A Quest for Ula's Temple combo deck. Suggestions welcome!
This is an all in Ula's Temple deck, and it is practically the only way the deck can win. You will probably want to mulligan until you get it, i'm considering Serum Powder for this purpose.
To enable Quest, you have 24 creatures though I might need to raise this count. Many of them scry so as to help get counters on Quest. Augury Owl and Sage of Epityr are essential for this role and Omenspeaker helps too.
Sepllskite protects Quest from Abrupt Decay and other things.
Snapcaster brings back Clockspinning for more counters, Turn Aside to protect Quest or Mystic Speculation to scry.
Grozoth will fill your hand with the game ender Inkwell Leviathan,a beefy 7/11 with shroud that should end the game barring a wrath.
Clockspinning helps ramp up Quest, with multiples making a turn two Quest activation possible.
Turn Aside is for protection and Mystic Speculation is for early scrying.
Fetchlands are synergistic with Quest as when your card is revealed on your upkeep and it shows up to be a non creature you can sac the fetch to shuffle and hope to get something better.