The conspiracy lives on...

Modern* Scytec


Scytec says... #1

@Froggy7521 - I do not need another win condition, but that is an awesome combo I have never seen before, so I am going to brew a build around that. Haha Thanks!! As for the other cards, tutor would be great if I ran more than 2 enchantmemts, but I dont, so I do not think it would be incredibly useful here, grollub is interesting, but slow and too high costed, Avenger is something I would run if I didn't run pack rat...I do not want to discard that much. Last breath is great though, it screws with twin, and a few other high tier decks, so that will be added. Thanks you!!

October 24, 2015 10:52 a.m.

Bovine073 says... #2

Alms Beast, I have always liked in a deck like this.

December 19, 2015 2:54 p.m.

Scytec says... #3

@Bovine073 - Alms Beast is a card I have been considering for awhile. My main issue with it is that I HAVE to have Tainted Remedy on the field for it to be effective. So it limits it's usefulness. Every other card in my deck serves additional purposes, and versatility is incredibly important in my meta.

December 19, 2015 4:05 p.m.

Bovine073 says... #4

Well, this deck is really quite controllish, so I think you could get away with running 1-2 and have them gain a bit at the beginning in order to have a bit of meat. Have you considered splashing blue for some more control? I think you should mainboard a board wipe, probably Wrath of God.

If you have Tainted Remedy out, extra life gained from Alms Beast won't ever matter with stalling and having one Elixir of Immortality.

As a side note, splashing green could be good, because of both Heroes' Reunion and Kavu Predator, which will basically give your opponent a heart attack.

As for the SB, why aren't you running Vizkopa Guildmage MB? And I don't think you need any Vampire Hexmages, trade em out for board wipes or another Lingering Souls.

December 20, 2015 12:36 a.m.

Scytec says... #5

@Bovine073 - I have considered splashing green before, but the mana base required to make that work would be counterproductive as Blood Moon is prevalent in my meta. This is why I run 7 basics instead of more utility lands. It could be argued I would gain more than I lost, but I would only be gaining Kavu Predator as I would not run Heros Reunion.

Wrath of God MB is a potential consideration of mine, but I have found it to be a bit bulky and unnecessary in my control heavy meta. Same issue with Vizkopa Guildmage. Ultimately I am relying on my opponent to have creatures to take advantage of this. Guildmage comes in against the creature heavy deck such as abzan and aggro.

Vampire Hexmage is a meta call for me as well. A popular combo in my meta is D-Sphere + Venser. Hexmage allows me to hose walkers.

Elixir of Immortality is an interesting suggestion, however it only truly shines in a mill be honest I'm not sure I've ever played a mill deck at my FNM.

Thanks again for the suggestions. If I ever splash a color it will be green. Actually considering a playset of Dash Hopes for this deck in lieu of the Rest for the Weary. What do you think about that?

December 20, 2015 11:09 a.m.

Bovine073 says... #6

I would keep the Rest for the Weary, it is in essence a 2-mana 8 damage burn spell, or a big staller.

Sorry about suggesting Elixir of Immortality, I had meant Beacon of Immortality, but mixed up the two names lol.

December 20, 2015 12:34 p.m.

musselhead says... #7

Why no Inquisition of Kozilek? When you're playing modern, it tends to be better than Thoughtseize because you don't lose life and still hit everything in their hand.
Also, I think there there should some amount of Timely Reinforcements in the 75 because
1) You have enough cards that lose you life and gain your opponent life that it's almost always a gain 6 in the early game, and
2) You don't have many creatures, so it almost always gives you 3 blockers so stall.

Overall it seems like a sweet deck!

January 9, 2016 1:43 p.m.

Idyllic Tutor to increase the chance of finding Tainted Remedy?

January 26, 2016 7:42 a.m.

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