Lol indeed. Though admittedly, I thought you were joking hahaha. You know, the more I look at things the more I feel like this deck will be staying pretty much the same until rotation. Archangel of Thune
is just soo good and in order to play a lot of the things I want to play, I need to transform the build into a Nissa ramp build.
I may still play around with a couple Life's Legacy and/or Chord of Calling . The build after rotation will be very different, though.
July 11, 2014 11:12 p.m.
PriestofOrzhov says... #5
It's an awesome deck. When you get a chance, can you look over my Selesyna deck and tell me what you think?
July 12, 2014 12:04 a.m.
I don't mind at all, PriestofOrzhov. I enjoy giving help! Mind linking it?
July 12, 2014 12:14 a.m.
Love the deck, I love Walkers and GW is in general my style. So the fact you have mixed them both turns my gears. Ajani, Mentor of Heroes my fav card this block including M15 as well. Looking forward to your new rendition including Nissa and Ajani. Keep up the good work +1
July 14, 2014 5:56 a.m.
Thanks a ton, KittyCOW! I'll always love positive feedback :)
I've been testing with a Nissa + Ajani brew for a little now. From what I can see, Nissa is an incredible powerhouse. Splashing white for Ajani and Banishing Light looks promising, as it can handle a couple threats that I normally would not be able to handle in Mono-green. I hope you stay posted!
July 16, 2014 6:11 p.m.
Most definitely will, been trying out some Mono Green Devotion with Nissa. But I have not really been able to figure out a decent build with Ajani in as well. Hope to see your build soon and maybe go from there as a starting point. Thanks for the hard work
July 18, 2014 4:05 a.m.
NarwalNinja says... #10
This deck is sexy, and there's not a thing I would change. +1
August 9, 2014 6:39 p.m.
StanleyHartman says... #12
Nyx-Fleece Ram should be in your sideboard for aggro decks over Nylea's Disciple
August 12, 2014 5:23 p.m.
StanleyHartman: In the original build, Nyx-Fleece Ram was included as a shoe-in (in fact, I had it mainboard...). However, as time went on I found how horribly I lost to Madcap Skills decks. Now that aggro decks are facing away from that card a tiny bit, it might be time for the ram to come back. Still, with so little time remaining before this deck is lost to rotation I think I'll just keep it as is.
Until aggro curb-stomps me. THEN I'll switch back :P
Thanks for the comment!
August 12, 2014 5:48 p.m.
GobStoppers says... #14
I'd recommend Armada Wurm , Grove of the Guardian , and Unflinching Courage .
August 13, 2014 9:30 a.m.
Thanks for the suggestions, guys. Unflinching Courage is an example of a card that can fit very well in this deck, but that is meta-dependent. Right now aggro is the new hotness, from what I understand, in the form of things like Rabble-red and GW aggro. While the meta remains this way, I'd recommend having Unflinching Courage somewhere in the 75, likely in the sideboard. The only reason I'm not bothering with adjusting this build for the current meta is that it will very soon be rotating out. I'm putting all my efforts into getting my next brew ready :)
PriestofOrzhov says... #1
very decent, though you could just be all around broken and replace Elspeth, Sun's Champion, with Elspeth Knight Errant, and have an army of indestructible everythings and more life then you know what to do with.
July 11, 2014 9:58 p.m.