The Consulate is still in control here!
AgentGreen says... #2
the10horse Oh crud, I forgot to put in the Concealed Courtyards in, lol.
I do agree new Chandra is going to be a powerhouse; it depends how many Chandras are going to appear in my local metta.
So the best question is should the Smashers go? Also if I'm going to use Live Fast; I should have something to spend that energy on or it's wasted space.
September 18, 2016 12:27 a.m.
ThisSiteSucks says... #3
with the whole meld thing going on the new lilli would help alot, i think cutting smasher for it would work. As for Live Fast i'd cut it for Succumb to Temptation.
September 18, 2016 8:55 p.m.
AgentGreen says... #4
Yeah, that is what I'm going to do; energy isn't going to cut it if I have nothing decent to use
And yes, I want Lili so bad; but unless you're willing to donate to the AgentGreen foundation for necromancy, that's not happening for a while, lol
September 18, 2016 10:25 p.m.
MagicMike77 says... #5
White Gearhulk + Kalitas is an awesome Combo. I would bump down to 2 Fumigate and Ditch the Angels to add 2 Gideon's and 3 Liliana's if you have the $ cause Liliana is a boss and Gideon still might be the most well rounded Walker in the format! The Angels are solid but what real support do they give in a format where Emrakul rules the skies. I would focus on removal, and early pressure. Have your control to get you there but Gideon and Lilly are better win cons than the Angels. I think Avacyn is fine as she can protect you from opposing Fumigates and a flash flying creature at 4/4 is always nice. I also think if a fast deck comes upon us Authority if the Consuls is great to board in and so is Flaying Tendrils and a quick board wipe/knock down (might help in the mirror too). I think a 1 of Noxious Gearhulk in the board is fine to combat Emrakul decks as another kill spell and huge tilt in the game. Mind Rot is okay but your main Discard needs to be selected Discard. I think I could warrant a 1 or 2 of but Transgress and Scrutiny are strictly better! Also more Ruinous Path in the Main! Best way to kill opposing walkers in a format full of them. Hope that helps
September 19, 2016 12:13 a.m.
AgentGreen says... #6
I keep forgetting about mind rot and how dumb it is.
We'll see how the meta pans out if the Angels will still rule. I want to keep them because of how dangerous they are even when they aren't merged.
September 19, 2016 7:20 a.m.
I've been playtesting this against Speedway Fanatics and thought I'd give you some notes.
Fumigate is fairly useless. It can wipe Crew from the board but it only takes the Opponent a couple of turns to get set up again, and by then I usually have only one defending Creature.
Anguished Unmaking is great at getting rid of Vehicles but the 3 life is problematic, as the Opponent deck wins by getting little bits of damage through each turn.
Cataclysmic Gearhulk usually works in the Opponent's favour as s/he gets to keep a Crew member, a Vehicle, and sometimes Chandra as well.
Gideon, Ally of Zendikar is usually what I Side out as he's not that helpful. I can't attack with him because I need blockers, but then Opponent Creatures just fly over, or Skysovereign, Consul Flagship just kills my Knight Ally.
The life gain from Creatures REALLY helps to get out of scrapes.
Post-Sideboard this deck performs better, although I usually want to Side EVERYTHING in. Maybe you could write some Sideboarding tips in your Comments or Description.
Lost Legacy helps to rip Start Your Engines from the Opponent's hand and deck, but the draw often works for them. If they Side Start Your Engines out it is obviously less effective.
A lot of the time wins are decided by who gets the best draw, so from that perspective I'd say the decks are fairly evenly matched.
The Opponent Sides like this:
- Devour in Flames - for Gideon, Gisela, Kalitas, other Walkers
- Collective Defiance - also for Walkers, Gisela, Kalitas, and good to get last piece of direct damage through
October 9, 2016 2:57 a.m.
