p.m.

Derabus says... #18

Have you considered Door of Destinies ?

December 22, 2013 12:14 p.m.

GeneralG says... #19

My original version of this deck had them main boarded but they were just too slow. Unless I was playing a game of free for all, they never saw play other than having one counter on them. At that point, I swapped them out for the bows, which are doing wonders in the deck.

December 23, 2013 10:34 a.m.

Derabus says... #20

Ah, I would say the Bow of Nylea trumps the Door of Destinies . Good call.

December 23, 2013 3:14 p.m.

Door of Destinies isn't so bad here that I would remove it completely. It could actually be very effective against control decks, especially since you get a charge even if a Sliver gets countered, so I'd put it on the side. I had a GW Humans deck pre-rotation that also relied on getting a lot of creatures on the table (it had cards like Champion of the Parish , Champion of Lambholt , and token-makers like Gather the Townsfolk and Increasing Devotion ) and the Door helped me from having to risk losing all of my guys to a Supreme Verdict . Against control, it will be much better than the Bow since all of your creatures will become high-value threats before long.

December 23, 2013 5:35 p.m.

I think Chained to the Rocks is better than Lightning Strike

December 29, 2013 8:40 a.m.

Derkudominus says... #23

Chromatic Lantern Makes your Manaweft Sliver not so crucial., but still important. So another Xenagos, The Reveler and mana ramp is controlled. I still love Garruk's Horde in a sliver deck...

January 28, 2014 10:28 a.m.

GeneralG says... #24

I used to run the Lantern's in this deck, however i'd rather use that 3 mana to cast another sliver or keep that mana open so I can keep from getting board wiped. I don't usually have issues with mana, so the Manaweft Sliver s are more than enough mana fix. I like the idea surrounding the Garruk's Horde but it'll be too late in the game till I have the mana for it.

January 28, 2014 11:38 a.m.

ginko2580 says... #25

Check out my "awesome sliver deck" .... oh, ..... nevermind... :)

Xenagos, I had him in with my slivers but decided to let him go and aim for Domri's, and just made sure to "Maximize" Sliver's in deck rather than spells and use Domri's 1st ability to its "Max".... You WANT the Sliver's before you NEED the Mana, Sliver's are relatively cheap in CMC, YOU have 5 out of 8 Sliver's costing 3 or less CMC! Also Domri is cheaper at 3 CMC.

You don't think you could get away with 1 less land and add in the 4th Manaweft sliver? The other part I love with Sliver's is that they all only ever need 1 color and X colorless mana... if you added in a couple Swamps you might find it helps with playing both sides of Ready / Willing (Lifelink is the key there) and also opens up the next couple of suggestions below for you side board. Those 11 Forests/Mountains... maybe -2x of each, and add +2x G/B Overgrown Tomb and R/B Blood Crypt , OR the "Scry Temples" (of which this weekend R/B temple is now available)... you do have ready/willing in your deck... USE IT (awesome card).

At 22 lands, I did choose 5 colours of Mana Producing, but only chose B/W/R/G Slivers... Manaweft Sliver is ALWAYS the target early in a Sliver deck, So I needed extra protection for him.

Abrupt Decay , Putrefy , Dreadbore , Slaughter Games all need Black but could be very useful to help your sliver's in a 2nd and 3rd game of each tourney round. I think Slaughter Games is the main card I wanna suggest here, If you know the deck your opponent is playing, try and end it by exiling his "Combo's" .... God I hate seeing Supreme Verdict and Sphinx's Revelation 's... and I wish Jace's and Elspeth would just go climb in bed together and F#@ken STAY THERE!

Ring of Three Wishes was another card I started playing with (I'm curious to know if sliver's mana can make this card work)... Sliver Decks can produce a lot of mana, might be helpful to find a sliver or SPELL you are missing... and you do have a few "2-of's" in here... but I do love the Signal the Clans in here even though it finds only creatures, I think I might add it back in my Sliver deck, (WHEN the "Ring" does turn out to

Nice deck you got here, and if you want some more suggestions take a look at my awesome............. oh, ya!?! ............... Nevermind. :)

Happy "Slivering" Brood buddy.

January 28, 2014 12:58 p.m.

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