AgentGreen says... #8
I have to see what my local meta is like before I can make adjustments
Here's the kicker; I won't be putting this deck through the ringer till one day before Gameday so I don't have alot of time to scout the meta
October 9, 2016 12:49 p.m.
AgentGreen says... #9
Now; will I swap my gearhulks with each other? Maybe, depends on what I'm up against. We will have to see.
October 9, 2016 12:52 p.m.
I prefer the Noxious Gearhulk in the Mainboard and the other one in the Side.
Against some decks Cataclysmic Gearhulk is useless, so I would only bring it in if it going to be of use.
Getting rid of a Creature in the late game, as well as getting a big body on the field with Menace and some life gain, could be a game changer.
October 9, 2016 3:56 p.m.
AgentGreen says... #11
Argeaux I might try that; I've been thinking about it for a while.
Would having both Gearhulks and siding out Fumigate be a good call?
October 11, 2016 10:21 a.m.
How about Evolving Wilds over Forsaken Sanctuary? These find you a land that thins your deck by a card.
Aether Hub can also work. This allows you to make use of Live Fast or even Painful Truths for a third color from energy, instead of Succumb to Temptation.
October 21, 2016 1:40 p.m.
I have ad a similar deck for most of last standard. I would find room for Thalia's Lancers in the main somehow since you have so many legends and finding room in the sideboard for Linvala, the Preserver. Maybe since your creatures aren't cheap manawise you can have a sweeper like Fumigate to kill aggro hordes and gain life since you have plenty of cards that cost you life points to cast. Looks like a fun deck. +1'ed
October 21, 2016 3:06 p.m.
I think you should take out the set of Forsaken Sanctuary and put a set of Evolving Wilds. Sanctuary comes in tapped which slows down an already slow deck. At least with the Wilds you are effectivly taking out two cards from your library which gives you consistency. Also why did you not add a couple of Authority of the Consuls? Seems great here to slow down aggro that can finish the game before you can even can a creature in.
December 4, 2016 11:18 p.m.
Couple more things: I think 3 Fumigate is too much, probably drop one and the Cataclysmic Gearhulk in the sideboard seems like they could be a bad draw if you got your field set up. How are those working out for you?
December 4, 2016 11:21 p.m.
AgentGreen says... #16
They really haven't. In all my matches with this deck so far I only sided them in once. Fumigate has been saving my ass lately.
Evolving Wilds seems like a good idea
December 5, 2016 9:57 a.m.
To beat Control you either have to "out control" it, to disrupt its plans, or "out creature" it, to make it run out of spells.
This deck is currently not set up to do either of these things well.
If you want it to be a decent Control deck it should have only 4-5 Creatures, 4-5 Planeswalkers, and the rest should be non-creature spells that destroy Creatures along a curve eg. the destruction must start at 1 CMC and get worse for each CMC you add to that.
You want these Creatures ONLY:
2x Archangel Avacyn
3x Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet
Bruna and Gisela are great, but NOT in a Control shell.
We made them work in this amazing deck: Heavenly High
Noxious Gearhulk might work in the Sideboard, but it is too costly as removal. You don't want to be sitting on it when you could have played another removal spell for less.
Westvale Abbey Flip is better than Blighted Fen unless your entire mets is full of Emrakul, the Promised End. It also helps you in Control matchups because it lets you pump out Creatures.
I used it to beat Control numerous times.
Fumigate belongs in the Sideboard.
Take out Succumb to Temptation and put in more Ob Nixilis Reignited. You mostly want draw in the late game. Ob Nix and Sorin will be around to fill your hand up then.
Stick more of all your removal in. You have access to gray spells like Declaration in Stone and Murder, but you aren't running 4 of them.
Those are my thoughts. Hope they help.
December 11, 2016 7:44 a.m.
AgentGreen says... #18
Blighted Fens haven't really done the job for me vs Emrakul; as they have other options. But I have been fortunate to do the job against her in removal.
I may replace them with Abbys as my metta is very control heavy and you're right; it does do the job in creating clerics and if I flip it it becomes very challenging to take care of.
December 11, 2016 8:31 p.m.
It's a strange title for a deck with no consulate related cards.
Planeswalkers and big creatures and removal. That's a viable theme. You aren't generating many tokens so replace Westvale Abbey with Blighted Fen. I think the curve is a bit high, maybe with all your planeswalkers Heart of Kiran would be a useful defender/attacker? You'll want 4 Grasp of Darkness as long as Copy Cat is a major threat. 2 Fatal Push because it's hard to get Revolt here.
January 12, 2017 10:25 a.m.
AgentGreen says... #20
Well I do have the Fens; and maybe with Emrakul out of the way it may become something usefull
You also forget that I can score Revolt with the Wilds
As for the title....yeah I think it needs a new one
January 12, 2017 10:32 a.m.
Now I don't mean to poke at the title either... But has Kambal, Consul of Allocation defected or something from the consulate? As you call your deck "Down with the Consulate," with Kambal present..
January 12, 2017 10:40 a.m.
AgentGreen says... #22
He's a hostage by the Renegades....only to come out when required (hence he's staying in the sideboard unless I'm up against a burn deck or control mirror)
January 12, 2017 10:48 a.m.
Fragmentize definitely seems like a better sideboard card than the Meld pair... Without a way to tutor them they won't ever be consistent, I'd drop it entirely.
I also can't believe I'm saying this, but I'd switch Transgress the Mind and Harsh Scrutiny, with so much of the meta right now being aggro taking away their turn one Toolcraft Exemplar will be so devastating. Now if you don't have a lot of netdeckers and your meta is slower, I'd definitely leave it as is.
I think I'd try to add some Blighted Fen into the mana base so you can cast Thought-Knot Seer. It's still a really powerful card and might actually be better than Archangel Avacyn Flip since your deck is so creature light. On that note, Westvale Abbey Flip can only flip off of Zombie tokens and if you're at 5 zombies I think you're already winning. I'd definitely switch that land out as it doesn't fit here.
The rest of the deck looks pretty solid, although you may want to trim the Ruinous Path in the board back a bit as its a dead card against most tier decks in standard atm. Murder seems so much better despite not being able to hit an opposing Gideon, Ally of Zendikar.
February 6, 2017 7:56 p.m.
AgentGreen says... #25
That is something I can consider; Dropping in Blighted Fen
But throwing down Thought-Knots is a hard play because of the fact that I need colorless and if I have Thought-Knots in my hand and no , then I'm bricked.
So would you go, say, 2 Ruinous, 2 Murder? Not sure where the meta is now; but I hope to get a better look at FNM, I do want to see where it takes it. You're right when you say the angels are sort of in the way; I may consider Fragmentize but I want to see what happens on Friday. If I find that I never slotted in the Angels I may drop them entirely and throw in fragmentize
the10horse says... #1
I like the Cataclysmic Gearhulk over the Fumigate, it says "sacrifice" vs. "Destroy". I also see no reason to not run Authority of the consuls in the sideboard, surely there will be hasty fast aggresive decks that will run under the wheels of this and make it cry. Authority basically says "simmer down son, let me show you how I work". Mind rot is a silly card, for the side or main. Noxious Gearhulk has no place in the side, there other options better suited to gain you life, I've already named one of the better ones. I'm not a fan of Reality smasher here at all, This is where I think the Cataclysmic gearhulk should be. Also Fumigate should be some other form of draw spell (see: Succumb to temptation, or Painful truths). You have 3 cards that give you energy, and 4 lands that require it to mana fix, I think that's a bad ratio. Concealed courtyard should be in this list over that, and Forsaken sanctuary. I would start with those changes, I think things will be much more consistant. Especially vs the aggressive start of a new format. Also, that chandra is going to be a powerhouse, more ruinious path in the sb, and maybe main pls.
September 18, 2016 12:08 a.m.